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Profile for AbbaRabbit

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Member Name: AbbaRabbit
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Gender: Male
Location: red sox nation
Occupation: professional people watcher
Profile: i'm paxton. ask me anything.

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Hartford residents....question...
 Feb 7 2010, 02:25:14 PM
i buy tickets a few days to a few weeks in advance, depending on the show.

as for the tour buses, i would check their website. i always see a bunch of coach buses (peter pan included) in the parking lot but i have no idea where they come from.

re: rent tour?
 Jan 16 2008, 09:22:51 PM
oh ok.

basically i was trying to decided if i wanted to go to new haven (again) to see rent... like if it was going to be my last chance to see it.

this thread makes me wanna pee
 Jan 16 2008, 08:32:18 PM
this thread makes me wanna pee
 Jan 16 2008, 06:44:48 PM
*dances on the fire escape and scores heroine*
re: rent tour?
 Jan 16 2008, 05:33:58 PM
bumping in hopes that someone knows.
rent tour?
 Jan 16 2008, 02:45:55 PM
will the tour continue next year, or is this the last year for the tour too?
re: RENT: Your First Time
 Jan 16 2008, 02:39:55 PM
i fell in love with rent before i even saw the show. my affair started in the summer of 02 on the bus home from the camp where i worked with a friend. it was an hour each way on the bus and it was full of screaming kids, so we always brought cds.

she pulled out a cd one day and said "here, listen to this"
it was "what you own"
i was hooked.

durring the summer, i learned the words to all the songs on her cd but i still didn't understand the story. turns out she only had the highlights cd.

in the winter of 02, i went with my friend katie to see it in stamford (i think) and i was just in awe.
we met kevin spencer after, the guy who was playing roger.

but it was weird, beacuse i didn't see the original cast, even though i heard them on the cd, i never got hung up on "oh this person is in it now, i have to go see it!" i just went to see it and enjoyed the show not knowing any of the actors.
i actually didn't know who the original cast was untill i was searching for a book on amazon by adam rapp and the name anthony rapp popped up!

re: Live animals on stage
 Nov 16 2007, 05:43:19 PM
this isn't bway but it's theatre nonetheless.
when my school did "oliver twist", we had a parakeet in a cage hanging form the ceiling in fagan's den.
that little bird sang more than anyone else on stage haha

we had at least 4 people come up to the directer asking if they could adopt the bird after the show was over. i think it ended up going home with one of the cast members.

re: What are YOU doing 7/29?
 Jul 5 2007, 01:43:02 AM
my naughty dog starts puppy school on the 29th :)
3 drama desk nominations for "essential self defense"!
 May 2 2007, 01:37:59 AM
Outstanding Actor in a Play:
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jack Goes Boating
Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon
Brían F. O'Byrne, The Coast of Utopia
Christopher Plummer, Inherit the Wind
Liev Schreiber, Talk Radio
Kevin Spacey, A Moon for the Misbegotten
Paul Sparks, Essential Self-Defense

Outstanding Music for a Play:
Mark Bennett, The Coast of Utopia
Adam Cork, Frost/Nixon
Gerard McBurney, Oliver Twist
The Propeller Company, The Taming of the Shr

essential self defense
 Apr 2 2007, 12:07:33 AM
go see it. just go see it. i'm serious. why haven't you bought tickets yet?

re: Pageant!
 May 11 2006, 11:18:47 PM
!!! i LOVE it! i just saw it recent;y and posted on the boston board for anyone in ct to go see it :)
re: Adam Rapp's Red Light Winter
 Feb 8 2006, 07:20:41 PM
i haven't seen it, but i finished the book a few days ago... it was wonderful

Free to be Off-Topic
 Jan 27 2006, 10:26:54 AM
i got a little alert in my email someone here was talking about adam rapp lol

here's a bigger picture of the pic in my avatar
that headshot that was posted is also pretty old
there's some cool pics of him in the "less is more" link in my sig

re: The ugliest, but most adorable shoes....
 Aug 7 2005, 11:21:36 AM

re: The Brave Little Toaster
 Aug 7 2005, 11:17:58 AM
i loved it, but i didn't like the part when the cars "died"
i still think about that when i look at my own car.
my favorite charecter was blankie.

re: New Feature: RSS Feeds Now Available
 Jul 8 2005, 07:02:48 PM
awsome! thanks for thinking of us yahoo users
re: New PM Feature: Send Group PMs
 Jul 8 2005, 07:00:23 PM
::holds up a we love rob sign::
movies you wish they would make into musicals
 Jul 8 2005, 06:53:29 PM
i would personally like to see tim burton's the nightm,are before christmas on stage.
what about everyone else?

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