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Barnes & Noble Event

whizzer_wins Profile Photo
#1Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 2:29pm


I'm most likely going to be able to go to NYC for the Falsettos event at the Barnes & Noble for January 27th, but, as a high schooler, I have school that day. My friends and I live about three hours ( add a little more for traffic sometimes ) away from Manhattan. We get off of school at three, but we were thinking about talking to the school about leaving around 2 or 2:30 and get there around 5:30 - 6.

Would there still be wristbands left over an hour before, or would it be possible for someone going earlier to pick up two wristbands and I could PayPal them money / pay them when I get there? Also, for signing events, is there also a chance for pictures, or is it sign and go?

I've never really done anything like this ( I wasn't a theatre nerd until mid-2016! ) so sorry for any rambliness and all the questions, and thank you for the help! I'm very excited.

#2Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 4:54pm

I wish I could give you better advice but it all depends on how Barnes and Noble and the people from the show decide to handle things. I think you have to buy the CD from Barnes and Noble to get a wristband. As far as I know, as long as they don't sell out of CD's, you can still get a wristband. There's limited seating in the room (sometimes they have a performance or something) but I've gone to events where they let people continue to come in who didn't make the initial cut (before they closed the door). Pictures are unlikely because they're trying to move people down the line quickly. 

#3Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 5:25pm

I went to one Barnes & Nobles event....Mathew Morrison.  I got there later than I hoped,  but before the event started. (maybe 10 minutes before).  So I did receive my wristband later in the day.  There wasn't much of a crowd.  Also they originally stated no pictures, but changed their policy later.  I think, if it is not overly crowded and you did buy your cd from them (have your receipt if you bought from another Barnes & Nobles)you will be fine.  For pictures, you never know until they say yes or no.

#4Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 5:25pm

double post

Updated On: 1/9/17 at 05:25 PM

whizzer_wins Profile Photo
#5Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 5:41pm

Thanks everyone! 

I really do want to apologize for always asking "newb" questions but I always really appreciate the advice given.

#6Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 7:44pm

I went to the It Shoulda Been You event at Barnes and Noble and got there after they sold out of CDs. I don't know if this was just for this event, but they let us stand outside the room since the room was at capacity. We were able to also get on the meet and greet line at the end. We ended up getting an event poster from one of the workers and had the cast sign it. Since we were at the end, we were kind of just in the room with the cast, & their friends and family. We were able to ask Sierra to take a picture with us since the cast was just standing around talking by then. Sierra also took our picture with Chip since they recognized us from an event we were at the previous night. 

#7Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 9:22pm

You can always try calling the brick & mortar store for advice and explain your situation, as I'm sure they've done plenty of these in the past and would be able to guide you better.

Sorry I have no past experience to share with you. Generally speaking with photos, it is really up to the event coordinators and individual cast members to decide how they want to handle it. If there's a policy, I think they will tell you up front about it.

I think it is wonderful you are getting into theater young and have friends to share the passion with, I don't think it's a 'newb' question at all. Good luck! It sounds fun!

upinlights Profile Photo
#8Barnes & Noble Event
Posted: 1/9/17 at 10:27pm

I saw Leslie Odom Jr there this past summer, and it was a madhouse. I got there over three hours early, and I got a 3rd priority wristband. I didn't really mind the wait because B&N is air conditioned and there's a Starbucks. We got to see him perform then afterwards he did a super quick meet and greet with everyone (signed our CDs and took pictures). I had to buy the CD from Barnes and Noble for the wristband, and I think there is a point where they run out. I would try and get there as early as possible.
