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Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days

Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days

#0Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/7/06 at 10:24pm

Why 6 shows in 4 days? Well, once I decided to fly to Dallas, it was a no-brainer. If I could have gone to more I would have. As I posted before, I have "Brooklyn in the Blood" both literally and figuratively. Besides, the show has a very special meaning to me because of experiencing street singing on Flatbush Ave. and surviving the Vietnam War.

Just a few quick thoughts before I continue. The Music Hall at Fair Park is a very nice theater. What it might lack in a sound system it makes up in very comfortable seats. Most importantly though, is that “Brooklyn – The Musical” must be experienced live. No recording does this play justice. Live, you not only hear the music, but with this tour cast, you can actually feel the music. Also, the audience reaction can be quite compelling. All my seats were in the orchestra no further away than Row D except for the final performance which was center stage Row H. I also sat stage right and left on purpose to achieve different experiences. As far as I could tell, all 6 performances had an excellent turn out and according to many overheard reactions and the sound of the applauds, most of them enjoyed the show very much.

I first saw the play in Hartford but the Dallas performance seemed to be more powerful. The reason for this might be that the play was put together in 2 weeks prior to its opening in St. Paul. I must give John McDaniel kudos. He did an excellent job of customizing the arrangements of the songs to maximize the unique and powerful voices of the touring cast.

By sitting stage left, I was right there to watch Diana’s rendition of “I Never Knew His Name”. I was close enough to see the tears in Diana’s eyes as she finished the song. I could actually hear sniffling in the audience attesting to the fact that she touched a lot of people’s emotions. Also, by sitting stage left and stage right you can see more of what goes on in the wings. Especially some of the casts interactions which is not really meant for the audience. Center stage was for the complete experience.

I’m going to concentrate on Sunday’s final Dallas performance for this show was absolutely the best. I’m glad I was center stage for this one. Everyone was right on. Notes were held longer and emotions went deeper. The energy level was terrific and there was a lot more playfulness amongst the cast. It was funny to watch Cleavant and Diana during “Love Me Where I Live”. Instead of boogieing in the background, both Cleavant and Diana were doing the robot.

Melba was excellent. She did not miss a line, her delivery was excellent and sang the most beautiful rendition of “Raven”. Melba received a very loud round of applaude and cheers as she held her very long note. Melba got the biggest laughs. Lee was also fantastic. For me, “Sometimes” is Lee’s best performance. "The Truth" was excellent. Lee and Diana are also great together. I really love Julie’s voice but you do not get to hear it often enough.

As I previously posted, you couldn’t have wished for a better performance of “Once Upon a Time” by Diana. It was astonishing. Diana held the last note longer than usual and with so much power that the audience actually started cheering and applauding before she was finished and it continued until Diana took a second bow.

“Streetsinger” was also fantastic. Cleavant and Diana were electric. Watching the interaction between Cleavant and Diana is a heartfelt experience. Each caused the other to raise the bar. At the end Diana, held that long high note what seemed forever. Here again, the audience started cheering and applauding before the song was over and continued until Diana and Cleavant took a second bow. Diana mentions this as being her favorite part of the play. When I talked to Cleavant about his and Diana’s interaction, the smile on his face gave me the feeling that this was his favorite part of the play also.

After each performance it was fun to have a small chat with each of the cast members. Lee is a real gentleman and Julia is quite witty. Melba is very charming and warm and Cleavant is very personable. Diana is adorable and very funny. She is willing to answer a deluge of questions and is humbled when adorned with praise. Knowing 2 of her obsessions as NASCAR and her car, we just has a small chat on both those subjects. I did ask Diana if she got to drive a race car and her eyes lit up and said no, but she will be working on it when she gets back to Atlanta. Besides being blown away by her acting and voice, there is one other thing that impressed me about Diana. Her Mustang is a 5 speed stick. I told her that I was very proud of her. Another big smile.

San Jose, if “Brooklyn – The Musical” is anything like its performances in Dallas be prepared to be blown away for this whirlwind is coming you way. Open your arms and get ready to be Brooklynized. .

"The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly, terribly deceived". Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance, Act 3

#1re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/7/06 at 10:49pm

Wow, Mateo! Thanks so much for that awesome review! I'm sure Diana was happy to talk about her baby, haha!

The Robot! Those two are such characters!

And any interactions in the wings you'd be willing to share?

#2re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/7/06 at 11:12pm

I still dont see anything compelling in this show, but to each his own. Audience reaction? The people in my audience kept saying "this is dumb."

#3re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 12:42am

Sunday's performance was AMAZING. The best version of Once Upon A Time, I thought, was Friday night's performance though. Sunday was very close though. The Sunday show was easily the best overall though. Thank you for the great review. Obviously, I'm pretty bad at writing reviews--so what I wasn't able to say, you had no trouble finding the words to say it for me.

Glad you enjoyed the show! re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#4re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 1:04am

Nannerz60, I just going to check my notes and I will post those backstage interactions tomorrow.

Parks, now that I saw your picture I remember you from Friday night's performance but your eyes were not that red. (lol)

"Once Upon a Time" was close between Friday and Sunday. But you have to back me up on this, Sunday's "Streetsinger" was definatly the best.

"The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly, terribly deceived". Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance, Act 3
Updated On: 8/8/06 at 01:04 AM

#5re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 1:16am

Sounds great! Thanks, Mateo!

Streetsinger in any way, shape or form with those two is the Best Thing Ever!

