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wicked the movie cast?

Pianolin717 Profile Photo
#50re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 11/29/08 at 11:45pm

so, the re-run from SNL from A LOOOOONG time ago is on, and Anne Hathaway is hosting... i just have to say, I canNOT picture her to play elphaba EVER
She is just not the type

#51re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 11/29/08 at 11:46pm

Emmy Rossum as Elphaba? Are you kidding?

Brittany Snow was once Mabel in Pirates of Penzance, so I'm pretty sure she has the range. I'd have to hear her, though.

Anne Hathaway's high notes are kind of forced, IMO.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Nicholas Clar
#52re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 11/30/08 at 12:04am

I know I'm just repeating the show's (stage) cast patterns but:
Stephanie J. Block as Elphaba

Katie Rose Clarke as Galinda

Anne Hathaway as Nessarose IF she can get voice lessons!

Suze Orman (haha), Alex Bornstien, Alma Cuervo, Carole Kane OR Carole Shelly as Moribble

The rest is kind of harder for me to imagine... hopfully current or past cast members

#53re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 11/30/08 at 2:56am

how are there still so many fu*king morons that think Broadway actors are good enough to carry a Hollywood movie? let it go. they (including Menzel and Cheno) are not going to be in it.

#54re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 11/30/08 at 9:11pm

as much as i adore Idina and Kristen they're not gonna do it, if only because they are simply too old. However, I'm pretty sure that the best choice for Glinda would be Kristin Bell. Although I don't think I'd hate Amy Adams in the role. As for Elpheba i haven't a clue who i would want in that role. Anne Hathaway wouldn't be good, although whoever said she'd be a good Nessa was right, I'd like to see that.

mr.scribble Profile Photo
#55re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 11/30/08 at 10:21pm

haha Alex Borstein as Madame Moribble would be hilarious

Carol Channing Doll Profile Photo
Carol Channing Doll
#56re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 12:36am

Teri Hatcher as Elphaba
Miley Cyrus as Galinda.
John Stamos as Fierro
Zach Effron as Boq
Kate Winslet as Madame Morrible
Ray Romano as The Wizard
Kelsey Grammar as Dr. Dillamond
Jane Karkowski as Nessa Rose

Square Peg2 Profile Photo
Square Peg2
#57re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 12:40am

"Brittany Snow was once Mabel in Pirates of Penzance, so I'm pretty sure she has the range. I'd have to hear her, though."

I don't know, on the Hairspray DVD extras, I'm sure there's mention (I think Shaiman says it) that she was really nervous about the singing and doesn't consider herself a singer.

Also, I'm a huge Menzel fan, but I agree that she and Cheno are not going to be cast in this film. All they have to do is look at what a raging flop the Rent movie was and see that they need to cast names.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#58re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 12:41am

Are pigs flying? If they are, then I could see Katie Rose Clarke and Stephanie J. Block in the movie.

But, down here in reality, I'm betting on Amy Adams as Glinda. She practically auditioned for the role on that SNL sketch. And I'd be willing to bet money that Effron plays Fiyero.

#59re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 1:04am

Again - just because Efron has done several movie musicals doesn't mean that he's going to be first in line to be Fiyero. First of all - Wicked is a movie that isn't PRIMARLY set in high school (only really about half of it) which leads me to believe we will see some late twenty-somethings / thirty year olds filling these parts.

There is no way Efron will be able to play opposite of Amy Adams, let alone the fact that he probably won't want to. When this movie starts to film in the time to come, I really doubt that he would be likely to jump on yet ANOTHER movie musical. He's already made a name for himself, and made it a celebrity name at that. Since Wicked likely wouldn't bring him any awards, further recognition, or make him any more of a prestigious actor - he's going to pass this up.

tinysinger87 Profile Photo
#60re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 2:19am

I highly doubt that amy adams has the voice to pull off Glinda. I could hardly stand her in Enchanted. Maybe just the character but I wanted to hit her several times during the movie. But thats just me.

