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Member Name: Alan Henry
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Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 12 2016, 01:21:54 AM

Sally, that thread was closed because in the middle of the night it took a real turn for the worse and I doubt anyone with a conscience would have left it open. Thank you for the feedback. If you'd like to discuss further please feel free to reach out to Rob or you can shoot me an email to alan [at] 

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 12 2016, 01:03:03 AM

I can assure you the report abuse button was long in the works with a bunch of other new features for the site currently under work at "BWW labs". We're just trying to make it easier for the community to be able to alert us to their concerns.

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 12 2016, 12:29:58 AM

Jay Lerner-Z said: "Meanwhile, over on the OT board, tazber's thread headed "DELETE" is still up. :)"


Thanks for noticing. It's gone now.

Report Abuse Links opinion thread
 Mar 11 2016, 11:31:01 PM

Paul is still running

WICKED: Broadway vs. Tour
 Mar 11 2016, 11:29:40 PM

Both productions are great, and overall give you the same experience. The technical differences have been outlined here but you should enjoy both. Have fun!

Hunchback Album
 Jan 26 2016, 10:25:00 PM

broadwayboy223 said: "Anyone got details on why Hunchback didn't transfer? "


I had an opportunity to ask Menken about a Broadway transfer for this shortly after the last production closed. Apparently it was really never intended for Broadway and unlike Newsies - the demand just wasn't there, thus they didn't really investigate making it work.


Here's the quote:


"With Hunchback - which I was so proud of, everyone was saying it's going to Broadway - but it's actually going for regional and amateur stock licensing, which is what it was designed for. There are so many factors outside of my control about what happens from here. I've trained myself not to think about it. It's too much energy and emotional energy to think about where we'll go next."


Full article:

The Wiz (1984 Footage)
 Dec 20 2015, 04:00:33 AM

amoni said: ""I love these videos, but why are most all of the tempos crazy fast?"

It was obviously shot on a camcorder and the tape must have transferred sped up..There is no way the show was that fast. The whole show would have been over in 45 minutes."


RE the Tempos:


One way I check to see if audio/video on these bootleg recordings has been sped up is to compare the key of the song to the original. Of course, not all shows on bootleg have original cast recordings and not so then I compare with the score if available.


Luckily, The Wiz did have a cast recording. In it, Stephanie Mills recorded "Home" in the key of C, which is a match for the key in the video from this recording.


Now in this video: which is another bootleg audio from The Wiz...


If you sit through it all and mark the vocal line very carefully you'll note that the key actually shifts in and out of C and Db multiple times, showing at sections the audio is sped up a % which would actually be fairly easy to calculate with some typical off the shelf audio programs. If you have the time, it's easy to fix.


New technologies do allow for us to change the pitch of recordings without speed and vice versa, but for tape transfers, pitch changes are one of the easiest indicators of a change in tempo.


Anyways, unless each of those clips were transferred at different times/speeds - which is possible - the tempos should be accurate. Home is indicative of normal transfer speeds and sounds normal.


Perhaps someone else who saw the production could weigh in.

The WIZ LIVE : post your comments and thoughts live during the show here
 Dec 4 2015, 02:32:28 AM

To the poster talking about the orchestra drowning out singing during "Home"  and asking about the conductor - no one was conducting tonight.

Stephen Oremus is the MD/Orchestrator/Arranger -  but all the music is pre-recorded to help ensure the show keeps in time and the balance/mix - prevent any slip ups from occurring. They also use timecode in the tracks to track set changes, lighting, and the video walls, etc.

They do have a pianist playing live with t

How do they do that?
 Nov 24 2015, 02:27:10 AM

I'm in no way affiliated with this production of Phantom and don't know anyone who has been in this new staging. With that said I did see this tour in Buffalo and it will be in Toronto over the Holiday season again this year.

think (I am guessing and I have no way of knowing for sure!) what happens is that since the stage is in mostly darkness the Phantom is able to maneuver himself into or behind one of those tables/desks that come on stage which also have curtains/drapes around them.

You can see some figure moving among the candles to the right in this YouTube clip of that particular scene. Just skip to 3/4 of the way through.

The cape, like the one designed for the original, probably is built to hold it's shape while this is being done.

If anyone knows 100% please chime in as I'm also curious! 

I must say though - I prefer the original illusion over the new one. When I first saw the Phantom vanish from the chair I was amazed - though how that one is done if common knowledge now.

looking for: actor tracklisting breakdown for Les Miserables on Broadway/West End
 Aug 7 2015, 06:09:36 PM

Some links which might be helpful:


MTI Lists the breakdown as 21 actors.

And this is taken direct from the licensed libretto:


Hope that helps!

looking for: actor tracklisting breakdown for Les Miserables on Broadway/West End
 Aug 7 2015, 06:09:35 PM

double post

Behind the Emerald Curtain
 Jul 1 2015, 04:29:06 PM

I've done it. Was expecting more "behind the curtain" and less lobby walk through/stare at some props/scenic objects + talkback.

Nothing they told me in the theatre was something I didn't already know, or isn't available online in behind the scenes videos on YouTube or the Behind the Emerald Curtain videos. 

There's better stuff to do in NYC with that time/money.

Are the Broadway World administrators aware...
 Jul 1 2015, 04:25:37 PM

I've passed this info along to Rob. Nice catch! I've never noticed that.

Duddy Kravitz Question
 Jun 19 2015, 05:27:07 PM

Yes Roxy - you're right. Recently did an interview with Alan Menken which will go up on BWW soon about the show and it's last incarnation is something we talked about.

I'll post a link in this thread once it's up. :) 

Stratford and Shaw Festivals of Canada
 Jun 3 2015, 02:55:24 AM

Sounds like you had a great trip! Both festival put on great productions - with Stratford productions often rivaling the best Broadway tours/productions (they've even had Broadway transfers.)

I just saw Sound of Music and Carousel at Stratford myself and am hoping to head for Shaw soon.

New Phantom tour
 May 30 2015, 03:06:40 AM

^It's advertised as such but if having seen Phantom a ridiculous number of times in it's original incarnation I can confirm that if Björnson ever saw what they've done to her brilliant designs she'd have mounted the head of whomever "recreated" them above her fireplace.

The costumes are cheap, pale imitations of the original - and in some scenes just a redesigned mess.

TITANIC in Toronto
 May 25 2015, 01:34:42 PM

My Review:




TITANIC in Toronto
 May 25 2015, 02:15:48 AM

Saw the show at opening Sunday afternoon. Official BWW review to follow tomorrow.

FYI that's not the show curtain. The show starts without one - that comes down at the end of Act II as part of the show and is left there after the show ends. (That photo was probably taken at the end of a performance.)


To answer the question above - Heppner sounds wonderful in the little singing he has to do here. I wish he sang more - he's brilliant.

Ramin's Replacement
 May 5 2015, 02:40:23 AM

I've heard MTI is no longer licensing Les Mis past June 30 of this year due to an upcoming tour. Not sure when or if we'll get an official announcement, but it would be odd for them to restrict licensing unless the show is going on the road again.

 Apr 27 2015, 05:01:43 PM

Honestly, I quite like the projections and how they are done in the Les Mis revival. They are Victor Hugo's own paintings adapted as projections and I think it works rather well.

Frankly, I find it less gratuitous than a turn table. Now there's something that doesn't add to how the story is told (in my opinion - I know many people quite like it.)

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