And Parks, where's that wedding pic? re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days

#6re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 1:19am

lol, you saw me on Friday? Where were you? Are you talking about the talkback? Becky (on these boards) was also there. 1/2 the people at the talkback are on BWW. lol

Yes--Sunday's Streetsinger was the best. The only thing that was better about Friday's performance was Once Upon A Time. Sunday--it was still amazing. The show always amazed me...which is why I went to see it 4 times. My friends think I'm crazy for seeing it 4 times. Did I get sick of it? The story got a little old, but I got goosebumps at every performance. When I watched it on Sunday, Diana's performance was so powerful that I even shed a tear or two during I Never Knew His Name.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

emo_geek Profile Photo
#7re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 2:09am

I am seeing the show 4 times in San Jose ^__^, I am so excited!!!!

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

#8re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 4:24pm

Diana Degarmo Melba Moore, Cleavant Derricks, Julie Reiber and Lee Morgan should be congratulated on kicking butt. San Jose get ready for a super cast.
Updated On: 8/8/06 at 04:24 PM

#9re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 6:19pm

There isn't a single person in the cast I don't absolutely love right now. I was listening to Brooklyn Live this morning--and I've realized a few things:

-Diana sounds like she is MUCH more powerful than Eden--she NAILS her songs--and blows Eden out of the water.
-Melba is much more IN YOUR FACE--very loud--spunky! I LOVE it. She seems to play the part much funnier.
-Julie's like butta.
-Lee's voice is much more rock-ish than the guy from the original cast. Goes really well with this music. much soul!

The entire cast is SO energetic! The show has so much soul and you really believe they are a family by the end of the show.

If you're in San Jose, do NOT miss out on this incredible cast. If you aren't a fan of the show, you will DEFINITELY be a fan of the amazing performances given each night by the cast.

I'd even pay full price to see the show again. I know they're offering all seats for something like 13 dollars now? That's a steal--take advantage of it!

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#10re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 7:16pm

I didnt like Lee's voice, it sounded painful to listen to. I agree about Julia though, I'd love to hear/see her take on Brooklyn.

#11re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 7:55pm

Parks, I was not at the talk back. I did not know anything about it. I thought I saw you by the ropes at the stage door, Friday night, when I was talking to Julie and Lee. They both recognized me from Hartford. I asked Julie what she was doing after the show. She said “Tonight”? Julie got me flustered. I said that she was far too young for me but I meant what was her next project. She said that first she was going on vacation and than regional theater. I asked Lee about working with Eden and Diana. He smiled and said that they were both an absolute joy to work with. There were only a few people left when I talked to Diana. I asked if her mom was still in town and she said that she left to get ready for family in San Jose. Then she went back inside the theater. I noticed that the stage door crowds were not that large in Dallas. Maybe 20 to 25 people. I was surprised.

Nannerz60, in answer to your question sitting stage left and stage right you can actually see behind the props and the brick wall. The interaction is mostly made up of little hand gestures, quick words, and a little playfulness as they pass each other.

The biggest interaction that comes to mind is that at the Saturday matinee, Mark Luna, Lee’s understudy, did his first show. I’m sure he was quite nervous because his family drove in that afternoon to see the show. Diana and Mark were behind the prop used for the wall of fame (Mark was the second artist that was to paint Brooklyn’s face on the Brooklyn Wall of Fame). Diana started to make faces at Mark and than she pretended that she was going to smack his arm. Mark’s face relaxed and than they both walked out in view of the audience. It was a lot of fun to watch.

I also have another quick thought or maybe just a gut feeling but look for a John McDaniel credit on Diana’s second CD.

"The secret of life is to appreciate the pleasure of being terribly, terribly deceived". Oscar Wilde, A Woman of No Importance, Act 3
Updated On: 8/8/06 at 07:55 PM

#12re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/8/06 at 9:35pm

Wow, what cool interactions to witness! How special that Mark got to do a show for his family, and how sweet of Diana to relax him!

#13re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/9/06 at 12:08am, I wasn't at the stagedoor on Friday. I did walk by though after the talkback :-P.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#14re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/9/06 at 12:18am

Wow, I can't imagine anyone sitting through this show six times in four days. You deserve a medal! re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days

#15re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/9/06 at 12:31am

"Besides, the show has a very special meaning to me because of experiencing street singing on Flatbush Ave. and surviving the Vietnam War."

Do tell.

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TxTwoStep Profile Photo
#16re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/9/06 at 12:38am

I would report as well on how captivating this particular cast can be onstage. Here in Houston, the venue was a large outdoor amphitheatre with relatively few real seats under an open roof. The admission is free, so there is quite the mix of a crowd, with lots of families and small children. Even so, this cast was able to keep their attention, there were moments of absolute silence in concentration, and explosions of laughs and applause. I've seen plenty of shows in the park not able to do that. McD also held a class in town with some of the singers from the show, and I heard it was really great, and the cast/musicians really welcoming and enthusiastic with the students.

I think Reiber goes on to GODSPELL at Paper Mill, and I'd love to see her in that.

Will: They don't give out awards for helping people be gay... unless you count the Tonys. "I guarantee that we'll have tough times. I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out. But I also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine, I'll regret it for the rest of my life..."

Kungaloosh1937 Profile Photo
#17re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/9/06 at 4:04am

I'm still trying to figure out how this Melba Moore woman still screws up her lines this far into the run... there have been numerous reports of it.

That you actually had to post that "she did not miss a line" doesn't say much for her ability.

pimpernel86 Profile Photo
#18re: Brooklyn in Dallas - 6 Shows in 4 Days
Posted: 8/9/06 at 11:37am

My friend Lonna is Diana's understudy...let's just say homegirl can SING. She hasn't gone on yet, but she went on for Faith in the press preview. Be on the look out for her, she is definitely going to be huge in the musical theatre world.
