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Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse- Page 2

Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse

#25re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/22/07 at 9:07pm

Places like this MADE American theatre what it is today and it is a shame to know that it has been allowed to deteriorate so very much- but then again, summer stock is not big anymore as Broadway stays pumped up for the summer tourists. Back in the "old days" is cost a fortune to fly and most folks didn't load up the wife and kidddies and head for Manhattan in July to see a Broadway show! They went to the local summer stock theatre and saw great performers in great shows! It's called "evolution" and sometimes it goes awry.

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#26re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/22/07 at 11:00pm

The statement that was made was saying that what the Playhouse is doing today is keeping theater alive.

Which is a total joke.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#27re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/22/07 at 11:21pm

I've got to admit, I had one visit to this theater, and crossed it off my list forever.

You haven't lived until you've seen How to Succeed in Business, with only an organ for accompaniment. Truly hideous!

#28re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/23/07 at 1:58pm

OK, you guys win! After hearing that, I give up! Of course, the Playhouse was always known as one of the few summer stock theatres that DID NOT thrive on musicals for it's lifeblood, in fact ,they put on very few and those they did were new or experimental and,in truth,pretty darned awful; in fact, I don't think that even one of them made it to Broadway. But despite that, people still came because of the sheer magnitude of the talent ( it was sure worth the $ to see Coleen Dewhurst in "Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolfe?" or to see Julie Harris in anything- she could have read the local phone book aloud and the place would have been packed!
The "stagehands" that would work for the summer experience were housed in some awful "inn" next door, but the actors were given first class all the way, and New Hope had it to give. It is really saddening to hear the stories of the place today (but the organ story was worth a good laugh- sorry you had to sit through that dihope, but you have to admit, it was memorable!!!).

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

#29re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/23/07 at 6:31pm

I have a little list that I keep hidden on my smartphone, entitled "Do Not Ever Work For..." Every time I have a friend who describes a really bad experience, I whip out my phone and write down the name of the person or organization. Bucks County is the first on the list. I don't remember who gave it to me, as I only recently have included the name of the person I heard it from, but judging from the responses here, I was wisely counseled.

#30re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/31/07 at 6:00pm

I swear I don't understand you people. WE ARE PERFORMERS! That's what we do! Of course, for an employee to be treated poorly in any venue (even the Ground Round!) should not be tolerated, but you guys sound so snotty when discussing one of the few "local" venues that gives musical performers an outlet to perform. If you're not good enough to work on Broadway (which is what it sounds like) your only other outlets are theme parks (and maybe dinner theater). So what, the Playhouse is rickety and old, but its still there, and audiences come. My mom used to be the "house pianist" during the 70's and I know the theater has seen better days, but it sounds like some of you need to get out of your little "dreamworlds." If the phone isn't ringing - and your agent (if you have one) isn't calling. You're lucky to have a place like Bucks to work.

#31re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/31/07 at 7:25pm

For a place that most of you hate, it's sure gotten a lot of free publicity through this thread!!

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

Amneris Profile Photo
#32re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/31/07 at 9:53pm

I guess I'm incredibly untalented because I was treated poorly.. perhaps I will leave the business and then fire my imaginary agent for not letting me be hired in their production of H2$ with just an organ.

#33re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/31/07 at 10:20pm

I wasn't picking on you Amneris- quite the contrary, but the story about the organ makes me laugh every time I think about it! All I meant was that things have changed soooo much over the years,taking a top-notch facility down into the dregs and that's sad to see. They never needed publicity as people knew they would be seeing great actors in (usually) great shows and the seaon ticket holders alone could keep them full on weekends. Now it sounds worse than the local Middle Schools and that kind of publicity is hard to overcome! I wish you good luck in all of your endevors.

"I'm mad, you're mad. we're all mad"... The Cheshire Cat

Amneris Profile Photo
#34re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 3/31/07 at 10:33pm

thanks stonewall. No harm done. I like to kid around :) I'm home sick on a saturday night..nothing better to do hehe.

#35re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 4/1/07 at 4:35am

I think the people who say they don't want to work there are performers (though I'm not a performer) who can work in better places. That's who needs to know. If you're so desperate for work that you'd knowingly accept a job in a place with a bad reputation, then you're going to accept that job. There's nothing wrong with that if you can't get work elsewhere and you need the money or insurance weeks, and know what you're getting into.

I think the reason people spread the bad word is to caution others from accepting a job at Bucks thinking it's better than working someplace else. If you have two offers and one pays a little more, or you like the show better, but you know the place is unpleasant to work, that may factor into your decision. The big question is, "Is it worth it?" Everybody has to make that decision based on their own career position and financial needs, but it helps to know honestly what it's like from people who have been there.

#36re: Bucks County/ Pocono Playhouse
Posted: 4/1/07 at 8:54am

Dover - Finally the voice of reason. No doubt, if you need to choose between working for an employer that treats you well, or one that doesn't, it goes without saying...

But all of this bashing of the theater?! Times change, producers (and owners) change. Historically speaking, actors have always been treated like crap. The pay is usually low, hours long and the work is hard. We still do it. We have to! When I think of all of the dumps I've performed in over the years, I only WISH I could've been at the BC Playhouse.

p.s. I think the organ's gone. I'm pretty sure they just use "tracks" now (which also sucks) but keeping an orchestra together for an entire run is very difficult, and very expensive. then -- ticket prices go up -- then audiences don't come (might as well go to B'way). It's not an easy business to run.
