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Profile for Baine

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Member Name: Baine
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Gender: Female
Profile: I only wish I had the talent to be an actor/singer on Broadway...alas, I must content myself with singing in the privacy of my room!

In what little free time I have, I enjoy writing, traveling, cozying up in my bed with a good book, and indulging myself with musicals [be it listening to an OCR or seeing a live performance or watching a DVD].

I'm really a boring person...I'm surprised you've even made it this far! Congrats--you get a cookie!

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Best Prices on OC Albums
 Oct 8 2016, 08:50:00 AM

I like to buy them when they first come out because websites like amazon (and sometimes stores like Best Buy---I do prefer supporting a store!) will have them on sale at launch. I don't like to pay more than $13 or $14 unless it's two discs. I think $18+ is a lot for one CD. I also prefer a real copy because I like having the libretto to see the pictures and read the words/in-between asides/etc.

I also like buying older stuff I don't have or newer stuff I haven't picked

4th of July Performances (and what else to do in town)
 Jun 27 2015, 09:06:01 AM

Hey guys!

Are there frequently understudies at 4th of July performances? It was the last day I'd been able to get HipTix for On the 20th Century and I grabbed them not even THINKING about the fact that actors such as Kristin Chenoweth might not be in the show that evening. So I'm really, really nervous about next week's 8pm performance!

Also, is there anything interesting/fun worth looking into during the day on July 4th besides the usual shopping/etc. happening

Aladdin seating
 Jul 12 2014, 06:25:48 AM
brdway411, mschwager, thanks for replying! That makes me feel better about ordering mezz! I was so afraid it was going to be another Lion King, lol!
Aladdin seating
 Jul 8 2014, 12:28:55 AM
I remember for The Lion King, everyone always said the orchestra was the best area to sit because of the way the animals came through the aisle and a lot of stuff hung down that you couldn't see well from the balconies and the effects with the smoke, etc.

Does Aladdin have a lot of fancy stuff like this going on with magic? Should I look for seats lower to the ground? What's considered good? I don't want to pay anything outrageous (I usually like to do Front Mezz, personally), especiall

2011 Tony Award Thread
 Jun 12 2011, 10:49:20 PM
Not something I by any means want to see, but I've always loved IT'S RAINING MEN, so it was fun. lol

@Donthatecongratulate That's true. But I personally liked her in the role. Then again, I wasn't alive to see the original cast and I already like Sutton. idk. *shrug* Still happy for her!

2011 Tony Award Thread
 Jun 12 2011, 10:45:41 PM
Those costumes were fun and upbeat. And the song had energy. Good not to be saggy this late at night. :)
2011 Tony Award Thread
 Jun 12 2011, 10:42:20 PM
To all you naysayers who said Sutton did not suit this character/role/show at all.... HAHAHA, who is laughing now?

*LOVES Sutton*

2011 Tony Award Thread
 Jun 12 2011, 09:20:10 PM
Hugh and Neil together on stage? Totally just rocked my world <3
2011 Tony Award Thread
 Jun 12 2011, 08:35:56 PM
Ugh, I hate that EVERYONE lost sound. There's no hope for the dvr downstairs. Was hoping it was just my tv!


What is the most well known musical of all time?
 Aug 26 2010, 12:02:33 AM
I'm also going to say Annie or Grease. They're both successful movies that everyone has known since childhood. More often than not, their school put on the show. They're also spoofed on TV a lot. For song, I'd say "Tomorrow" because I've heard people groan when it comes up--it's so well-known that it's beyond overdone. Everyone knows the words to that song! I would say they do to a lot of the Grease songs, too.

Those are my top two, but I think WSS and Phantom are also high up on

Self-made theatre fans
 Aug 19 2010, 10:35:45 PM
Me too, me to. I still remember the day a theatre friend of mine was shocked when I didn't recognize the name Stephen Sondheim (and now he's my favorite composer). ^^;;

I really wasn't exposed to musicals growing up. My mom occasionally listened to [i]Les Mis[/i] and [i]Phantom[/i], but that was it. In middle school, I was in the ensemble for [i]Annie[/i] and [i]The Wizard of Oz[/i] through choir, but never saw anything outside of a school show until my first year of uni, and even th

Bitch about the Tony winners: here
 Jun 13 2010, 11:48:08 PM
This year really was weaker than others, wasn't it? This economy has everyone treading safer waters. Next year seems promising so far, though :)

My biggest bitching session for this year isn't actually about a win/lose, but about my stupid DVD player.

I hear, "And the Tony Award for Best Revival of a Musical Goes To..." and then suddenly, there is lip-syncing and no sound. The DVD player's sound went out. Then the remote battery died and I couldn't pause the DVD recordin

 Feb 21 2010, 09:57:34 AM
Amazing, news, thank you! I was about to buy tickets for March next week instead of the April date I originally wanted. Now we can plan one trip after all!
So, who's gonna replace Angie in ALNM?
 Feb 9 2010, 10:35:08 AM
Has anyone heard if she really plans to extend or not past the comment CZJ made? I want to buy my tickets in the next week or two. April 10th is still my first choice (one trip to the city, less chance of snow, etc), but I need to start planning a second trip if she hasn't extended. ^^
So, who's gonna replace Angie in ALNM?
 Jan 21 2010, 07:22:02 PM
Oh, thanks, ljay. I was originally going to go April 10th. I wasn't going to book until next month, though, so I'll keep an ear to the ground.

Thanks for the tip!!!

So, who's gonna replace Angie in ALNM?
 Jan 21 2010, 07:02:50 PM
How long is Angela Lansbury with the cast? I was under the impression it was going to be for a while and wasn't planning to see the show until April when I'm in the city for "Anyone Can Whistle." Will she still be on then, or should I get tickets for sooner? (Or is this just a speculation thread and I'm reading it wrong?)
re: PR: Batman The Brave & The Bold musical episode
 Oct 23 2009, 12:37:53 PM
Just wanted to bump b/c it's on TV tonight. I love the idea of this and *love* that they brought in NPH. He needs to come back to Broadway (though most likely not until HIMYM ends...)!

I have my DVR set :)

re: Tony Winner Sutton Foster Will Star in Encores! ANYONE CAN WHISTLE at C
 Oct 16 2009, 04:48:43 PM
Oh, they do? That would be awesome. I've never been to a talk back, but they always seem like a good experience. Thanks for the tip, givesmevoice! ^_^
re: Tony Winner Sutton Foster Will Star in Encores! ANYONE CAN WHISTLE at C
 Oct 16 2009, 04:41:01 PM
Out of curiosity, are you able to stage door at this type of show? I'm debating if I want to see the matinée or an evening show, and I usually do evening shows if we're going out to applaud the actors afterwards.
re: Next To Normal rush post Tonys?
 Jul 2 2009, 08:38:25 PM
[i]If you don't mind spending the extra 11 bucks, go with the last row mezzanine seats. They really have a FANTASTIC view and don't detract at all from the intimate feeling that the show has. [/i]

How small is the theater? I'm planning to get tickets for my bday later this month, but I'm waiting until after the new coupon code goes up since the current one expires on July 12th. I was planning to get front mezz, but if there's not a new coupon code, I'm not sure if I want to pay full

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