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#61re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 2:25am

Maybe, maybe not, but she's one of the few actresses who even comes close to being able to handle it who's also a big star.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

tinysinger87 Profile Photo
#62re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 2:29am

Is it really that important to cast a "big star" who cant really pull it off?? I have to believe there is someone on this earth who can kill the vocals like cheno did, and is young, and is great it too much to ask?????

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#63re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 2:46am

I think she can pull it off, if they make the movie before she's the age Cheno is now, at least.

In any case, look what happened with the Phantom movie. Hugely successful show on Broadway, but they cast nobodies in the film and it didn't even make back its budget in America.

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

tinysinger87 Profile Photo
#64re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 2:49am

Emmy tho...Not a fan. But thats just me.

toanythingtaboo 2 Profile Photo
toanythingtaboo 2
#65re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 5:40am

They don't need to be High School age, and half the show isn't set in High School. It's called Shiz University, so the actors can probably push 26ish before looking too old to play students.

Plus, Zac Efron wouldn't be offered this unless it was released in what - 5+ years, he hadn't done any musicals since and was still a big name.

I would be totally fine with seeing him in this, it would give the show a boost of certain success and he's easy on the eyes, plus he was better than people give him credit for in the HSM franchise...well the last 2 anyway.

Emmy should be Nessarose, thats as close as they'd let her get to the spotlight, and I'd quite like to see her in the part.

#66re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 3:20pm

I don't think it's that the Broadway actors aren't "good enough"; the two styles of acting are just completely different. Some stage actors also have SAG cards (Cheno, obviously; Block; Hilty; heck, LuPone and a host of non-Wicked alums), but that doesn't automatically mean they'd "translate" well on the big screen.

Ditto actors moving from screen to stage...which I wish some producers would learn before they pay out the big bucks for stunt casting....

cubanpab Profile Photo
#67re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 12/1/08 at 3:36pm

how about a cast of unknowns...? after all the brand of "wicked" is big enough that the movie will make lots of money regardless whose in it.

i say cast all unknowns or virtual unknowns (ala Jennifer Hudson in 'Dreamgirls') and there you go...

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#68re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 7:42pm

I think Emma Zaks would be a great Glinda. She obviously has tons of acting experience, her voice can definitely handle it, and she could still be considered an "unknown" for all the people who want "unknowns," even though obviously, a lot of people know who she is!


blaxx Profile Photo
#69re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 7:48pm

And you bumped this awful thread to promote Emma. I liked you a lot better when you had your depressive meltdowns, love. At least that was entertaining.

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#70re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 7:50pm

I would do anything to promote Emma. She's my idol!

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#71re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 8:38pm

"I think Emma Zaks would be a great Glinda. She obviously has tons of acting experience, her voice can definitely handle it, and she could still be considered an "unknown" for all the people who want "unknowns," even though obviously, a lot of people know who she is!


I'm sorry, I thought Glinda was supposed to be pretty and not constantly look like she is about to sneeze...?

re: wicked the movie cast?

(Ignore the Reese pictures.)

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 10/19/09 at 08:38 PM

Pgenre Profile Photo
#72re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 8:47pm

U GuYz- I vote 4 Dee Ravioli


Gobstopper Profile Photo
#73re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 8:52pm

Reese would be phenomenal... I wonder if she'd be willing to sing again.

I'm a big fan of the Kristen Bell for Galinda idea too though.

James885 Profile Photo
#74re: wicked the movie cast?
Posted: 10/19/09 at 9:23pm

I got a laugh out of this part:

she could still be considered an "unknown" for all the people who want "unknowns," even though obviously, a lot of people know who she is!

Being on a 2-3 month reality show doesn't mean squat. I doubt if even the people who watched the reality show remember who she is. It's laughable that you think Emma Zaks could actually be considered a box office draw when very few people outside of this message board and die-hard Legally Blonde fans know who she is.

Now Reese Witherspoon would be good, but I think even she might be a little too old by the time they're ready to make the movie.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
