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Member Name: EAD1974
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re: Lestat: The Why (for Phantom2)
 Jun 4 2006, 05:17:51 AM
In Response to BroadwayChild666:

I'm a HUGE fan of both Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel. To casually dismiss Buffy ( possibly because of the title ) would be a mistake. Both the Vampire Chronicles and the Buffy-verse are brilliant in different ways. Anne Rice used the vampires as metaphors for many things; Homosexuality, loss of faith, addiction, you name it. They work on all those levels. But Buffy also deals in metaphor, albeit in this case, the pligh

re: Anne Rice's Review of 'Lestat'
 May 5 2006, 04:52:49 AM
Anne Rice is simly one of the nicest celebrities I have ever met...Both times I met her at signings she was warm and loving to her fans and made it a point to let all of them know how much their reading her books means to her. She is not a cynical person at all, and truly always speaks from her heart...The fact that so many of you would assume she only praises the show because of greed just shows how cynical most of YOU are. Just because someone is passionate about what they create does not=Craz
re: Lestat Reviews
 Apr 26 2006, 06:14:47 AM
A Batman musical could have been interesting, but Batman has had such a hard time for the last 40 years trying to shake off the POW! ZAP! BAM! image of the 60's tv show, that if it come off wrong it would really hurt that character for a long time( Maybe even longer than Batman and Robin did! LOL ) I can only imagine how harshly the critics would go about trashing that show...good lord.

But now that you mention it, there was an episode of the Batman Beyond animated series ( about the B

re: Lestat Reviews
 Apr 26 2006, 05:42:22 AM
"This board is one of the most cutthroat communities on the web, IMO"

Dude, I hate to say it, but I gotta agree with ya there. I only recently joined this board mostly to discuss Lestat as it was going through all it's changes. I've only gotten into Musical Theater in the last 4 years or so, so as I newbie I often felt like a poser posting here, as my knowledge of musical theater is FAR less than most of the people who post here. Still, I love the shows I love, and was eagerly looking f

lestat is homophobic
 Apr 25 2006, 06:13:26 PM
Seriously, this notion that Lestat is homophobic is riduculous; The vampires in Anne Rice's world are all "Bi-sexual" in that they are attracted to the beauty of both sexes equally ( once they become vampires, they don't actually have sex anymore.) For me, Lestat ( the character, not the show ) is very much a metaphor for the Out and Proud gay man...I know in high school( back when I always had a tattered copy of one of the vampire chronicles in my backpack held together by a rubber band ) It wa
re: My Lestat Experience - It wasn't so bad...
 Apr 12 2006, 04:56:54 PM
Well, I'm a fan of Drew, in the SF version anyways...People seem to be complaining that the Armand of the show is not like the one from the books, but I disagree...yeah, there's a little more flattening of Armand, making his relationship with Lestat more jealousy and Hate than Love/Hate, but all the terrible things he does in the play ( Lying to his coven, killing Claudia to spite Lestat, throwing Lestat off the roof and leaving him to die ) come straight outta the book. The show needs a more st
re: Any Lestat Supporters?
 Apr 3 2006, 09:34:03 PM
Count me in as well;

I'm usually just a lurker around here, mostly because my knowledge of musicals is limited to those I have seen, nameley Wicked, Ave. Q, Hairspray, Rent, Chicago, Phantom, Lion King, Cats ( I was 9, don't lynch me ) and most recently Lestat in SF. ( and soon Spelling Bee! ) I don't like to listen to Cast albums until after I see a show as I don't like it ruining the experience for me. That's just how I am. So because that is my whole knowledge of Broadway musicals ri

re: Lestat petition save the play!!(bad musical changes
 Mar 31 2006, 03:17:04 PM
Look Kari,I'm a Gi-normous Anne Rice fan ( And I did see the show in SF and mostly liked it ) But changes needed to be made. And just for the record, posting this thread here is not gonna get you anything but ridicule. Trust me. You are in enemy territory. May as well go post a " Brokeback Mountain was robbed an Oscar!" thread over at the FOXnews message boards;that's the kind of reaction you are in for.

