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do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?

do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?

#1do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 12:33am

OK... so I was sitting in class today and for the first time in years I actually had to take notes. I had about three pages of notes that I had written! Now, I used to write notes a lot when I was in high school and half of college (but even then we had overheads that the professors and teachers prepared that were also handouts) but when I was in my first grad degree program it was all powerpoint with taking extra notes based on the lecture.

Anyway... I was pretty angry that my professor basically didn't prepare a powerpoint for us because she doesn't like technology too much, or she's technologically not inclined as she put it. So she got in front of the whiteboard and wrote all her stuff or gave us definitions for us to know in which she would only repeat once and if you didn't get it, then forget it. So I kind of just stopped taking notes.

But then I got mad because I used to be able to take notes and that maybe I was just so used to powerpoint. I don't know. I guess I'm just venting because I hate my teacher and I hate the class (it's a Human Growth and Development class)

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#2do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 12:55am

Powerpoint is nice, but ALL of the history classes I took didn't even include chalk/white board use. They would lecture, and if you didn't catch something, you had to ask someone after class or you were just SOL.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#3do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 2:40am

"do you think students may be too dependent"

I'd stop there, and the answer is, "YES!"

On a great many things - which doesn't include themselves, unfortunately.

#4do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 2:48am

As a student having gone through lots of different school of thought regarding powerpoints I will say the blame falls mostly on teachers who do not enforce presentation techniques. I've had teachers who wanted you memorized with only the slighest bullet of information on the board and I've had other teachers who've just let kids read off their copied and pasted presentation.

As for teachers using powerpoints I think it is very helpful specially when someone misses class. A teacher can just print out a powerpoint and the student has bullets to learn from.

SoonerOrLater Profile Photo
#5do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 6:09am

As a reccent graduate of teacher training in the UK and as a PhD student/TA in my Uni I'd say yes AND teachers are too reliant.

Someone I know teaching in a high school found the kids at her new school couldn't/wouldn't do anything unless it was written on a powerpoint. Teachers also use it as a 'crutch' if it's all on the ppt they don't have to know it as well (not such an issue at University level but happens in school)

I like a bit of ppt, if there's a lot of technical terms/names/dates etc but for example teaching literature or drama class I wouldn't use one.

Maybe I'm on nobody's side

#6do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 9:05pm

"As for teachers using powerpoints I think it is very helpful specially when someone misses class. A teacher can just print out a powerpoint and the student has bullets to learn from."

When I was in school (God, am I really old enough to be starting like that) if you missed class it was YOUR responsibility to get the notes from somebody else, make up the work, etc, not the teachers' responsibility to make sure they hand you a print out of what you missed.

AbbaRabbit Profile Photo
#7do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/20/10 at 11:00pm

i think teachers are too set on having students do all their presentations on power point. i'd actually much rather stand in front of the class and read off of note cards. my power point presentations are always awkward and involve what looked amazing on my computer looking all distorted on the school computer and me saying "oops sorry, the slides aren't in the right order" or "wow i didn't mean for that to be on there."
i don't even try to make the slides look nice anymore. black background and white text. it's going to look like a blackboard whether you want it to or not, ****ers. screw your technology.

Less is more
Ugly is beautiful
"My brother plays a drag queen... and I'm surprised he looks as good as he does in drag." - Adam Rapp

"thanks, abba. now i'll forever have an image of you as a tattoed hardcore straightedge grrl savaging people in the mosh pit." - papalovesmambo

"Yeah Abba. All the filthy crap you spew out there on those boards. I for one, am equally shocked. :-P" - AnnaK

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#8do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/21/10 at 1:46am

The best professors I had would put a basic outline up- maybe 3-4 slides for a whole lecture, so students could get the main ideas and fill in the blanks with what they deemed important. That way, I had to stay engaged throughout the lecture, instead of rushing to copy everything on the slides and ignoring the professor.

I hated when the professors read straight from the slides. Why should students bother to get out of bed for a class that could have been accomplished in a mass mail? It's a waste of my time and tuition.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

#9do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 7/21/10 at 3:56am

"it was YOUR responsibility"

OOOoooops, you used the bad 'r' word.

#10do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 8/8/24 at 1:56am

Yes, students can become too reliant on PowerPoint, leading to diminished note-taking skills and active engagement in class.

#11do you think students may be too dependent on powerpoint?
Posted: 9/24/24 at 3:05am

PowerPoint is a great tool, but students might be missing out on deeper learning by relying too heavily on it. Interactive platforms like Math Playground can offer a more hands-on approach, especially for subjects like math, helping students engage more actively with the material.

Updated On: 9/24/24 at 03:05 AM
