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Member Name: NightLaughs
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re: Costume Shop question
 Mar 6 2007, 07:46:48 PM
Or if anyone can list me the positions in a costume shop, that'd be an enormous help, thanks!
Costume Shop question
 Mar 6 2007, 07:35:57 PM
I was wondering if any of you could direct me to a website with a list and definitions of the different jobs and positions in the costume shop. Thanks.
re: Spring Awakening Seating
 Jan 14 2007, 03:24:09 PM
Anyone actor seated near A6 or A8? I'm taking my friend in a few weeks, (who hasn't seen the show yet) and I'm afraid her expereience won't be as amazing as mine, since I've already seen it from the audience. I just hope she's not dissapointed.

When I told her our seats were on stage her response was "Oh. So does that mean I can't take pictures?" Yeah. She hasn't seen a Broadway show before.

re: Anyone seen ACL recently?? Yuka Takara back???
 Jan 14 2007, 03:17:11 PM
Ah, the other ACL.
re: Anyone seen ACL recently?? Yuka Takara back???
 Jan 14 2007, 02:55:43 PM
ACL is short for A Chorus Line.
When I saw it a few weeks ago, I couldn't figure out why something was different about Connie. That explains it.

Now this is a very irrelevant question and it certainly doesn't deserve its own thread, I'm even embaressed to ask it. But my friend who saw the show with me and I were talking, and she seemed to think that the character of Bebe gave off a gay vibe. I am NOT asking about Alisan Porters orientation. But in terms of the character, did

re: Spring Awakening Evening 12/27/06 - Tears, ovations, and Billy Joel!
 Dec 29 2006, 04:10:26 PM
alliez92092 - I recognize you from your picture at the stage door, actually. haha I was standing a few feet away. I look forward to reading your review.

I'm glad everyone who was there agrees the show was extraordinary, Def. a treat. And from the first row, unbelievable on so many levels. I'm still excited about it. :)

re: Spring Awakening -Next ticket block
 Dec 29 2006, 02:04:23 PM
I'd actually like to know too...
re: Spring Awakening Evening 12/27/06 - Tears, ovations, and Billy Joel!
 Dec 29 2006, 12:19:31 AM
Enjoy it, I'm excited for all of you to see it. I'd like to see it again, perhaps over spring break if I can convince my friends.

I lucked out with the tickets, actually. Over Thanksgiving break I decided to not take a chance at TKTS and buy tickets off telecharge, and to my shock they had the first row available. And to be honest I kind of thought there was some catch, so when we actually got to our first row seats I was relieved.

And yep, I meant Paul Reiser. Funny guy

Spring Awakening Evening 12/27/06 - Tears, ovations, and Billy Joel!
 Dec 28 2006, 09:07:54 PM
Last night I was lucky enough to catch Spring Awakening, and not only catch, but catch from the center of the first row, which never ever happens to me so I believe I can brag a little bit.

I'd been dying to see this show from word of mouth of my friends, and from the fabulous cast recording, but let me say it completely exceeded all expectations.

Side note: Before the show a woman behind me started asking if Billy Joel was here, and

re: Fave Spring Awakening track
 Dec 17 2006, 01:19:17 PM
"My Junk" and "I Believe". The CD is the only thig keeping me semi-sane through finals.
Question About Taboo
 Dec 8 2006, 04:48:56 PM
I've never seen this show but fell in love with the Broadway Cast Recording some time ago but know nothing about the book. I recently saw a video of Raul's "Petrified" scene, and was wondering, what is the context of it? Was he beaten up for being gay or dressing flamboyantly? If I am completely off the mark, apologies, but it's the first thing to pop into mind.
How is Spring Awakening selling?
 Nov 26 2006, 10:50:38 PM
I bought tickets for the show in late December, and I was able to get the very first row... which has never happened to me before, especially on such short notice for a brand new show. Are sales sluggish? I was very surprised, especially after reading such great reviews and word of mouth.
re: Spring Awakening Will Put Audience in Middle of Action; Student Rush Al
 Nov 5 2006, 05:40:27 PM
I'm going to be a jerk and call the box office anyway in hopes of on-stage seats. $31 is a deal this poor college student can't give up on.
re: The Soup and The Times They Are A Changin'
 Oct 29 2006, 02:37:47 PM
I love Dylan. I love Michael Arden. I love Twyla Tharp.

But watching the segment on the View, my only reaction was "WTF". And what was with the guitar prop? Maybe I need to see the show, but it seemed a little awkward and out of place...

And Joel mocked the excited nature of her speech. I personally thought the speech was great. Anyway, The Soup makes me giggle. Poor Times.

re: Are we (fans) talked about by Broadway performers?
 Aug 28 2006, 09:21:29 PM
Does anyone ever feel too old to do the stage door?
I'm only 19 but I feel much more hesitant to ask for autographs and pictures than I did when I was a little 13 year old Renthead. I don't do it anymore but sometimes wish I still had the guts to. I suppose my father guilted me out of it, the man refuses to be star struck or impressed by any one. Meh.

The Show That Did You In
 Jun 13 2006, 08:18:07 PM
Everyone has a first love, a show (or two) that made them realize the beauty of Broadway. What was the show that got you hooked for good and what was the experience like?

For me it was Rent, I was 15 years old. First Broadway show I ever saw, and none to come after have affected me the same way. I sat in the audience, in complete awe. Since then I see everything I possibly can.

re: A Chorus Line Ticket Questions
 Jun 13 2006, 08:05:31 PM
Oh, I see, thanks. I should have known. Sadly I can't shell out $250 per seat this month. *rolls eyes*
re: Why the competition?
 Jun 13 2006, 07:59:57 PM
I agree, it is ridiculous. Very few of my friends enjoy Broadway like I do, so when I come across another theater fan, I'm always excited to talk shop. However, sometimes times I've found the other person to take a somewhat condescending attitude with me, as if we're in an unspoken competition. Its frusterating, all I want to do is relate to someone who loves theater as much as me.

Its why a lot of my friends mistaken theater fans as snobs, there can be this arrogant wall there that

A Chorus Line Ticket Questions
 Jun 13 2006, 07:48:40 PM
I'm currently trying to get tickets to the Broadway production of A Chorus Line (awesome.) and I'm searching for tickets in October, November, and December (all matinee performances) and cannot get 2 tickets any closer than row M. This comes as a shock to me since its so far in advance. Are more (aka closer) tickets being released to the public on the 18th? If so I'll just wait until then and check out the same dates again. I'd really love to be closer than usual for this one, I haven't been
re: Congratulations Megan Hilty!
 May 29 2006, 09:32:05 PM
Yes, I wish Megan all the best of luck!

I saw her when she was still a Glinda understudy and left the theater wondering why she wasn't permanent Glinda yet. Truly hillarious, truly talented, I hope she does well in the future because she is amazing. :)

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