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Member Name: AltarGirl7
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re: Popular shows you have yet to see.
 Aug 17 2006, 02:27:26 PM
It sucks that some people don't even want to see a show and they get to, and I want to see a ton, but I can't :P

Hmm..I haven't seen all of the Disney shows. Not too interested.

The Color Purple
Spelling Bee
Jersey Boys

I find that I mostly see random Off Broadway stuff for the actors in it instead of the popular stuff :X

re: Tiny moments in musicals that really make you laugh
 Sep 2 2005, 06:40:48 PM
In "Take a Chance on me" from Little Women on the OBCR when Danny goes 'Come on!'

In Over the Moon on the OBCR, when Idina is trying to get them to moo. And she does a little moo. I can't describe it, but I crack up.

re: The Biggest Rent Fan?
 Sep 2 2005, 06:12:12 PM
I agree, Joliz. If you were to put me in front of a camera, or even another person I might lose everything that I was going to say. I can see how that would happen.

And I don't think that the amount of times you've seen the show makes any difference at all. That's a very closed minded statement. Not all of us can afford, or have the means of getting to New York City to see the show many times. It doesn't mean that it means any less to us.

re: First Broadway show Ever seen?
 Sep 1 2005, 06:57:03 PM
The Music Man with that dude from Will and Grace. Forgive me for not remembering his name I'm sure there are at least a few W&G fans on here that will enlighten me.
re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
 Aug 31 2005, 12:53:55 PM
Oops, sorry about the mix up! :X But I still don't think it would make a good movie. Maybe if they did it based on the book, without music. Like some other people suggested.
re: Reese Witherspoon & a Wicked Movie?
 Aug 30 2005, 11:39:14 PM
Uyy. The reason that Stephen Schwartz was contemplating making Wicked a movie, but made it a play is because it would be BAD as a movie. There is some sense to that. It would lose whatever magic it has on the screen.
re: If you could recommend one show currently on Broadway...
 Aug 30 2005, 02:57:34 PM
If you're willing to go to Off Broadway, I say choose 'Altar Boyz.' It's hilarious, and touching at the same time. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. Plus, they're all gorgeous! :P

On Broadway, see 'Spelling Bee.' I haven't gotten to see it yet, but I am addicted to the Cast Recording.

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