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Profile for DancerGirl16

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Member Name: DancerGirl16
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Gender: Female
Profile: "Dance is like life, it exists as you're flitting through it, and when it's over it's done."-Jerome Robbins

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Favorite Quotes Art as Religion
 Mar 7 2021, 07:08:48 PM

Short story, I am working on a breakdown of art as a higher power - drawing on pieces that influenced me and certain snippets of The Birth of Tragedy and Poetics (etc)

QUESTION: What are your favorite quotes either about art or from art about life or the way we see things? :) 

Some of my favorites include "Nothing I do is ever good enough....I see a rose and that's perfect." from All That Jazz and Matthew Bourne's quote from his interview "That part i

31 Plays in 31 Days - Carousel the Musical
 Apr 6 2018, 02:48:56 AM

I am in the middle of a 31 plays in 31 days cycle. Tomorrow I hope to go through and read/listen to Carousel which except for a song or two I was never really exposed to (and as a musical theatre person from the age of 4 how messed up is that?! Like if not myself what about in college?) What is your favorite recording? Which one do you think would go with the script and be most loyal to the sound that is being out there right now but classically accurate. I'd love any input!

Psychology/Suicide Portrayed on Broadway/Mainstream Musicals
 Jan 24 2018, 12:40:16 AM
Yes! I can't believe I forgot that one!
Psychology/Suicide Portrayed on Broadway/Mainstream Musicals
 Jan 23 2018, 12:11:41 PM
Hi BroadwayWorld,
I am working on a paper on how the portrayal of psychological topics is addressed in the mainstream musical. And one thing I seem to notice is that there seems to be a large gender divide in regards to the topic of suicide:

What I can think of off the top of my head is;
Male - Spring Awakening
Male - Les Miserables
Male - Jekyll and Hyde

Female: Next to Normal

If we go into plays - yes things get very different with Night Moth

EASY Sweeney Todd Question
 Dec 19 2010, 03:41:32 PM
YAY thank you :)
EASY Sweeney Todd Question
 Dec 19 2010, 03:19:29 PM
I have been working on my thesis for almost three days now I am failing to come up with an example of "depression" in Sweeney Todd (preferably a particular moment, statement, anything) can someone throw an idea my way?

By the way...I was in this I know I should know this and am EXTRAORDINARILY THANKFUL to anyone who happens to answer

Contemporary Developments in Theatre Paper
 Dec 12 2010, 11:42:04 AM
Hi Guys,
I am writing a paper in medicine and psychology in the theater post 1970s. If anyone can just throw out some shows that come to mind that include ANY (preferably in-your-face) examples of Psych and Medicine in the theater.

This paper is not suggesting that there were never shows before the 1970s that addressed these issues or that ALL SHOWS after the 1970s address these issues. It merely addresses a pattern of growing popu

If Sondheim wrote a musical adaptation of a movie....
 Jan 24 2010, 02:20:50 PM
In regards to Little Night Music, which is a good point, I was focusing this question more on the "current/commercial" side that Broadway tends to be heading in (commercial has a negative conotation but it seems like the most accurate word right now)
If Sondheim wrote a musical adaptation of a movie....
 Jan 24 2010, 01:16:59 PM

Being John Malcovich or Illuminata

If Sondheim wrote a musical adaptation of a movie....
 Jan 24 2010, 01:15:38 PM
So as we all know musical adaptations of movies are HUGE now...

My question is:

If Sondheim wrote a musical adaptation of a movie, what movie would it be? (and why?)

Manson: The Musical
 Nov 30 2009, 09:45:00 AM
One week ago I attended a performance of Manson: The Musical, and I am still unsure of how I ACTUALLY feel about the show.

One problem I DID have was regarding the fact that they had a small space, a live band, and no microphones for the actors and I was struggling to hear what the actors were saying fairly often.

But otherwise I would love to hear what others thought about the show. Also for anyone who didn't see it...what do you guys think about the concept?

Sex in Theater Paper - Examples Needed
 Oct 19 2009, 09:25:46 AM
I am working on a paper for a class on "how sex is portrayed in the theater" and I am looking of examples of shows worth referencing...(spring awakening, rent, Equus, Closer Than Ever, Hair...)

Can you guys give me some ideas of shows with "sex" in it to a "noteable" degree (something worth referencing in a paper)

Carrie Fisher: Wishful Drinking
 Oct 18 2009, 06:48:07 PM
Did anyone see this show? What did you guys think?
re: NY Times Article on Sushigate...
 Oct 9 2009, 09:14:57 AM
It already is a play. "The Piven Monologues" performed at Joe's Pub.
re: West Side Story...Abstinence?
 Jul 22 2009, 07:30:39 PM
It was so distracting! It seemed like the cast was suffering collectively from turrets syndrome.
West Side Story...Abstinence?
 Jul 22 2009, 07:14:08 PM
I just saw West Side Story last night and they kept inserting the word "abstinence" randomly throughout the book....

Anyone have any idea why? Interpretations?

re: Musicals that Narrate through Dance?
 May 10 2009, 01:02:14 PM
ok....thank you!

My logic was that "the plot moves foward," they are at the club, then they get caught and arrested, and then "poof" next scene in jail.

But, yours makes more sense :)

re: Musicals that Narrate through Dance?
 May 10 2009, 12:45:45 PM
Do you guys think the NuttyCracker in Millie qualifies?
re: Is there a Ballet in Carousel?
 May 10 2009, 12:38:20 PM
thank you very very much! :)

It is extremely appreciated :)

re: Is there a Ballet in Carousel?
 May 10 2009, 12:37:39 PM
I know, I should know this!

I worked on Getting to Know....Oklahoma with the Rodgers and Hammersteins organization where we discussed Agnes DeMille's revolutionary use of ballet in Oklahoma, but I am unclear about Carousel :)

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