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Bloopers in Broadway shows?- Page 3

Bloopers in Broadway shows?

musicalmaster703 Profile Photo
#50re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 6:23pm

Bump. Anyone have somthing new

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#51re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 8:00pm

apparently a couple of nights ago, Annaleigh was doing the wand twirling thing during the catfight scene and she hit herself in the head with her wand

logan0215 Profile Photo
#52re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 8:09pm

If I remember correctly, one of the two times I saw the recent Sweeney Todd revival one of the black chairs broke after being thrown by Michael Cerveris.

One of the many times I saw DRS when Norbert said "So is that all" to John either right before or after "Dirty Rotten Number" a little girl behind my half-whispered "Yes." They looked and laughed for a moment. At the curtain call they were waving to her.

I love America. Just because I think gay dudes should be allowed to adopt kids and we should all have hybrid cars doesn't mean I don't love America. [turns and winks directly into the camera] - Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) on 30 Rock

Gobstopper Profile Photo
#53re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 9:31pm

I don't know if this is a "blooper" per se, but this mistake worked out really well. Okay, in "Another Day" from RENT, when Roger and Mimi fight, he pushes her and she's supposed to spin and sing "No Day But Today" directly to the audience.

Well the most recent time I saw it (Dustin Brayley and Christina Sajous, both understudies, were on), he spun her, and when she started spinning, she tripped on the yellow extension chord and plopped down on the stage. It was actually really seamless and worked into the story, and I felt even more sympathy for her Mimi.

Then, he almost tripped on that same extension chord a few seconds later!

tazber Profile Photo
#54re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 9:34pm

the all time funniest blooper:

(I don't if Carol "mishap" or Barrowman's epileptic reaction is more hilarious)

....but the world goes 'round

alex2155 Profile Photo
#55re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/6/08 at 11:58pm

My friend and I were just talking about this the other day.
Apparently during each of the 4 times my friend went to Hairspray the two actors that play Edna and Wilber Turnblad (did I get those names right? hope so) broke character and started laughing hysterically at the end of their song (which I'm totally blanking on the name of right now). And oddly when I saw the show the exact same thing happen. Must happen a fairly frequently I guess.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#56re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/7/08 at 12:12am

^^That's not a blooper. They do that every performance.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#57re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/7/08 at 12:14am

On opening night of YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, the bookcase got stuck halfway through turning around. Roger really didn't know what to do, and he and Sutton were laughing hysterically, so she just took the candle out so he could block it with his body. Well, it got stuck again. Roger said something to the affect of "Just push it so we can get this ****ing thing over with."

I also heard that they once had to stop the show because of a glitch in "Family Business", and when the scene ended, and Inga says, "You were having a nachtmare!" Roger said something like, "Oh, I vas! Oh, Inga, it was terrible! I dreamed I was in a Broadway show, in a big production number, and a voice came on and told me I couldn't finish! I COULDN'T FINISH!"

alex2155 Profile Photo
#58re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/7/08 at 10:51am

obsessedjb--they do that every performance? REALLY? why? I find that kind of odd...I mean they completely broke character for like 5 minutes!! And my friend said 3 of the times she saw the show it was for a few minutes, but one time it was almost like 10 minutes and it was got really annoying. We did think it was suspicious that they broke character so maybe it was a common occurrence or planned, but I think it's totally unnecessary. I mean it was kind of funny at first, but it totally takes you out of the story of the show for a bit, so I don't think thats a good idea.

#59re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 4:03am

Yeah, I was there for the Annaleigh Ashford blooper when she hit herself with the giant wand during the catfight. It happened March 5 night performance.

After the show (at stage door) she said she was OK, but Stephanie J. Block said it "had to hurt" because of all the pins that make the wig "practically stapled to her head."

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#60re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 10:27am

I also heard that they once had to stop the show because of a glitch in "Family Business", and when the scene ended, and Inga says, "You were having a nachtmare!" Roger said something like, "Oh, I vas! Oh, Inga, it was terrible! I dreamed I was in a Broadway show, in a big production number, and a voice came on and told me I couldn't finish! I COULDN'T FINISH!"

