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Kennedy Center Sondheim Celebration Question
 Aug 14 2024, 11:11:39 AM

TweetyPie2 said: "At the time, the D.C. downtown library had videotapes of the shows, and I went there and watched some of them. They are probably long gone now. I also saw four of the shows in person—Company, Passion, Night Music and Merrily. That was a great summer to live in D.C."

Copies of those videos are held by the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT), and can be viewed in their screening room at the Performing Arts Library, at Lincoln Center.

Lincoln Center Archives
 Jul 8 2024, 09:38:28 PM

I can add, for those who might be interested, that the memorial gathering for Stephen Sondheim, taped at the Sondheim Theatre in November 2022, is now available to view in the TOFT screening room. This is an officially sanctioned video, created in cooperation with the coordinators of the event. For rather complicated reasons, it was not available to the public until just a couple of weeks ago.

2024 Tony Awards
 Jun 16 2024, 10:54:16 PM

Credit where credit is due: they kept the In Memoriam sequence simple and straightforward, and moving. Surprisingly, no swooping camera work.

What is the worst production you have ever seen on Broadway? What is the worst show?
 May 18 2024, 09:41:47 PM

In 1987, I saw a play by John Pielmeier called Sleight of Hand, about a depressive loser who is an aspiring magician. The playwright was hot at the time because he'd written Agnes of God, which ran for over a year, but this play was the pits. We considered leaving at intermission, but hoped Act Two might be better. It was worse. Really inept, like a sloppy rehearsal.

One of the friends with me knew the lead actor, Harry Groener. We went backstage afterwards, and h

Lincoln Center Archives
 Jan 20 2024, 12:25:53 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "As implied here and based on conversations with those who work on the Lincoln Center campus:

I gather there's a great deal of tiptoeing between Lincoln Center the landlord and its constituent organizations, as well as a general public misunderstanding of how each individual nonprofit operates as part of the larger Lincoln Center campus. (Don't ever let Andre B hear you say "Lincoln Center's production of Camelot"

Lincoln Center Archives
 Jan 20 2024, 10:54:07 AM

BETTY22 said: "Do producers cover costs or Lincoln Center?"

Producers occasionally pay for tapings, but most often they don't.

To follow up on what I said earlier about the archive's name: TOFT is part of the New York Public Library system. Technically, our library is called The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. But that's a mouthful, so those of us who work there usually call it the LPA, or the Performing Arts Library. We are locate

Lincoln Center Archives
 Jan 20 2024, 10:13:24 AM

I work at the Performing Arts Library, with the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT). It’s not correct to say the archive “passes” on jukebox musicals, or any other kind of stage show. All sorts of shows are considered for archival tapings (musicals, dramas, avant-garde pieces, puppet shows, etc.) However, as others have suggested, other factors are involved in what does and does not get recorded. First, there are specific criteria: if a stage work was created by a notabl

Here We Are
 Jan 3 2024, 12:11:18 PM

Kubricube said: "Quick question,

Can anyone who saw it confirm if Fritz actually leaves the house at the end, or does she stop at the door and turn back?

At the end, after her speech about straightening out her life, Fritz briefly leaves the stage. But then she reconsiders and jumps back on stage with the others. She takes part in the final choreographed bit, when the main characters split into pairs, rejoin, then rush at the audience.

Here We Are
 Jan 2 2024, 02:27:56 PM

dramamama611 said: ""An Off-Broadway production has the best odds of being filmed, however, as they're not beholden to the Broadway unions, so unlike most shows I'd say that this has a statistically likelier probability of actually being filmed for posterity."
My understanding: Equity is not a "Broadway" union, but a professional stage union. Those actors are all Equity, so there are still ties even if the Shed isnt an Equity hous

Favorite and/or Best Movie-to-Musicals, 1980s to Present
 Oct 16 2023, 09:53:31 AM

I would give The Color Purple a special mention. Yes, I know it was a novel first, but the stage version had much more in common with the 1985 movie than it did with the novel. And in my opinion, the stage version greatly improves on the Spielberg movie.

Lea Michele as Fanny Brice
 Sep 4 2023, 07:56:56 AM

Ensemble1686998462 said: "It really sucks they didn't do a proshot. Not only because of Lea's out of this world Fanny, but also because of the fantastic performances from Ramin, Tovah and Jared. It's amazing how it all came together to perfection after the horrible misfire at the beginning and this cast should be preserved."

The show was taped on Aug. 25, a few days before Lea went out sick, for the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT). So this product

What's up with Talkin' Broadway?
 Aug 21 2023, 06:54:01 AM
They're back, as of this morning.
NYPL TOFT Archive Question
 Aug 11 2023, 02:49:05 PM

kdogg36 said: "This question comes from pure, idle curiosity!

Can individuals who were intimately involved with a production, like writers and directors, obtain their own copies of archived recordings, or do they also have to visit in person?

I work at the Performing Arts Library, directly with the TOFT archive. No one gets a copy of a video created for the archive, no matter what his or her connection with a production may have been. When Stephen Sondhei

Kitara Ravache Claimed She Produced SPIDER-MAN On Broadway
 Feb 4 2023, 07:47:23 PM

Jordan Catalano said: "B212323 said: "But that would mean he was 13 when Spider Man started rehearsals. I'm more concerned he can't count."

Google says he was born in 1988 which means he was 22 when the show started in 2010.

Correct. But apparently, he was in Brazil at the time, and didn't come to the US until 2011. I guess he did his "producing" long distance.

Why You Can’t Stream Broadway Shows? article
 Jan 25 2023, 09:45:48 AM

hearthemsing22 said: I didn't think that sounded right about what years the collection spanned. But otherwise this is very interesting and should be read by all of those people who whine about how they think it would be so easy."

The first TOFT taping took place in 1970, and the early years are sparse. For the first decade or so, most plays and musicals taped were Off-B'way, or Off-off. The first Broadway show TOFT recorded was in 1974 (Liza at the Winter

Why You Can’t Stream Broadway Shows? article
 Jan 25 2023, 06:49:19 AM

Interesting article -- thanks for posting. However, I need to point out that one comment about the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT) is inaccurate. The writer says "The archive has complete videos of almost every single show that has played on Broadway since the 1990s." That's definitely not the case. I work at the library with the TOFT collection, and know that many shows are not recorded for the archive, for various reasons.

A number of years ago there was a d

LEOPOLDSTADT Extends through July 2023
 Jan 13 2023, 07:21:58 PM

Dan6 said: "Three cameras in the back of the orchestra tonight. Presumably filming for Lincoln Center Archives?"

Yes. Leopoldstadt is being recorded for the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT) tonight.

The Inheritance Video Recording
 Jan 7 2023, 03:49:49 PM

BETTY22 said: "What does it cost to record a show?"

For TOFT, it's a question of how many camera operators are involved. Nowadays for Off-Broadway shoots, there tend to be two cameras, while for Broadway shoots there can be three, four, five or more cameras. Even the inexpensive shoots can cost in the low five-figures.

Music Man being filmed?
 Jan 5 2023, 10:19:00 PM

I realize that when people here use the phrase "pro-shot" they mean a commercial video, one that will be available to stream or buy as a DVD. But videos made for TOFT are also shot by professionals, and that's been true since the archive was founded. Videographers don't work for free.

Music Man being filmed?
 Jan 5 2023, 04:53:41 PM

The Music Man is being taped tonight for the Theatre on Film and Tape Archive (TOFT).

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