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the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?- Page 2

the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?

jacobtsf Profile Photo
#25re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/21/05 at 11:06pm

When I saw the show I started the applause for George Hearn, and about a third of the theatre joined me.

David walked into the valley With a stone clutched in his hand He was only a boy But he knew someone must take a stand There will always be a valley Always mountains one must scale There will always be perilous waters Which someone must sail -Into the Fire Scarlet Pimpernel

Elphabuff2 Profile Photo
#26re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 1:04am

FindingNamo: "Nice is different than good." God, I am really pissed that I could not think of that lyric to prove a point about certain WICKED performers. Outstanding, FN. Perfect.

ticenewyorkcity Profile Photo
#27re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 4:28am

Then Please Take Your Money and go to said you didn't pay for the tickets any way so maybe you could take someone elses money and go there instead

Until you are crowned the worlds BEST actor/singer/dancer/ WHATEVER who are you to bash someone? We are all intitled to our opinions but sometimes thinking is best before speaking/

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#28re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 4:38am

What's wrong with being opinionated? I didn't see bashing...

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Forester Profile Photo
#29re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 4:46am

Me neither, I didn't see any bashing.

#30re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 6:27am

I don't completely agree with you because when they were on the today show they all seemed to do good as an ensemble singing and performing One Short Day. That being said, I do not believe that JLT, Megan, Shoshana, or Eden can properly fill Kristin and Idina's shoes. Not saying that they are horrible but they don't have that star quality that you need to be on broadway, also they don't have any chemistry between them. The show is a good show but it really is a performance showcase for 2 great performers and without 2 truly great performers in those roles then the whole show will fail.

Norbert Leo's Butt Profile Photo
Norbert Leo's Butt
#31re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 6:34am

Has Eden actually been confirmed yet????????????. Saycon is better than Sho. She is so esciting!

'They re-made my belly with skin from my butt'

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#32re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 8:19am

"Until you are crowned the worlds BEST actor/singer/dancer/ WHATEVER who are you to bash someone?"

In a world of sophomoric arguments, this one irks me the most. And running a close second, is:

" these actors worked their butts of in school and afterwards to get where they are. give them some credit!"

1) I don't need to be a surgeon myself in order to expect the one that operates on me to be excellent.

2) Everyone should work his/her butt off in school to prepare for their profession. That is, in part, the point of higher education.

3) My job performance is critiqued constantly by both employers and by people who are paying for me to do a particular job well. Why, exactly, should actors be any different?

4) And although, philosophically, it pains me to make this argument, a $100 ticket price make me more inclined to hold the talent on stage to a higher standard than does, for instance, a $15 ticket to community theater.

Edited to add this plea to masleadlivesofquietdespai:
Although I agree with most of what you have had to say, I am begging you to whack a few more letters off of each end of your screen name. It is so long that it screws up the margins and makes me want to not bother reading the thread.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10
Updated On: 5/22/05 at 08:19 AM

442namffug Profile Photo
#33re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 9:57am

I completley disagree with the original poster about this current cast. I just saw the show in April and, despite all of the hype and discussion, actually enjoyed it. I think this cast is amazingly talented. Shoshana Bean is the best singer I've heard live on Broadway. Her family was there that night so it is possible she was trying extra hard, BUT from what I've heard, she's always that amazing. I thought all of the songs (except George Hearn's) were 10 times better than on the OBC recording. I'm so glad I waited to see this cast, but still caught them before they left!! re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?

#34re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 10:09am

I dont really agree with any of this. I have seen Shoshana and heard her in live clips and she does things with the music that fit wonderfully. She also makes the part of Elphaba very lovable and cute (until Defying Gravity-which just makes the scene more powerful). I havent seen Megan Hilty, but I have seen JLT and I LOVE her as Glinda. I have heard David and I think he has a very nice voice. I have also been to shows where Carole and George get HUGE entrance applause....maybe it just depends on the day??? Idk. I guess to each his own. We all have our own opinions :)

#35re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 10:22am

my elementary school actually crowned me best singer/actor/dancer in 6th grade when I did jonah and the whale.
I was the whale and I actually won the "best singer/actor/dancer" award.
so now we can move on..

and this is a board for opinions. I made mine, you made yours.

Updated On: 5/22/05 at 10:22 AM

#36re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 10:25am

Updated On: 5/22/05 at 10:25 AM

iflitifloat Profile Photo
#37re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 11:47am

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. There is a growing trend to hire young belters as the female lead in many shows. Now, I enjoy good belting as much as the next person half my age, but not when it's all about being high and loud; pitch, tone, and vocal health be damned. There is no dearth of shrill, off-pitch belting emanating from Broadway stages today on a regular basis. It boggles my mind that such pedestrian talent is inspiring legions of young and adoring fans.

Sueleen Gay: "Here you go, Bitch, now go make some fukcing lemonade." 10/28/10

Merrydothe Profile Photo
#38re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 12:31pm

I went last Sunday for the 6th time, and hardly anyone got entrance applause, even Shoshana. I started all of it, and I was the ONLY one screaming and clapping for George Hearn. I guess sundays are all tourists. re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?

#39re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 12:33pm

I agree Iflit but I think that a lot of people have unfairly lumped Shoshana into that category. Shoshana has something that sets her apart from the rest of those performers: technique. She can belt, mix, and sing legit soprano. I also don't think that she's all about being high and loud. She realizes the importance of creating a performance instead of just singing the part. Just my humble opinion.

Aigoo Profile Photo
#40re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 12:35pm

Has Eden actually been confirmed yet????????????. Saycon is better than Sho. She is so esciting!

Eden is currently starring in her own show, Brooklyn. Who knows what she'll do after.

This is my signature.

