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Member Name: dannilupone
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Gypsy Recording Starring Annie Ross
 Aug 30 2008, 08:58:02 PM
Since the new cast of GYPSY came out this week (thank god i love it) I decided to visit all my other GYPSY cast recordings, needless to say its been a very GYPSY week. Then I started poking around the old information super highway and came across the Annie Roos recording of GYPSY. For those of you who don't know, Annie Ross was a jazz singer/writer. Her most famous song TWISTED was recorded by Bette Midler and Joni Mitchell. Anyways I remember seeing this recording at FOOTLIGHT RECORDS (god
re: Patti Lupone
 Aug 23 2008, 01:38:31 PM
In response to je veux te voir2, i may be an a-hole. But i take comfort in knowing you are one of the very people I was responding to. And like Patti LuPone or Sherie Rene Scott or whoever it is this week that you message board people are angry at for not getting down on their hands and knees and kissing your feet for being their fan. I just don't care what you think of me. So call me all the names you want, whatever makes you feel better. I stand by my statement. No one in the public eye o
re: Patti Lupone
 Aug 23 2008, 01:22:18 PM
Thank you toanythingtaboo2 i couldn't agree more
re: Patti Lupone
 Aug 23 2008, 01:06:02 PM
When threads like this appear I always wonder if anyone has considered the simple fact that there are millions of variables involved in a question as simple and stupid as "Is Patti LuPone Nice"

Put yourself in her shoes and imagine just for a moment what it must be like dealing with people like all of you. And by that I mean the "community" of message board freaks. I'd be cranky too. Especially after performing a three hour epic musical.

But even after she did her job, whic

re: The numbers concerning 'A Tale of Two Cities ' are scary
 Aug 23 2008, 12:52:42 PM
i bought the concept album a couple years back. I listened to it once, it didn't thrill me. I feel like this show has its work cut out for it. good luck tale of two cites
re: Christopher J. Hanke to take over for Groff in Hair
 Aug 4 2008, 12:29:31 PM
I wish I hadn't seen it yet, Groff was just awful. Well the whole show fell at the mediocre level of theater anyways, but Groff stuck out from the pack as the worst of the fake hippies.
re: Ticket line for Shakespeare in the Park - HAIR
 Aug 2 2008, 03:09:08 PM
I just happened to be walking by the around noon on thursday and decided to stand in line, not thinking I would get a ticket. Not only did I get my two tickets but everyone behind me also got tickets (in row V right in the center) not bad seats at all. So suck it 5am! Oh and Jonathan Groff is AWFUL! embarrassing....
re: married couple seeks married couple
 Jun 15 2008, 05:24:24 PM
snark bitch snark!
married couple seeks married couple
 Jun 15 2008, 05:15:58 PM
married couple seeks married couple - i wish there was an occasion in my near future that would justify me performing this song! if you have not heard/seen this song... you need to see it now. there is a performance from the tony's with joanna gleason - priceless! it is from the show "i love my wife". look for it now!!!!
re: The 62nd Tony Awards Megathread
 Jun 15 2008, 05:12:40 PM
is everyone praying for patti? i couldn't even sleep.
re: my 'into the woods' movie dream cast!!
 Jun 10 2008, 04:05:22 PM
so - would you rather see robbie or robin?
my "into the woods" movie dream cast!!
 Jun 10 2008, 03:51:54 PM
My “Into the Woods” Movie Dream Cast:
Location: Central Park

Witch - Cher
Narrator – Jason Bateman
Cinderella – Ann Hathaway
Baker – Steve Carell (he can sing)
Baker's Wife – Toni Collette
Jack – Tony Hale (Buster Bluth)
Jack's Mother – Liza Minnelli
Little Red Riding Hood – Ana Ferris
Cinderella's Stepmother Joy – Elizabeth Perkins
Cinderella's Mother – Meryl Streep
Mysterious Man – Jason Bateman
Wolf – Robin Williams or Robbie Williams <

re: WaMu Theatre @ Madison Sq. Garden
 Dec 21 2007, 10:04:04 AM
I saw the damned Wintuk...the theatre is big, but it is very wide and it has a low ceiling. It feels like a giant dinner theatre. It really does - the ceiling even has this gaudy strip lighting.

p.s. - the seats are the most UNCOMFORTABLE seats in the universe. I felt like I should have been taking the SAT or ACT in them... you'll see when you arrive.

re: Happy STD!!!
 Dec 21 2007, 09:55:35 AM
I will also be at the Ziegfeld at 7! We might see each other because I'm assuming we will be wearing the same thing... Black tights and a white blouse!

"Tell him I love him! But not in a queer way!"

- Elaine as Colleen

re: Which do you prefer - Protecting the voice, or grinding it to shreds?
 Dec 21 2007, 09:52:47 AM
This instantly brought to mind Bernadette in Gypsy. I loved her in it. I much prefer an actor dragging their butt on stage and grinding away the whole show - as opposed to someone like Audra or Donna who make three shows a week to save their voice. Say what you will - I watch my Gypsy bootleg all the time and Bernie was amazing.

As far as Idina goes - who cares if she is trained or not! She was soo pitchy live - and no matter how much she waved her arms around - it did not hide the

re: If you were to cast Harvey in a Sondheim show...
 Dec 18 2007, 10:02:29 AM
Cinderella's Mother. What child...specify...ha!
re: Sherri Shepard to Fly??
 Dec 18 2007, 10:00:00 AM
Oh boobs and ignorance - what else are straight girls for.
Gwen Stefani's New Musical Mashup!
 Dec 7 2007, 10:04:27 AM
Wind it Up...Rich Girl... I enjoy this trend - I don't care if anyone else does. I thought of this last night....drum her next song - she samples "The Small House of Uncle Thomas" from the King and I!! How great would that be! In the video her girls would have to come out in GIANT skirts and bend over and moon everyone. Perfect.

*Gwen - I know you are a member of Broadway Board - take note.

Ashley Brown is practically perfect
 Jul 10 2007, 02:53:30 PM
The writer of the book, wrote funny lines for Mary Poppins. Almost like a sitcom...every line should get a laugh - if it is not funny - they cut it. Ashley Brown does not have an ounce of comedic timing. The two laughs she got for the entire show consisted of the site-gag when she goes up the stairs. That was not even her was direction. Get her off the stage and please!!! for the love of god!!! let this show trickle off and die.
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