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Is It Going to Take Some Woman Getting Killed To Stop It?- Page 3

Is It Going to Take Some Woman Getting Killed To Stop It?

#50Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 5:16pm

"When a person creates a thread to offend, hurt, and peddle a false narrative, I will call them out. Every time. This person has contributed to this woman's horrible experience of verbal abuse and people threatening to have her entire family murdered. And yet, he refuses to admit he was wrong, issue an apology or ask the moderators to delete the thread due to his ego. Instead he blames it on an ESPN reporter, and just deflects over and over again as if that reporter created this thread?

Ms. Ross, you real are something else. You lied in PM saying Jay-Lerner-Z threatened to kill you, I have the proof. I shared the post with a couple of other people months ago who post here and they were shocked at your rant. This shows you have really have some nerve calling out anybody.

Seriously, you think my post about this on BWW which is a Broadway site had any bearing on verbal abuse or people threatening this woman. Get a grip on reality. Once again, I will tell you you need to get out of your tiny bubble and read more than your liberal leaning media outlets. Quite a few famous athletes said the same thing as myself. Did they cause verbal abuse and threats to the woman? Did you actually read all of my posts including #9? I said I thought boxer was transgender because I trusted a ESPN reporter who is usually on the money with reporting. Reporter made mistake and so I did also. Lesson learned for me is not to "jump the shark" and don't react immediately. I then said in post #9, that if boxer was not transgender it is different story. That sounds like owning up to my mistake to me.

If the moderators were upset enough about this thread or any other post in it, they would have deleted it. It is not my job to tell the moderators what to keep or delete. If the threat offends you so much, just report it to the moderators. I could care less at this point if it gets taken down.

I am done with thread, at this point it is really tiresome.

#51Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 5:21pm

"Maybe we could actually try doing RESEARCH before you listen to some random ESPN announcer."

You obviously don't know sports. This "random" ESPN announcer is former NFL player who hosts the most popular talk show on ESPN and is the highest paid ESPN employee. They discuss all sports not just NFL football. Sorry, I am not perfect like you and never make a mistake. Have a wonderful day 

#52Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 5:35pm

"This is n not about your personal political views or opinions on subjects such as transgender women in sports. However, the issue at hand pertains to the dissemination of misinformation. The spread of incorrect information, particularly on sensitive issues, can have severe consequences, including endangering the wellbeing and safety of individuals within the transgender community. In your responses, you have yet to acknowledge the inaccuracies in the initial story you shared. It is crucial to address and correct these errors to prevent further harm and confusion."

I am so over this thread at this point but owed you the respect of an reply. It is mind boggling to me that you and "Sutton Ross" think my misinformation on a Broadway OT topic board could have severe consequences. How many people read my OP -lol? For example, if I had a huge "podcast" platform with millions of followers than your point would be valid. Once again, I will point you to post #9. I said it was reported that the boxer was transgender and if that was not correct this is a totally different issue. I have said today in posts, I made a mistake and made too quick a judgement about the boxer. I never have a problem admitting I am wrong when it is proven I am wrong. 

I will also take this time to commend you on your posts. You presented your point of view very well and without personal attack. on me.

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#53Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 6:05pm

Zeppie2022 said: "I am done with thread, at this point it is really tiresome."

And then you posted again in #51 and  #52 and I'm sure there will be more, and more, and.....

Obviously you are not a MAGA TROLL of your word.  Sick and disturbing and absolutely true to your trolling norm.  BE  GONE  !!  



Non sibi sed patriae

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#54Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 6:12pm

Zeppie2022 said: ""Maybe we could actually try doing RESEARCH before you listen to some random ESPN announcer."

You obviously don't know sports. This "random" ESPN announcer is former NFL player who hosts the most popular talk show on ESPN and is the highest paid ESPN employee. They discuss all sports not justNFL football. Sorry, I am not perfect like you and never make a mistake. Have a wonderful day

Sounds like he's got his finger on the pulse of Olympic boxing alright parroting stupid talking points based on absolutely nothing of value.

Esther2 Profile Photo
#55Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 7:37pm

Zeppie2022 said: ""Maybe we could actually try doing RESEARCH before you listen to some random ESPN announcer."

You obviously don't know sports. This "random" ESPN announcer is former NFL player who hosts the most popular talk show on ESPN and is the highest paid ESPN employee. They discuss all sports not justNFL football. Sorry, I am not perfect like you and never make a mistake. Have a wonderful day

That random ESPN announcer is a RWNJ who has a point of view that rarely has basis in reality.  Note his constant platforming of anti-vax weirdo Aaron Rodgers.  I don't know why he still has a show. 

(And yeah, I know I should have just stayed out of this thread, but you keep saying McAfee's a reliable source and he's not.  Also, please refer to post #9 again, won't you?...)

Highland Guy Profile Photo
Highland Guy
#56Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 8:27pm

Esther2 said: "Also, please refer to post #9 again, won't you?"

Thanks for the giggle!


Non sibi sed patriae

South Florida Profile Photo
South Florida
#57Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/5/24 at 10:17pm

Ever notice how many paragraphs trolls write They have no life.


Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#58Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/6/24 at 1:26pm

"I made a mistake and made too quick a judgment about the boxer. I never have a problem admitting I am wrong when it is proven I am wrong."

Here, Zeppie comes close to admitting the spread of false information, but the language still conveys the vibe of "I'm sorry if anyone was offended."

Since Zeppie is no longer reading this thread, I will address my opinion to anyone else who might be reading.
(I unfollowed another poster mentioned in their a while ago because, to put it kindly, I found their behavior fairly uncouth.)

What I urge people to do in the future is to address moments like these for what they are: the presentation of false information aimed at marginalized groups. When defending those who are truly being scapegoated by right-wing media as a strawman for the problems they are causing, we must:

Stick with facts. The OP posted an article we know contains false information. Name-calling does no good when you can rely on the actual truth.

A person presenting false information will often try to downplay what they are doing:

"It is mind-boggling to me that you and 'Sutton Ross' think my misinformation on a Broadway OT topic board could have severe consequences. How many people read my OP - lol?"

If you didn't see this as an important platform to share your message, why start it in the first place?

By focusing on factual rebuttals, we can more effectively counter falsehoods and uphold the integrity of our discussions.

If the OP's post was important enough for them to feel the need to spread and stand by false information, then it is just as important for us to continue to shine a light on the truth.

Here are three easy steps to respond to false information on the internet:

Verify the Facts: Before responding, ensure you have accurate information from credible sources. Fact-check the claims being made and gather reliable evidence.
Ask Questions: Engage with the poster by asking clarifying questions. This can encourage a more in-depth discussion and may help uncover the truth or expose the misinformation.
Provide Evidence: Share the verified facts and sources that debunk the false information. Clearly present your evidence so others can see the truth and make informed decisions.
By following these steps, we can maintain productive discussions and effectively combat misinformation.

These steps don't mean that you like someone or their opinions, but they are a way to actively stop the spread of misinformation that we can see really puts people's lives in danger. We might never be able to change what is in Zeppie's heart, but we might be able to show someone who reading the truth.

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#59Bigot/Troll/Bull*hit thread
Posted: 8/6/24 at 4:27pm

Kdogg, you said it all in post #3! Thank you. I couldn't read any further.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$
