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Member Name: sassylash3s
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 Sep 15 2024, 01:46:40 PM

Per the NYT, Mason will be going on today with script in hand:

 Sep 15 2024, 01:32:05 PM

I’m hearing that they’re putting Marsha Mason (who is also the show’s associate director) on for Mia at today’s performance. Can anyone confirm?

Faye Dunaway - Sunset Blvd
 Sep 7 2023, 11:14:36 AM

Does anyone know if they moved the physical production from LA to Broadway?  I can imagine if they weren't confident the LA production would run with Dunaway, they might have felt it was less risky to close it rather than build a new set/costumes for NY.

 Jul 31 2023, 11:31:14 PM

Saw the show tonight and basically liked it. I think it’s at its worst when it deals with the specifics of the filming Jaws - parts of it felt like a recitation of trivia from the Wikipedia page on the film - but gets a lot more interesting when the characters discuss other topics: acting as a profession, their relationships with their fathers, etc.

Really enjoyed Donnell and Shaw.  I tend to find Brightman annoying, and this time wasn’t an exception, but he had some g

Mind your Business
 Jul 11 2023, 12:39:12 PM

Kdogg36, I think you just invented TodayTix.

Here Lies Love and Live Musicians
 May 26 2023, 10:17:43 AM

jkcohen626 said: "Question: I believe the Broadway is losing around 700 seats for this show. If it now has around 1000 seats, how could that change the minimum?

Like I know the Nederlander has around 1200 seats and the Shucked orchestra has 6 people. That's not so far off from the DJ and the musicians at the end.

I read an old agreement once and my recollection is that the minimums aren’t tied directly to capacity, just the specific theatre. &nb

Musical Theater Heaven!
 Mar 31 2023, 12:42:54 AM

Matt Rogers said: 

3. The cleaning lady thing needs a paragraph all on its own. What the actual hell was that? Spoiler, I guess - She comes on for a few minutes in one scene mopping a floor and singing opera to herself. Way later in the show, she makes a second appearance in which she is still mopping the floor and singing opera to herself, but in this instance, two guys in suits are walking by in the background. They stop when they hear her singing and they grab her and r

Sorkin and Sher to revive CAMELOT for Broadway
 Mar 23 2023, 12:51:31 AM

Saw the show tonight. Jordan Donica was out and Christian Mark Gibbs went on for Lancelot.  Anybody know if this was his first performance?  He was very good.

SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread
 Mar 15 2023, 08:29:08 AM

I saw it last night and have to admit I’m puzzled by some of the raves I’m seeing.  It was a lot of fun with some great (and not-so-great) one-liners, but it didn’t add up to a great musical for me.

My first issue is the score, which to me was neither especially memorable nor funny.  The big exception was Alex Newell’s first act number, which might owe more to the performance than the writing. 

My other big issue was that the stakes felt so

Rachel Zegler teases Broadway debut:
 Feb 22 2023, 03:15:48 PM
I thought Sammi Cannold’s Evita at City Center was a really interesting (if imperfect) production so I’m glad to see it’s continuing on.

I’m curious to see how Rachel Zegler fits into it, though. The big “gimmick” of Cannold’s production was the use of two Evas, one younger and one older, with the transition happening at the end of “Buenos Aires”. Zegler seems like appropriate casting for the young Eva, but it’s really not much of a role.

FOR SALE: Bad Cinderella (1 Ticket) - 1st Preview Tonight at 8pm
 Feb 17 2023, 10:45:17 AM


What Happened to Article on Playbill re:
 Feb 10 2023, 02:44:00 PM

KJisgroovy said: "Until patrons can be removed swiftly and immediately for the most blatant and obvious violations, there's really no point to any of this discussion. I'm not sure why it can be done at the Alamo Drafthouse where I pay less than 12$ a ticket but not a broadway show where we pay 200$ a ticket."

I think you’re on to something, but in reverse - the sense of entitlement is greater when there’s more money involved.

What Happened to Article on Playbill re:
 Feb 10 2023, 10:13:00 AM

For what it’s worth, I overheard one of the relevant higher-ups from one of the theatre owners talking about this article yesterday.  It does seem like it’s being taken as a wake-up call by at least some of the people who need to hear it.

A Man of No Importance coming to Broadway?
 Jan 25 2023, 05:07:07 PM

ColdClimateDude said: "Parsons is not the star (or draw) he was a decade ago (or even five years ago), and the producers knew that. His most recent film tanked (despite it being unexpectedly wonderful) and when he was out with COVID during the off-Broadway run it sent that production into tumult. His u/s was incredibly well received so producers knew he could be a feasible option should Parsons be out, which is why they didn't want to give him above the title billing. So he walke

SeatGeek's New Fees
 Dec 19 2022, 04:46:13 PM
I’m pretty sure Seatgeek’s fees are based, in part, on a percentage of the face value of the ticket, although in a few minutes of playing around with a calculator I haven’t been able to determine the specific formula. Are you looking at $250+ tickets?
AIN'T NO MO to close December 18
 Dec 9 2022, 11:06:24 PM

Jonathan Cohen said: "Jordan Catalano said: "How on earth could this be a surprise? Do they not have access to the same information that we do, here? Their average ticket price is TWENTY ONE DOLLARS."

The average ticket price was$21.36 but on social media, Jordan Cooper was claiming the average ticket price to Ain't No Mo is $50. Either there's two different sets of criteria being used to determine the average, or there actually might be some dis

KPOP Reviews
 Dec 3 2022, 01:01:37 PM

For what it's worth, I'm a fan of the show, and I think the "squint-inducing" comment, while not itself strong evidence of malicious racism, should absolutely have been caught by an editor before publication. That said, I do think that the use of Korean in the song lyrics does undermine the dramatic goals of the show to a certain degree (at least for a general, non-Korean-speaking Broadway audience).

I had no problem with the use of Korean in the book scenes, because

Is Jordan E. Cooper, at 27, really the youngest playwright in Broadway history?
 Nov 27 2022, 08:27:46 PM

I've seen this claim in a number of places (including Cooper's Playbill bio) and it's always stood out to me.  Not to take away from his achievement, but when I think of all the dozens of plays that went up each season in the early 20th century, it seems improbable to me that nobody under 27 ever got a play produced in a Broadway house.  Anybody have any information one way or the other?

 Oct 21 2022, 09:23:39 PM

Not "bad", exactly, but I do think that for a show with so many great tunes, it's unfortunate that Hello, Dolly! has never had a great overture. The original production played without one, as I understand it, but there have been a few different versions used in subsequent productions, none of which have been all that great, IMO.

As far as an overture that is better than the score it draws from, I humbly submit the overture from Goodtime Charley.

K-POP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread
 Oct 19 2022, 12:30:00 AM

I saw the show tonight and overall really enjoyed it. The musical numbers were some of the most fun I've had at a Broadway show in ages. To those earlier in the thread who were concerned about the set, I thought it looked GREAT live, as did the costumes and choreography.

On the other hand, I thought the book was pretty rough - the scenes dragged and the plot felt like mostly showbiz cliches.  I'm curious how much of the book was retained from the immersive off-Broadway ver

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