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Currently Reading

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#1080Currently Reading
Posted: 5/6/07 at 9:54pm

Nothing as of now, but soon . . .

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#1116Currently Reading
Posted: 7/16/07 at 2:49pm

I just finished Raymond Chandler's THE LONG GOODBYE, which was very good and made me wonder what on earth Robert Altman thought he was doing when he made that film.

I picked up David Foster Wallace's INFINITE JEST, which I have already read 4 times. I don't know if I'll get all the way through it, but it has been on my mind a lot lately.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

#1118Currently Reading
Posted: 8/2/07 at 10:29am

RED HARVEST by Dashiell Hammett

Next up --

Probably THE THREE STIGMATA OF PALMER ELDRITCH, or maybe that new translation of Dumas' THE THREE MUSKETEERS by Richard Pevear.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#1133Currently Reading
Posted: 8/4/07 at 2:00am

I've read Water for Elephants.

an entertaining read but nothing more.

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

#1150Currently Reading
Posted: 8/25/07 at 11:53am

Finishing HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. Enjoying it for the most part, a bit long and ungainly. I'm surprised at how sanitized the movie was in comparison with the book.

Next up: some Philip K. Dick, probably.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:
