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LOVE NEVER DIES to Get a New Director/Choreographer for NY?
 Jul 8 2010, 01:24:11 PM
It's just such a shame. Isn't the problem here the same one that faced The Pirate Queen? In both shows the composer(s) had all the power and were preventing changes to the things that needed it the most while tinkering with completely minor issues. In this case, it's the storyline (which Lloyd Webber didn't write firsthand, but he did develop the outline). I mean, my soaps have more nuance and character development. I fear Telemundo would reject this plotline as too over the top (and that's sayi
Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
 Jul 2 2010, 02:16:48 AM
Oh my, maybe a switch to decaf.
Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
 Jun 28 2010, 03:14:10 PM
Oh, goodness. Double post.
Hunter and Jen are lying hypocrites.
 Jun 28 2010, 03:10:54 PM
tappingjeff, I think it's great that you are trying to see "both sides" of this, but I fear it has snowballed into something much larger. When these Broadway stars started attacking other actors, this also became a question of grace and decorum. When these Broadway stars started deleting the offending comments and in some cases denied making them, this also became an issue of integrity.

Once you start lying, you lose any benefit of the doubt the rest of us might have been giving you. I

Michael Ball is London's 'Shrek'
 Mar 19 2010, 12:01:44 AM
CATSNY darling, so sad to say, but I don't know how much padding they are going to need to add. My Michael used to be quite dreamy back in the day, but I worry that, like me, he eats his feelings.
Happy Birthday, Bernadette Peters
 Feb 28 2010, 09:01:50 PM
I don't care if it's just genetics or with a little help, this woman ages like a fine wine. Unfortunately, I'm aging more like a Manischewitz.
Broadway Actors Voice-over Work for Animated Films
 Feb 25 2010, 11:41:08 PM
Hello Kiddies!

I know it will seem that way just because it's such a recent film, but Jen Cody's performance in "Princess and the Frog" is one of the funniest voice over performances I think I've ever seen.

I love having that girl on Broadway, but she should continue to contribute her talent to working on animated films.

I've found Karen Olivo and Josefina Scaglione's replacements!!
 Feb 20 2010, 01:23:31 PM
These poor girls are in High School. What's the point?
Can someone explain how this is ok? stagehand at Wicked
 Feb 18 2010, 09:20:14 PM
Oh, goodness. My White Shirt hung up on me. I am so sad.

He's actually working the show now. He takes his cell phone calls during the show because he feels it doesn't affect safety, but he yelled "Mom, don't drag out our dirty laundry" and hung up.

Oh, my sweet boy.

Long story short, when White Shirt was a little stagehand working the school play, he always wore his little white shirt. He loved that shirt. The other boys wearing all black used to tease him. I asked him

Can someone explain how this is ok? stagehand at Wicked
 Feb 18 2010, 08:29:50 PM

Me and my sweet boy during happier times.

Can someone explain how this is ok? stagehand at Wicked
 Feb 18 2010, 08:21:43 PM
Hello there Kiddies!

This is White Shirt's mom.

How is everyone? Please be nice to my little boy. He's always had a bit of a temper, but he's a SWEET BOY.

He's been that way his whole life. Making things sound like they have to be one or the other. One time, when he was a little boy, he was a stagehand for the school play and, oh I can't tell it. But please, I know what everyone is thinking. That safety an professional courtesy and respect for the tradition of theater

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