re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 30 2006, 09:39:59 PM
Yeah, narrowing the focus might have helped, I don't know. If they chose to narrow it down to The Vampire Lestat portion, It would just be the First act extended, which is the one people have the most problems with. If they chose to just make Interview, the story would have been tighter, but that's an instance where the lead ( Louis )is Really, REALLY whiney...It might have been too much. Lestat's whiney-ness is nuthin' compared to Louis'. Still, it's got to be more fun to play Lestat in IWTV, w
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 30 2006, 08:41:35 PM
I don't see how just making it Interview with the Vampire would have helped, aside from it was a movie. Interview was not even originally a bestseller, it was The Vampire Lestat that was her first run-away smash as an author, and Lestat is easily her most well known protaganist. Well, aside from Jesus...
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 29 2006, 10:40:08 PM
Yeah, I've seen the Drew Sarich version..I thought he was great! That's why I'm bummed that all I have is the other version ( You know what I mean...that thing I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to talk about on these boards..well, that's what I'm talkin' about. Ok, movin' on...
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 29 2006, 10:14:03 PM
LOL Thriller on Crack...kinda true, but I actually really like that number; sadly, all I have is the Noseworthy version

I also really got a kick out of the Bram Stoker-esque play in the Theater of the Vampires in Act 2. I wish they had replaced "The Origin of the Species" with an 18th Century version of that play, or something really similar or equally funny. The whole "Morality Play" thing about Marius saving humanity sounds way lame. I still don't

re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 29 2006, 03:07:14 PM

I think you pretty much nailed what the themes are; the problem is that all of that is SUBtext, and maybe what the show needs is, well...TEXT. Making it clearer to the audience that it's all a metaphor for something else. However, I'm really not sure how one does that without hitting you over the head with "This isn't REALLY about vampires, it's about being gay/addiction/loneliness/ WHATEVER." People need to bring their own ideas about what the metaphor means, and maybe

re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 07:35:34 PM
the whole "Lestat goes underground" thing was really poorly handled in the show...I don't think once prior to that they ever explain that Vampires can go beneath the Earth and rest for decades and re-awaken in a whole new world; and then for Lestat to suddenly do that must have made Zero sense to any casual theater goer. Glad they dropped it.
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 07:15:06 PM
I really didn't like Marius in the SF production, I was really hoping they would replace him. He was very King & I. Considering Lestat's quest for Marius IS the central plot, he really should have been in it more, but when I saw his portrayal I was glad they kept it a glorified cameo.
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 06:34:02 PM

You had "From the Dead" in the NY listing as the intro...I thought they changed that? I thought that was a good intro song ( Or at least better than nothing ) I hope they keep it. And how is "Morality Play?" From what I've read, they changed Marius' backstory to "His blood saved the world" or something lame like that. *Sigh* Not sure what was so hard to understand about that portion of his backstory..even without the Akasha/Enkil aspect, Lestat should merely be looking to

re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 01:46:38 AM
"I saw them both. I didn't think Jack Noseworthy was bad, but Drew fit the role 1000 times better and was much more interesting."

Well, it could have just been a bad performance on that recording I heard. I thought Hugh Panaro's line readings in To Kill Your Kind were terrible in the recording too, but when I saw it live he was fine. In any event, Drew is a better choice. Still wish I could see him as Hedwig. *sigh* Oh well.

re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 01:40:45 AM
Cool! Those Hedwig pics are scary ( In a GOOD way LOL) Thanks for the links guys :)
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 01:26:44 AM
OMG...Drew as Armand was perfect...SO glad I got to see him in the role and not Jack Noseworthy. ( I recently heard Jack Noseworthy in the role and thought he was terrible, especially his speaking lines; He has this San Fernando Valley/ Surfer type Dude way of speaking his lines...really wrong )Did I read somewhere that Drew Sarich was Hedwig in Europe? Man...I'd Looooooovvvvveeee to see that!
re: LESTAT - The New Carrie!
 Mar 28 2006, 12:18:30 AM
wallowinbathtubgin, I agree with everything you said. ( Especially about the books after Blood And Gold; I was also really annoyed that the Mayfairs took such a big chunk out of the last two Vampire Chronicles. They have their own series. Well, neither have their own series anymore )

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