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1st Time at Hairspray

lildogs Profile Photo
#01st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 3:52pm

My mother's in town and the show that she and her friend wanted to see FOR SURE was Hairspray. I was a little hesitant; mainly because I prefer serious pieces to fluffier ones, but I was wowed and on a Sunday afternoon at that.

My only serious criticism is that the show sounded a little muddy--I had a hard time understanding the words in several of the numbers and the whole production could use a little tightening and focus.

Having said that, I thought it was one of the most fun and imaginative shows I had seen in a while--touches like the scurrying rats, Tracy's profile on the jail door, and the opening with Tracy in bed. I thought it was visually arresting, almost so much that I couldn't possibly take in all the activity and scenic elements.

I thought the costumes, makeup and hair were all terrific as well--I especially like the prison matron's stockings with the sequined seams. The attention to detail and fullness of this production impresses for sure.

Shannon Durig was a great Tracy--she seemed to run out of steam toward the end, but she projected such ease and honesty as Tracy, that it didn't bother me much. I thought her dancing was pretty good as well. John Pinette was a little more hit or miss with Edna. I have nothing with which to comapre his performance, but I can see how Harvey could triumph in the role. He did a fabulous job in "Timeless to Me," having some fun with a first-rate Stephen DeRosa and the audience. Pinette was very convincing as a woman, and seemed to embody Enda's growing self-acceptance.

I mentioned DeRosa before, and he was outstanding. Part Groucho, part Bill Nye, he typified to me the Broadway pro. I have no doubt he is quite good in everything he does.

I enjoyed Darlene Love as Motormouth. I think she has trouble with what to do with her hands sometimes, but other than some nit-picky actor things, I thought she was quite effective and most of the audience loved her--her voice was first-rate and she looked fantastic.

But my favorites were Chester Gregory II as Seaweed and Tracy Miller as Penny. Gregory was also a broadway pro, debut or not--i found him to be the most believable character in the show. He was also my favorite dancer. And Miller is a very talented comedienne that reminded me of a Molly Shannon or a Beth Howland. She almost stole the show.

I was a little disappointed with Julie Halston and Barbara Walsh. I had always heard how funny halston was, but I think I would have preferred Jackie Hoffman or PLEASE GOD Amy Sedaris. Walsh was good, but I guess I wanted more from her--but it was a matinee, so what do I want?

Needless to say, I was moved to tears and many laughs. I know I'm the last one here who hadn't seen the show, but I thought I'd put in my two cents anyway.

JayKid Profile Photo
#1re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 3:56pm

Glad you liked the show... I saw it back in like marchish and I loved it.

I agree with you about Chester as Seaweed (pretty sure he was Seaweed when I saw it), he was definetly the most believable and did great. I also LOVED Bruce Vilanch, but he's gone now.. re: 1st Time at Hairspray so it sucks you missed his performance.

The rest of the cast did well also, and the show was great.

Glad you got to see it... just because it's not super serious doesn't mean it's not a great musical, so remember that next time choosing a show to see!

zepka102 Profile Photo
#2re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 3:57pm

glad you liked it lildogs!

Barbara usually gives a very solid performance everytime. Tracy Miller is BY FAR my favorite, as i've stated before. I also agree with what you said about Julie. I wasn't too impressed, and i was excited when i had the chance (twice) to see Liz Larson. She is a HYSTERICAL female figure who plays the roles more closely to how Jackie did.

::bust a move::

#3re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 3:58pm

I saw the evening show on Saturday and Shannon Durig seemed to be running out of steam then. This was my fourth time seeing her in the role and the first time I thought she was less than perfect. Perhaps this past weekend was phyiscally a grueling one for her?

lildogs Profile Photo
#4re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 3:59pm

It's not that I don't like "fun" shows, it's just that one a budget, I want to see something that's going to keep me up nights--like Pillowman, Caroline, or Ragtime--something I can REALLY get into. But since Mom was buying the tickets, hell yeah! I'll see almost anything for free! :)

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#5re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 4:24pm

I also LOVED Tracy, she was hysterical!

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

melissa errico fan Profile Photo
melissa errico fan
#6re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 4:26pm

Barbara Walsh (or Barbara "Wash-Out", as a friend calls her) is known for walking through performances. I can't stand her.

#7re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 4:27pm

Susan Henley is excellent on tour. I truly think the touring cast is in much better shape.

CCM '10!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#8re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 5:14pm

...but it was a matinée, so what do I want?

I would hope you would "want" and expect the same thing that people see in the evenings. Just because it is a matinée doesn't mean the actors are allowed to phone in a performance, or that the audience should give them a break if they don't give it their all. I know you didn't mean or say that, but that is what is implied. If you are seeing a show with a paying audience it should not matter that you did not pay as much as the Saturday night crowd. Professional actors should give 100% every time. And audiences should demand it.


#9re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 5:55pm

I can't wiat for Leah Hocking to take over.

Imagine, Leah and Darlene on the same stage!

Ah, the pairs that can just kill me (happily)!

willact4food Profile Photo
#10re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 7:27pm

dont forget about the fabulous candice marie woods! i'm sure she was excellent.

thenextfiyero Profile Photo
#11re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 9:05pm

i saw it with marissa and she was hilarious!

#12re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/4/05 at 9:37pm

Tracy Miller runs that show! She is P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

I guess it sometimes help that I can relate to her character...hehehe

But I'm glad you enjoyed the show!!!

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

lildogs Profile Photo
#13re: 1st Time at Hairspray
Posted: 10/5/05 at 12:57pm

Well, SueLeen, as a sometime actor, I can tell you that matinees are rarely as good as evening performances, partly because of the actors--less recovery time and the audience--they're coming from lunch and shopping and take longer to get into a show. Evening shows usually get better responses because people are a little more prepared to see a show, having already worked and eaten.

I totally agree that a cast should always give 100% and I always do personally, but matinee crowds are notorious for being low-energy and sometimes the cast can't help but get pulled down by that energy.

AND there were probably between 20and 30 people who came in late!