#41re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 12:39pm

Also, to some of the other posters on this thread, I'd like to repost a rant I had on a thread about a month ago:


This is something that's been annoying me for awhile on the boards. Every time a thread turns into a good debate or discussion regarding a performer or show (as opposed to list threads or just trivial matters) people have to ruin it by taking it personally and attacking the posters who they disagree with. And here's a question: when you post about people being allowed to have different tastes and that we should tolerate it, does that only go for the people who share your tastes or does that extend to those who disagree with you? If you wanna talk the talk, you've gotta walk the walk too.

#42re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 12:51pm

Here's the thing about seeing Shoshana and Megan in WICKED. They are so fresh out of college that their technique is on DISPLAY. It seems like it takes a few years for the technique to be internalized and for it not to look like musical theatre performance class 101 up there.

It's like this. When Shosh is up there she's hitting all her moments. But she's hitting them so hard that it's annoying. "NOW I'M REALLY EXCITED AND HAPPY! BUT - OHHHHH, NO!!!! NOW I'M DEVASTATED!!! AHHHHHH!!!" It's like she doesn't trust the audience enough to go along for the journey - she is pushing her beats, which is pretty much what you're taught in a conservatory (better too much than too little, right?) but it's not real. It's not true-blue, I-see-a-star-up-there Broadway acting.

Megan, on the other hand, isn't even trying to push her beats too hard. When she comes down in her bubble, she barely registers as a blip on the radar. I've never seen so little star power in my life. She tries to make subtle, Anna Nicole Smith-ish choices with her jokes, which is admirable but she is like invisible up there.

For WICKED to work - ACTUALLY work - those girls need to exude RADIANT star-power. Unless you are appeased by those mindless, cheesy melodies and tacky, second-rate orchestrations. And even if you are, you must admit that with these two fresh-out-of-college kids - and don't even get me started on that Fiyero - you feel like you're in the presence of something resembling a B movie.

I mean, Bernie Telsey loves his new, fresh young talent. And it's lucky that he can give them a chance to work in Wicked. Since everybody from New Jersey or wherever will keep buying tickets to it anyway.

"I am the sound of distant thunder, the color of flame." CARRIE the Musical
Updated On: 5/22/05 at 12:51 PM

#43re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 1:17pm

wow, this really has turned into quite the debate. regarding shoshana's voice. i agree that people are lumping her in with some who are out there just singing high and loud. she has a wonderful, healthy technique and in my opinion sure knows the difference between just singing high and loud and really singing. and she's not just out of college trying to showcase that technique either.

#44re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 1:22pm

Well, personally...I'm a fan of the show. I do agree that the AI belting that seems to be taking over Broadway is a tad much at times, but every style has its place and apparently belting AI styles have found a Broadway home in the 90's and now, much like some of the more operretta styles during the 80's Andrew Lloyd Webber and Cameron Macintosh years. Of course, you don't have to get nit-picky, I admit I am generalizing. As far as individual performers for the show...I don't think it has a thing to do with age...or even the singing. I think it has to do with individual preferences. Everyone has a favorite performer. In my opinion, the standards were set by Idina and Kristin, but many people absolutely hate Idina...think she's overrated and terribly pitchy. I saw her and thought she was great; however, I heard an acoustic live version of Defying Gravity, with Eden and Steven Schwartz was playing piano...I was absolutely appauled. I felt her voice was all wrong for the role. I can't explain it other than to say, it went from controlled, well trained, and almost too absolute screaming. There wasn't that raw edge and style that Idina had. On the other hand, I love Eden in Brooklyn: The Musical...her voice is perfect. As far as Shoshana or Stephanie...I have not yet seen or heard them, so I can't comment. I saw JLT and think she upholds the character standard set by Kristin, very well. My preference for performers in these two roles lies with Idina and Kristin, who both have very commanding stage presence and their voices blended very well. This is not to say that there are no replacements good enough, but I believe that the two female leads would have to be considerably strong, stand on your own, not afraid to take risks type of actress/singers. Those traits unfortunatly do come with time, experience, and age.

#45re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 1:23pm

I have to say that I don't really get the point of 'entrance applauds'. Aplauding to an actor/actress for walking on the stage? How demanding. Ok, I realise that some of these actors mentioned here are somewhat icons and have done remarkable performances in the past, but I think there is a time and place for acknowledging them, and I think that the time is NOT when the person walks on the stage to start his/her performance. Of course it is nice and polite, but I'd rather see them getting in action than standing still on stage waiting for the audience to quiet down so they can get into work. I personally sooner enjoy their current performance and give them the chance to get into work they've been concentrating for and save the cheering and applauds till the actor is taking his/her bows - or to the stage door.

#46re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 2:15pm

I have to disagree with the poster that said that Shoshana pushes her acting too much. When I saw her, I didn't think she overdid it at all. I actually believed her in the role and what she did with it.

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#47re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 3:01pm

I think Shoshana has a fantastic voice. The reason she sounds like she's from American Idol is because she wants to be a pop star; she has said this multiple times. She is on Broadway right now because that is where she happened to end up, but her true dream is to be a pop star. I still think she is fantastic.

And regarding the entrance applause thing: If I don't know the person, I will not applaud for them on their entrance. Like George Hearn? I'm not familiar with a lot of his work. Therefore, I will not applaud for him just because everyone else does. I also think that entrance applause should be reserved for those who truly, truly deserve it.

#48re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 3:47pm

the color of flame...that is a brilliant post. You took the words out of my mouth, but knew how to say it. Thats what I meant by college kids on bway. I agree with all that you said.
Thanks for putting it perfectly.

FrontRowFirst Profile Photo
#49re: the current wicked cast..when did it get so bad and young?
Posted: 5/22/05 at 4:08pm

I second that. Color of Flame hit the nail on the head. My feelings exactly.
