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Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!- Page 2

Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!

Patash Profile Photo
#25re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/14/08 at 6:25pm

"Women are irrational, that's all there is to that!
Their heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags!
They're nothing but exasperating, irritating,
vacillating, calculating, agitating,
Maddening and infuriating hags!" . . .

"Why is thinking something women never do?
Why is logic never even tried?
Straight'ning up their hair is all they ever do.
Why don't they straighten up the mess that's inside?"

My Fair Lady

skb2010 Profile Photo
#26re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/14/08 at 6:26pm

Most of Sondheims work. That covers most of my favorite lyrics.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I? I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

#27re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/14/08 at 6:36pm

Not really lyrics and yes, it's from the original film, but I love this line from Sunset Boulevard and always smile...
max Is Going To Deliver The Script To Paramount.

you're Really Going To Give It To De Mille?

i've Just Spoken With My Astrologer. She Read De Millle's Horoscope; She Read Mine.

did She Read The Script?

and the mirror
#28re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/14/08 at 7:06pm

Into the Woods: basically the entire show but one that comes to mind "And take extra care with strangers, even flowers have their dangers. And though scary is exciting, nice is different than good."

Also, from [tos] in Die, Vampire, Die when they go "Your song is repetitive, your song makes me tired; your song is repetitive, and it doesn't rhyme." Oh and in Part of it All when they say "If we need a quick VIP seat to Wicked, we'll get it 'cause we're PopUlar." Makes me smile everytime.

RachelO Profile Photo
#29re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 1:08am

I smile every time I hear Susan go "I do, I bet" in Secondary Characters.

#30re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 1:49am

"I'd sooner buy defying gravity."

just kidding.
I'm always smiling when I hear "Getting Married Today." The lyrics are fun, and the speed at which the words come out..haha.

parislover87 Profile Photo
#31re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 1:59am

i love the [tos] send up to Into The Woods in "What Kind of Girl Is She?"

She's got those eyes
She's got them boobs
She's got those thighs

It's the music and I'm its hapless victim

dramarama2 Profile Photo
#32re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 3:43am

'It's a herb, that's superb, for disturbances at sea." - Pacific Overtures

A little known fact is that in the original screenplay, Pan's Labyrinth was Pan's FLAByrinth. Hmmmmmmm...glad they changed it.

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#33re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 9:46am

In [title of show] when Hunter sings (in an accent), "TV actors in our show what could be Swe-a-ter."

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

myshikobit Profile Photo
#34re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 10:38am

"From now on this piece of flesh'll be considered something pretty special"- Mack and Mabel

"Mrs. Mooney has a pie shop!
Does a business but I notice something weird.
Lately all her neighbors' cats have disappeared!
Have to hand it to her --
Wot I calls
Poppin' pussies into pies!
Wouldn't do in my shop!
Just the thought of it's enough to make you sick!
And I'm tellin' you, them ****cats is quick!"
-Sweeney Todd

and "So many cards in the pack,
You want to know how to keep track?
Well, one is good looking and young and rich
While one is good looking and young and rich,
The rest are good looking and young and rich —
There isn't a lot that they lack,
Not Bobby and Jackie and Jack
And Ethel and Ted and Eunice
and Pat and Joan and Steve and Peter and Jean and Sarge —
There's probably dozens of others at large,
God knows
- Merrily We Roll Along

"There are only two worthwhile things to leave behind when we depart this world of ours: children and art." -Sunday In The Park With George

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#35re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 11:32am

Never Mind a Small Disaster
Whose the stronger? Whose the faster?
Let the Pupil show the Master, NEXT!

Love love love those lyrics. I truly find PO to be an incredibly underrated work.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

J'aime GG Profile Photo
J'aime GG
#37re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 12:50pm

Darn it, I was just about to quote the "Every I.O.U. I owe..." line.

Close runner up:
"But ya see the trouble with poet is how do you know it's deceased? Try the priest!"

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#38re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 1:10pm

Move On
Move On
Stop worrying if your vision is new
Let others make that decision for you...they usually do

VonTussleGirl Profile Photo
#39re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 1:40pm

"Lucy is juicy
But terribly drab.
Jessie is dressy
But cold as a slab.
Lucy wants to be dressy.
Jessie wants to be juicy.
Lucy wants to be Jessie
And Jessie Lucy.
You see, Jessie is racy
But hard as a rock.
Lucy is lacy
But dull as a smock
Jessie wants to be lacy,
Lucy wants to be Jessie.
That's the sorrowful précis.
It's very messy."
- Follies

Theatreboy49 Profile Photo
#40re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 2:05pm

Von Tussle I love that lyric(s). I think the general statement being made in this thread is sondheim makes everyone happy.

<------ Me and my friends with patti Lupone at my friends afterparty for her concert with audra mcdonald during the summer of 2007.
"I am sorry but it is an unjust world and virtue is only triumphant in theatricle performances" The Mikado

StickToPriest Profile Photo
#41re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 2:41pm

"I get no kick in a plane
Flying too high with some gal in the sky
Is my idea of nothing to do
But I get a kick out of you"

Best internal rhyming ever.

"One no longer loves one's insight enough once one communicates it."

The opposite of creation isn't war, it's stagnation.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#42re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 3:10pm

INTO THE WOODS- the entire show


... and I had forgotten how great many of the lyrics from CITY OF ANGELS were re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!



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#43re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 3:17pm

every lyric in [Title of Show]

"You have two kinds of shows on Broadway – revivals and the same kind of musicals over and over again, all spectacles. You get your tickets for The Lion King a year in advance, and essentially a family... pass on to their children the idea that that's what the theater is – a spectacular musical you see once a year, a stage version of a movie. It has nothing to do with theater at all. It has to do with seeing what is familiar.... I don't think the theatre will die per se, but it's never going to be what it was.... It's a tourist attraction." Stephen Sondheim

#44re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 4:09pm

From the finale of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels:

"And though two aces beat you blind, they'll never beat three of a kind."

For some reason, I just love that line.

TonyVincent Profile Photo
#45re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 4:18pm

Louie's thoughts aren't hard to follow,
Louie's art isn't hard to swallow.

SITPWG (phallic references aside, I like it for the pure pun of it)

taylorPHENOMENON2 Profile Photo
#46re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 6:07pm

Yes! i forgot about the pop-u-lar from [tos]!

Everything else from [title of show] as well.

morosco Profile Photo
#47re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 7:57pm

"Should there be
a marital squabble
available Bob'll
be there with the glue"


#48re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 11:29pm

You can't touch me there!
OOOOoooh, put your finger there! Ave Q

Updated On: 8/19/08 at 11:29 PM

BradMajors Profile Photo
#49re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/19/08 at 11:52pm

From the OBC of Bye Bye Birdie:

Chita Rivera sings in "Spanish Rose" about Albert:

"My handsome Latin lover from THE BRONX!" as if it were impossible. I guess at the time The Bronx didn't have a big latino community. Nowadays it does and that lyric comes off soooo dated. I laugh every time I hear it.

I think the show's creators realized this and jettisoned this lyric and replaced it with another for the 1995 television movie.

My Sobriquet Profile Photo
My Sobriquet
#50re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
Posted: 8/20/08 at 12:36am

From Grey Gardens, "The Cake I Had"

You had two hands.
You could have modeled gloves.
Is it my fault that
Your cake fell flat?
That you're unmarried,
Bald and fat?
