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GLORY DAYS reviews

#150re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 8:30am

And even at $12 a ticket, movies are cheaper than Broadway!!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#151re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 8:31am

For no one in particular:




"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

jaystarr Profile Photo
#152re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 8:39am

I just finish watching's WORD OF MOUTH. I will say Matt is fast becoming my favorite reviewer amongst the bunch. It seems like he almost gets everything RIGHT! (with Cry-baby & Glory Days)

Updated On: 5/7/08 at 08:39 AM

jaystarr Profile Photo
#153re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 8:47am

Actually luvtheEmcee did a fabulous job with her review on GLORY DAYS.. her review is PERFECT! That's why I dont think I need to see the show and write a report besides I am not really interested in seeing the show...just looking at the clips..

I am too "old" to relate to the characters... I am 35 yrs old! re: GLORY DAYS reviews I was in high school 18 yrs ago... oh my god! If I had a kid then... he/she will almost be 18 yrs old now! I told you guys in another thread...I cant play Eponine anymore... I am soo Fantine nooow!

(note: I was 35 yrs old last year and I will be 35 again this year and next year! lol)


Updated On: 5/7/08 at 08:47 AM

CyCoSpAz2 Profile Photo
#154re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 8:52am

Hey, if it helps any, I am about to finish my first year in college in two days, which would basically be the correct age group... and even I found it hard to relate.

#155re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 9:47am

I have to agree that Eric Schaeffer deserves a great deal of blame here. While he offered support that most theaters would not have given, there is a difference between being supportive and leading people down a garden path. Especially since there was so much work to do to correct the piece and he did basically none of it. Very par for the course. He is known for ignoring glaring flaws and believing his own hype.

#156re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 9:54am

Anyone else find it odd that a certain someone, just days ago, was all excited about meeting Nick, that he had PM'd him; had listened to songs from the My Space and liked them...??? Now, that person says that he doesn't need to see the show, can't relate...

So, which is it???

For Heaven's sake... be a man, form your own opinion and stop liking something until someone else says they don't. In short... grow up. Stop worrying about being one of the cool kids.

I also must add "to, too" and "two" to the list, along with a lot ( 2 words!)

Jane2 Profile Photo
#157re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:09am

"Now, that person says that he doesn't need to see the show, can't relate... "

You're so right. There are people on this board who never have to see a show. They read a few reviews here and decide whether or not they like it without even going to the theater! Saves money, I guess.


morosco Profile Photo
#158re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:18am

I also agree that Eric Schaeffer should get most of the blame. As I said in another thread it makes one question his artistic capabilities. I find it astonishing that very few changes were made to the show during the preview period. How can a director be that out of touch? The cast and writers are the innocent ones in this situation. They were given poor guidance.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#159re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:28am

BTW- I hope you guys KNOW that I live in Boston which is almost 250 miles away from NYC(like I posted it a million times)..Everytime I see a show on Broadway.. I have to wake up at 630.. take the 8 am bus which is 4 hours trip one way....and I have to take a trip back which is another 4 hours....basically its 12-13 hours ..just to see a show! I have done that 34 times this year so that's a total of 408 hours...

I have a sick diabetic 13 yr old cat that I have to give insulin shot twice a day,that's why I cant stay in NYC for the whole week.

I am not trying to be "cool". I am just trying to be myself. I have given away tickets here bec. at the last minute.. I changed my mind. People who met me and knew me can attest that I always change my mind at the last minute bec. of certain circumstances. My same diabetic cat stopped eating on his own after his surgery three weeks ago. I basically have to force feed him...The vet cant find anything wrong with him..he just stopped eating on his own...

Now.. IF ANYONE of you... have come close to my sacrifices- just to see a show... Pls FEEL free to critize me!

Yes.. I am excited to see Nick but circumstances have changes~ so what if I change my mind after the reviews? AM I NOT ENTITLED TO IT? I am not the type of person that IF I SEE a show that dont like it... I will hate it over and over...I can always change my mind~if someone persuades me~ besides that's what this board is for.
I KNOW HOW TO LISTEN, LEARN (from my mistakes) and MOVE ON!

and I hope you guys realized by looking at my photos~that I am not from here (like I posted it a million times too) I moved here when I was 12 yrs old.. YES.. my grammar is not perfect!

I LOVE BROADWAY so much but its not everything in my life! I dont have to see all the shows!


Updated On: 5/7/08 at 10:28 AM

#160re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:36am

If we're going to have a spellling bee, it's:


Just wanted everyone to be up to snuff.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#161re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:37am

thanks for your personal information, Jaystarr, but my point is that you and others decide if you like a show from reading opinions in these threads.

p.s. we've all made sacrifices in life. You should hear my personal history!


Jane2 Profile Photo
#162re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:43am

Ed-supercede is a variation of supersede.


singingbackup Profile Photo
#163re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:45am

Anybody computer savvy can work spell check quite easily.

jaystarr Profile Photo
#164re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:46am

Oh has nothing to do with you...

