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An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow- Page 10

An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#225An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/4/14 at 11:11pm

Well then I apologize.

Perhaps there's a problem with my reading comprehension, but there was no deliberate mis-characterization.

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

Liza's Headband
#226An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 12:04am

Well, Jay, it's a lot easier for people to assassinate the vengeful, bitter, bat**** crazy lady. Because she is all of those things. But still her character should not be used to give credence to Woody's unfounded claims of brainwashing; just as Dylan's note should not be used as proof that Woody is guilty. And, yet, a few of the regulars on here are more eager to jump down the Farrows' throats (while masking it as "healthy skepticism") than they are to remain neutral and consider ALL possibilities.

#227An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 12:15am

Jesus lord, will you give it up? You ain't exactly Switzerland in the neutrality department. For crying out loud, this is exactly the kind of double talk I expect from "centrists."

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Updated On: 2/5/14 at 12:15 AM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#228An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 12:32am

Look, Sharon Osbourne, as much as I used to love her, is right up there with Mia. She attacks people in social media. She recently wrote a long, damning letter to her brother which, rather than putting it in the post, she posted to Facebook. While most of her fans loved it, a great portion responded with, "Whoa... stop putting your business out there." She also quickly turned her back on co-workers when it became lucrative for her. I don't listen to anything she has to say anymore.

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Jane2 Profile Photo
#229An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:07am

I'm with you, JG. I used to be a Sharon O. fan, but her tunnel vision on this issue turns me off. I'm no longer a fan. Big Mouthed Hussy!


PalJoey Profile Photo
#230An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:21am

Woody's unfounded claims of brainwashing

Again, the headband is wrong.

The claim of "brainwashing" was made by Dylan's brother Moses.

All of our assumptions about this family are based on the testimony of individuals who are only as reliable as we ourselves would be in saying things about our own families.

PEOPLE MAGAZINE: Moses Farrow says Woody Allen didn't molest Dylan

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#231An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:24am

That pic Liza posted wasn't loading for me yesterday but now it is and I have to say her (his?) claim that she (he?) posted it because she (he?) thought it was a "cute" picture does not fly with me.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#232An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:28am

Here's the article from the new issue of People.

Dylan works as a family therapist.


"Of course Woody did not molest my sister," says Moses, who is estranged from Farrow and many of his siblings and is close to Allen and Soon-Yi. "She loved him and looked forward to seeing him when he would visit. She never hid from him until our mother succeeded in creating the atmosphere of fear and hate towards him. The day in question, there were six or seven of us in the house. We were all in public rooms and no one, not my father or sister, was off in any private spaces. My mother was conveniently out shopping. I don’t know if my sister really believes she was molested or is trying to please her mother. Pleasing my mother was very powerful motivation because to be on her wrong side was horrible."

Dylan's Response
Dylan insists that she is telling the truth.

"This is such a betrayal to me and my whole family," she tells PEOPLE in response to her brother's comments. "My memories are the truth and they are mine and I will live with that for the rest of my life."

"My mother never coached me," Dylan says. "She never planted false memories in my brain. My memories are mine. I remember them. She was distraught when I told her. When I came forward with my story she was hoping against hope that I had made it up. In one of the most heartbreaking conversations I have ever had, she sat me down and asked me if I was telling the truth. She said that Dad said he didn’t do anything. and I said, 'He's lying.' "

Painful Memories
Moses accuses Farrow of bullying him as well. "Our mother has misled the public into believing it was a happy household of both biological and adopted children," he says. "From an early age, my mother demanded obedience and I was often hit as a child. She went into unbridled rages if we angered her, which was intimidating at the very least and often horrifying, leaving us not knowing what she would do."

"I don't know where he gets this about getting beaten," counters Dylan. "We were sent to our rooms sometimes."

"I will not see my family dragged down like this," she adds. "I can't stay silent when my family needs me and I will not abandon them like Soon-Yi and Moses. My brother is dead to me. My mother is so brave and so courageous and taught me what it means to be strong and brave and tell the truth even in the face of these monstrous lies."

PEOPLE MAGAZINE: Dylan Farrow's Brother Moses Defends Woody Allen

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#233An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:30am

It's interesting that Dylan insists her memories are 100 percent true and Moses's are 100 percent false.

Updated On: 2/5/14 at 10:30 AM

NYadgal Profile Photo
#234An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:31am

That "family" needs help.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#235An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:34am

They most certainly do. I have never cared for Mia Farrow, and that's the only weighing in I'll do here.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#236An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:35am

"Family" is right. With a "family" like that who needs enemies?

#237An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:40am

"I don’t know if my sister really believes she was molested or is trying to please her mother. Pleasing my mother was very powerful motivation because to be on her wrong side was horrible."

There is so much in that. What child *doesn't* want to make his/her mother happy?

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SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#238An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:43am

This is just an absurd, ugly family sh*tshow. Though, I will say, the discussion about abuse and recovered memories and victim ideology has been really helpful to me in a variety of ways. Too bad it had to come about while discussing this operatic insanity.

Kad Profile Photo
#239An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:56am

"I will not see my family dragged down like this," she adds."

It's a little too late for that.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 2/5/14 at 10:56 AM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#240An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 10:57am

Something just occurred to me. I have a "memory" of a family member almost laying on top of me in my bed. It was as if he were doing a pushup on top of me, his body not touching me at all, but posed as if he were going to. Then he seemed to have changed his mind, and left the room.

Now, I actually don't know if that ever happened, or if I dreamed it. Either way, no harm was done, as far as I'm concerned.

My point? Perhaps Dylan had a similar "memory", told her mother about it, and perhaps Mia told her that since she had the memory of it, then yes, indeed it did happen.
Just a thought.


#241An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:02am

Interesting point, Jane. I think this statement may reveal more than just what's on the surface:

""My memories are the truth and they are mine and I will live with that for the rest of my life."

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Kad Profile Photo
#242An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:03am

Memories are not concrete, ever.

Memory has been scientifically proven, over and over, to be unreliable, biased, and easily altered.

An article came out in the LA Times just yesterday about it.

" "It seems like a basic function of memory is that it is built to change," Bridge said. "It’s built to adapt to what is currently important to us." "

Remembrance or Revision?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."
Updated On: 2/5/14 at 11:03 AM

#243An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:14am

I guess a lot of people are unfamiliar with The Glass Menagerie.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Kad Profile Photo
#244An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:16am

Or The Crucible.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

PalJoey Profile Photo
#245An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:19am

Let's look again at Mia's tweet from Golden Globes night, which started this current spate of public scrutiny:

A woman has publicly detailed Woody Allen’s molestation of her at age 7. Golden Globe tribute showed contempt for her & all abuse survivors

I can see Mia's point that the Golden Globe tribute showed "contempt" for Dylan, although perhaps that's too strong a word.

But to say it showed contempt for "all abuse survivors" is a generalization that only serves to diminish the experiences of all other abuse survivors, by dragging them into this one particular unhappy family's drama.

Let Mia and Dylan and Ronan make their case without calling on the sympathy that other abuse survivors deserve and without trying to instill guilt in actresses, feminists, and men sympathetic to violence against women. The guilt trip is what I find so manipulative about their efforts.

Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#246An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:26am

"[Mia] Farrow, who declined to respond to Moses's accusations, Tweeted, 'I love my daughter. I will always protect her. A lot of ugliness is going to be aimed at me. But this is not about me, it's about her truth.'"

It's interesting to me that she didn't say "the truth" but, rather, "her truth." Which could very well be accurate.

#247An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:28am


Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

PalJoey Profile Photo
#248An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 11:34am

I think you might have just busted her.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#249An Open Letter from Dylan Farrow
Posted: 2/5/14 at 12:14pm

Such manipulation and hypocrisy.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