That was from my YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN Review, thank you very much. Your snippet wasn't 'word-for-word' (per my post), buuuut, I really just wanted to point that one out... re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Updated On: 3/9/08 at 10:27 AM

#61re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 10:53am

When I saw Hairspray on tour, Wilber and Edna also began to laugh during "Your Timeless to Me." They stoped the music and everything for them to catch up and recoup.

Charlie No-One
#62re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 2:58pm

That is mentioned a few posts above yours. It is part of the show.

oohshizz146 Profile Photo
#63re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 3:08pm

I saw Hairspray...not on Broadway, at the Ogunquit Playhouse, but during "Youre Timeless to Me" they couldnt stop laughing during their improv. It was hilarious, the audience loved it.

"I told you, NO Rodgers and Hammerstein!"- Bart Simpson

PhantomTango1 Profile Photo
#64re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 5:32pm

I think it's too bad that cracking up bit is just staged for each performance. I was dying from laughter because of it when I saw Hairspray in NYC a couple of years ago, but now knowing that wasn't a genuine moment sort of takes away my want to see it again.

Here are a few mishaps from the Phantom tour last summer. There were several big technical issues during one of the matinee performances. The boat, for one, refused to work at all. John Cudia and Sarah Lawrence were forced to go on without it; meaning, of course, that they had to walk the entire lake. Then they had to make due without the bed in STYDI - that's right, poor Sarah had to sleep on the floor. The boat was still not functioning during Down Once More either, so once again John and Sarah set out across the lake entirely on foot.

In addition to this, the music box did not work during the Masquerade Reprise in the Final Lair scene (ouch!). John had sent Sarah and Sean MacLaughin (Raoul understudy) off as usual, but looked a bit miffed to find that the music box wasn't going to work ( “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!” he joked after the show as he recalled his thoughts at that point in the scene). John made due perfectly without it; he knelt beside the music box, but instead of covering the monkey’s face, he covered his own. Very touching. Seeing Raoul and Christine walking across the lake in the background prior to the final line was a bit...laughable.

John jokingly called the whole show the “non-technical version." It made for an amusing afternoon.

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#65re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 11:10pm

LimelightMike, to be fair, I also heard it from another person who works at the show. I unfortunately wasn't on that night - I love watching bloopers.

Here's another: yesterday night, Megan Mullaly forgot half her dialogue in "Deep Love". She fumbled a little bit with "That's just some poor lonely fool blowing his french horn,", but when Shuler left, she was at a loss for words, and couldn't think of anything. She was trying so hard, and then she just turned to the audience and started belting out "Deeeeep love, at last I've found deeeeep love" - without the orchestra. They had to catch up with her.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#66re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/9/08 at 11:27pm

Hey, I totally understand. I just want to clarify:

"After "Join the Family Business", the big song-and-dance number performed wonderfully by Kevin Ligon (as the ever-present Victor) and members of the company, they hit the 'button', we went on to applaude and cheer, and all of the sudden, the voice of God rang over the loud speaker with: "Ladies and gentlemen, we're experiencing some technical difficulites. We hope to have everything fixed in matter of minutes. Thank you." So, the scrim came down (which looked stunning!), and we were left in the dark for a good 7-10 minutes. Assuming everything was fixed, the orchestra came in blaring with the last few bars of the song, and Roger Bart as Fredrick (having a nightmare) goes: "I'm not a Frankenstein, I'm not! I'm not - I don't wanna, no, no!" He's woken by Inga who asks "What's wrong, Doctor?" and without missing a beat, Roger responds with: "Oh God, I was having a nightmare... I was in the middle of a Broadway show ... and there was this problem, and this big, booming voice said I wasn't allowed to finish. I WASN'T ALLOWED TO FIIIIIIINNNIIIISSSSH!" - which, in turn, got a super-huge laugh and applause 'cause improv is a such a wonderful, wonderful thing in these parts."

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#67re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/10/08 at 12:17am

I don't understand why you really need to clarify, but it's all good. I'm glad you wanted to point that out that you were the one to post it first on BWW, or something, but there are 1830 seats in that theatre, as well as the tons of people that work there, or are in the cast. Someone else could've seen it, too :).