My point is....some posters here always find an opurtunity to attack you personally...if they see an opurtunity.....Its getting old..and I'm too old for that too! re: GLORY DAYS reviews

btw- I was one of the first people here who formed my opinions about XANADU, PASSING STRANGE, YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, AUGUST : OSAGE COUNTY, SPEECH AND DEBATE and soo many shows.... before the reviews were in.

I never said bad things nor good things about GLORY DAYS- All I said is I cant relate bec. I'm old..and that's true! I just dont see any reason for personally attacking me bec. I said that~most likely I was attacked bec. for WHO I AM! or who I chose to be friends with! re: GLORY DAYS reviews

Like I said.. I know how to MOVE ON...and I am out of this thread.... Exactly what I said earlier..if you see something you dont like~just dont respond..end of story! (and that's a note to myself) re: GLORY DAYS reviews


Updated On: 5/7/08 at 10:46 AM

singingbackup Profile Photo
#165re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:48am

Mr. Kettle? Please hold for a collect call from the Pot.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#166re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:51am

I am not Jewish but I can relate to Fiddler On The Roof.

"I am too old to relate to..."should NEVER be an excuse if the show is well written.


Jane2 Profile Photo
#167re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:52am

"some posters here always find an opurtunity to attack you personally."

I hear you there, Jay....I've had more than my share of that.

It's not only here where people form opinions of shows/plays without seeing them. I also read that on other boards.


#168re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:54am

In DC, Eric is often described as being out of touch, unable to deal with criticism or resolve difficulties within productions. He has been great for Washington theater in many many ways. He did a fantastic job with organizing the Sondheim festival some years back. He should devote his full time efforts to fund raising and be a producing director. He is not known for the detail in his shows. He has overlooked sight line problems, sound problems and many others on numerous occasions. He casts well generally, and so is often blessed with great performers. His directing has occasionally been good (his production of Sunday in the Park was truly excellent), but his directing work is extremely uneven.

This problem is exaccerbated when he is asked to helm problem shows. He does not have that capacity. If you have great material to start, then he can do ok. His attraction, however, is often to little-done shows or developing new material. It represents a huge challenge for him.

Additionally, it is no secret that he has wanted to be on Broadway in the worst way. That ambition, I fear, is one of the things which led him to bring this show to NYC. I am just sick about how little he did to rework the piece. Every critic mentioned issues which needed to be reworked, and he essentially ignored all of it. All.

I hope he learns a lesson here. He has great energy and works hard in many ways. I wish he could be circumspect in looking at his own work and recognize what he needs to do to improve it, and help the people he brings along with him.

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#169re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 10:57am

"Additionally, it is no secret that he has wanted to be on Broadway in the worst way."

Sounds as if he succeeded!


Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#170re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 11:03am

And jaystarr - My comment was not directed at you AT ALL. Your grammar is FAR superior to those who should actually know better. I'm always surprised by those who try to be all snarky and superior to others when they cannot demonstrate that they effectively passed the third grade. And you already explained why you decided not to see the show. You don't owe an explanation around here to anyone.

Yes, sometimes popular opinion and reviews influence whether or not I see a show because it is MY time and MY money and MY right to decide how I wish to spend it, not to mentiuon the fact that I can reach that decision ANY WAY I WANT. And it is not an indication of whether I like the show or not, but more where it lies in my list of priorities. After reading about the show and listening to clips and learning about the production, Glory Days is near the bottom of my list of Broadway shows to see. I might see a local production of it for a reasonable price, but if I have a limited amount of time in NYC, what cues am I going to follow to help me decide what to spend my money on when I can only see maybe a total of 5 shows on my vacation? Others could easily reach the same conclusion even if they were formerly enthusiastic about seeing the show.

It's no different than being really excited about seeing a summer blockbuster based on the trailers and previews only to discover it opens to wretched reviews and everyone you know who saw it hated it. It can certainly have an effect on your enthusiasm towards the film and though you may still see it, it will most likely only be through your Netflix queue.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#171re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 11:05am

Anybody computer savvy can work spell check quite easily.

Spell check makes a lot of mistakes.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jane2 Profile Photo
#172re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 11:13am

I find that my opinion is very often different than those of my friends and many times is one of few dissenting opinions.

I'm glad I experience art for myself. Otherwise, I may have missed out on some of my favorite creations.


#173re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 11:22am

The show really shouldn't have come to Broadway. A shame. I didn't like it at all, but I don't think it deserved the really cruel reviews it got. But they asked for it by bringing it in.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#174re: GLORY DAYS reviews
Posted: 5/7/08 at 11:28am

Even if people make up their minds by reading reviews or listening to word of mouth well what does it matter? i mean that is why reviews are made, so people can read and make a decision.

I live 4 hrs from London's West End and if i was already in 2 minds about a particular production i would read the reviews etc to help me decide.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna
