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FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years

FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years

#0FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:22pm

So I went with friends tonight to FORBIDDEN BROADWAY: Special Victims Unit, and we all laughed our heads silly.

The PIAZZA parody is worth the price of admission alone.

The CHICAGO number was side-splitting, and so on the mark.

The Puppets, the Chita/Rita, the Julie Andrews, "Tommorow," the Norbert Leo Butz, the WICKED - Kristin/Idina "Defying," the Merm, the Jackman, oh, and Yoko Ono, among others had the entire audience rolling in the aisles.

Yes, it's funny.

Yes, it's brilliant.

Yes, it's worth your time.

#1re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:25pm

Is there a guy named Brandon Upshaw in it? He's from my home town and I heard he was in the show.

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

C is for Company
#2re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:28pm

everyone raved over the piazza parody. Any particularly hilarious details?

#3re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:33pm

No Brandon Upshaw...there's a Jared Bradshaw though.

Without providing spoilers on the PIAZZA parody -- the hat, the contents of Fabrizio's bag, the guidebook were noted laughs. Overall however the parody itself was just plain funny, but one has to know the show.

#4re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:37pm

THATS him! how was he? Doesnt he do Fabricio(sp?)?

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

Corine2 Profile Photo
#5re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:47pm

It is the funniest version of all time.
Gerard is a genius.
re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Glad you finally saw it. I go quite often.
Did you go to the TALKBACK with Gerard?
You really need to go into the words with Gerard.
re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years Updated On: 1/27/06 at 11:47 PM

#6re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:49pm

Bradshaw, and all the cast, are quite, quite good.

All a delight.

Thanks, Corine. I'm glad I went, too.

#7re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:49pm

Bradshaw, and all the cast, are quite, quite good.

All a delight.

Thanks, Corine. I'm glad I went, too.

Corine2 Profile Photo
#8re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/27/06 at 11:51pm

I went last week. Wish I was there this week.
I will be doing a talkback with Gerard and the cast on March 3rd. Hope you can all make it.
re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Go into the words.....
Was Donna English in the show tonight? Updated On: 1/27/06 at 11:51 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#9re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:28am

If you saw it over a year ago, how much is new & how much are standards they always do?

Poster Emeritus

Corine2 Profile Photo
#10re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/28/06 at 11:15am

They change it 6 times a year.
Mainly, they change it when the cast changes. Different numbers work with different cast members. I was excited that they brought back a new version of Chita/Rita (has been out for years)and I love that Cherry Jones asked Gerard to do the Doubt number.
FB, is a blast. Updated On: 1/28/06 at 11:15 AM

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#11re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/28/06 at 11:24am

The PIAZZA parody may be the funniest thing FORBIDDEN BROADWAY has ever done.

But they REALLY need to kill the "Beauty's Been Decreased" number. Has it finally been taken out in favor of "Chita/Rita" now?

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#12re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/28/06 at 11:33am

I think Annie & the cameron Macintosh number need to go to the old folks home as well

Poster Emeritus

#13re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY in NYC -- First time back in years
Posted: 1/28/06 at 12:29pm

I love jared bradshaw i saw him here in long island at the gateway playhouse when he was here in the winter and last summer i became a fan. i can't wait to see him in Forbidden broadway

Save him please, just save him My poor Boq, my sweet, my brave him Don't leave me till my sorry life has scene Alone and loveless here, just the girl in the mirror Just her and me, the Wicked Witch of the East

HOUFlip04 Profile Photo
Posted: 1/28/06 at 1:13pm

Well, unless the opening number changes every few months or she gets might have gotten your wish with the Annie parody in the show.

But I think she will probably be back - it's been with the show since the very beginning.

This is Harvard, not a stripper bar...

Posted: 1/28/06 at 1:32pm

"Beauty's Been Decreased" was the weakest in the show.

The Turner/DOUBT piece was OK.

"Chita/Rita" worked very well.

HOUFlip04 Profile Photo
#16re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/28/06 at 1:48pm

I was hoping for the Chita/Rita number when I was there during Christmas, but I guess it was still being rehearsed or just too early since the Chita show just opened. Hmmm, I'm just going to have to see this show again when I am in NYC later this year.

This is Harvard, not a stripper bar...

Composer9 Profile Photo
#17re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/28/06 at 5:36pm

I was thinking of seeing this tomorrow afternoon. How much is it? Do they have student tixs? Thanks.

The key to the mystery of a great artist is that for reasons unknown, he will give away his energies and his life just to make sure that one note follows another... and leaves us with the feeling that something is right in the world. ~Leonard Bernstein~

#18re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/28/06 at 6:28pm

I LOOOVED it when I saw it in NY and plan on seeing it in a few weeks when it comes to Boston.

Am I cut out to spend my time this way?

nolatheatre Profile Photo
#19re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/29/06 at 8:26am

I loved the show, but i really want to see the Spamalot and Piazza parody.

#20re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/29/06 at 8:59am

Composer9, check the boards (see drop down menu top right corner of your screen) for exact ticket prices and policies.

SPAM parody was cute, but not as funny for reasons I won't explain to avoid giving anything ways.

The costuming continues to be brilliantly clevery and funny in its own right.

mominator Profile Photo
#21re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/29/06 at 11:00am

Has always been a favorite of mine. Yoko Ono was a scream, and the Chitty was wonderful!! can not wait to go again. Sadly it will have to wait until after the musical at BGG's school. (which is Urinetown and not the one in NH. So consider yourselves invited!!)

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

Corine2 Profile Photo
#22re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/29/06 at 11:53am

I agree about the Beauty and the Beast number, they keep it in for tourists.
My new favorites: Piazza and the Yoko number.
When Yoko screams it makes me laugh so hard I cry.
I love the Doubt number. But when Yoko says:
:"Don't give peace a chance, GIVE ME A PEACE" I lose it.
It is so funny.

alterego Profile Photo
#23re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 1/30/06 at 6:05am

The ANNIE parody varies. There have been several lyric changes over the years, however it is always Annie in the red dress singing to the tune of Tomorrow.

I always liked the original BEAUTY AND THE BEAST parody...
'It's a trip/It's a trap/ Dressing up inside this crap...'

#24re: FORBIDDEN BROADWAY - Chita/Rita
Posted: 2/6/06 at 10:57pm

yay for Jared! he went to my college!

"Have a child for warmth and a baker for bread and a prince for... whatever!"