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#69re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 3/10/08 at 1:15am

Oh no.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

phan24 Profile Photo
#70re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 12:06am

The first time i went to see Young Frankenstein, there was a scene change between mullaly's surprise and hermit's "please send me someone" well during the change the lights went out and when they went back on there was a very annoying buzzing loud sound, i thought it was supposed to happen, but then hermit started his song and then midway he stopped and the music stopped and he changed his line and said" oh god, please make this annoying sound stop,"and so he kept ad libbing for around 3 minutes, until techies came up and climbed up the right tower of lights and fixed it, and then hermit did his whole song all oer was a nice experience and everybody clapped at hermit's improvise, .....
Also when the beast comes running down the aisle, i was on the isle and there was an old man sitting ON the steps of the aisle like 10 rows from the stage, so when the old man saw that the beast was running towards him, he quickly jumped up to the person he was closest so who was seating, and the mosnster noticed him and stopped and gave him a dirty look, it was nice, but then the second time i saw it i found out that he gives dirty looks in every performance before intermission

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#71re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 12:25am

One time, when I was at "Legally Blonde", during "Legally Blonde", LBB accidentally said "Back to the sh" (she started to say shore, but it came out as "shun"), so it came out as

Back to the sh-un
Back to the shore
Back to what I was before.

Okay, that wasn't that good. Oh, but this one is. Once during Disney's Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical (RIP), a female ensemble member's wig came off (I can't remember if it was during Bows or Transformation/Finale/Beauty and the Beast Reprise), but the girl started laughing, and half-the-cast was hysterical, and some of the audience members were laughing, too.

Patash Profile Photo
#72re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 12:26am

A night at Wicked when the beds didn't roll in. It was as if their batteries died. Kristen stood there coaxing hers on as if landing an airplane. Finally she jumped on it and swam as if her arm movements would get it there sooner. But it still got stopped less than half way on stage. So she said, "I'll share yours" and she joined Idina on her bed. Lots of cracking up and improv, as during the scene the bed kept inching further on stage. At the end of the scene it was just as slow going off.

#73re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 12:36am

during legally blonde: nikki's high heel got caught in the track during the remix. she just walked around barefoot. someone was also tripping over the jump rope. I have heard that both things happen often.

legally_popular Profile Photo
#74re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 3:26am

At Wicked with Stephanie and Annaleigh during Popular:
Annaleigh’s flower had fallen out of her hair when the scene started. So for “the finishing touch,” Annaleigh realized it was gone and had to find a back-up flower in her shoe rack (I guess they keep an extra one in there?). She kept telling Steph, “Hold on, I have to find it.” And Steph was like, “What are you looking for?” And Annaleigh replied, “Hold on… I keep things in my shoes.” LOL. Then she found one and they were both giggling. I don’t even think the audience noticed at all, unless you’ve seen the show before. Haha, it was great!

Updated On: 6/27/08 at 03:26 AM

#75re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
Posted: 6/27/08 at 11:13am

I've seen SO many Rent bloopers...the Captain Crunch box flying into the audience, Mark's scarf getting stuck in the camera/projector/answering machine, Mark's camera falling off the platform during Life Support, Maureen's sunglasses breaking during Over the Moon, Mimi's hair extensions falling out, Roger's guitar strings popping, a certain swing who can't dance for his life falling during Contact, line flubs, mics going out, the candle not lighting, Mimi's slipping on the bars during Out Tonight, the champagne glass somehow getting stepped on, a Mark somehow knocking his glasses off his face, and then messing up the Nanette Himmelfarb line (that I have audio of, lol)...

And then you have the legendary Rent bloopers, like the projector falling over, the understudy Mimi who got her hair set on fire and fell off the bars, all in one day, the Mark and Roger who both managed to break their hand/finger on stage during different shows, the Roger whose pants split, the Roger who burned his fingers while trying to light the candle, the Maureen who threw her drumstick into the audience, and had to ask for it back, the Alexi Darling who forgot to underdress her Contact costume and was standing on stage in her underware...ah Rent. How I love you.

wow, i've seen most of these. i see the show way too much!!!

"Sometimes on the strip, the dreams you come in with, ain't the dreams you leave with" ~Rock of Ages
"I'm a butterfly, trivial and small, and in the greater scheme of things, I don't mean much at all." ~The Story of My Life
"Forget Regret, or life is yours to miss." ~Rent
