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rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#1rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 10:36pm

Just a few quick thoughts.

A fall from grace for Letts. I mean, it was pretty damn near impossible that it would be as good as or better than A:OC which is very true but more than that its just really not an exciting or fresh show.

There's some great banter between Franco and McKean's character (don't have my Playbill in front of me), mostly in the first act. But that's about it. I didn't feel ANYTHING for any of the characters and the plot was pretty uninvolving and pointless. Letts knows how to write, that's for sure, I just don't get why he deemed this worthy of being his second Bway venture. The second act was interminable. And I thought McKean's monologues were pointless and they did not ring true for me one bit. The first act is far better than the second but certainly is nothing spectacular.

The performances are fine though. McKean is good enough, Kate Budekke is funny, and the kid who plays Franco (again, I'm on my Bberry...can't get my Playbill now) is fantastic. I hope he's remembered when the Tony nods are announced.

The direction does nothing to keep the pace up. There's a lot of long, pensive pauses (don't know if this was Letts' idea or the director's) but they just make the show drag. About one or maybe two of the six or seven pauses work.

The set's nice, appropriate and all. Sound design needs to work on their cues.

I didn't despise it, its pointless to me. Maybe I didn't get it. But after last years' fantastic crop of plays, we're not off to the best of starts. This was the first new show of the 09-10 Bway season I saw. And...ehhhh.

** out of ****

I'd be happy to answer any questions.

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#2re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 10:43pm

Man, this sucks. I was really looking forward to this show. I guess EVERYONE's bar is SO high with August. I might still see it, maybe try and give it some time.

rOcKS, I love your reviews. Very simple but gets the point across and we normally seem to have similar taste.

April Saul
#2re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 10:52pm

The reviews here sound EXACTLY the ones from Chicago for this. It's really too bad that this show had to play in a Broadway house, it sounds like it's more suited for off-Broadway and will find a hard time finding an audience...and Letts has set the bar so high for himself that people are going in with huge expectations. This is really a good argument for reading the reviews of a show you're thinking about seeing before you buy a ticket--especially if it's just been done out of town with the same cast.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#3re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 11:10pm

Thanks, chita!

And I will say this about it. The audience seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves. The mezz was about 90% full (great seat via TDF) and they laughed heartily at the jokes, roared at the curtain call, and generally seemed to enjoy it. But it WAS the second preview and was surely highly papered. So...I don't really know how much merit the audiences reaction holds.

And the fight scene needs to be cleaned up. A lot. It was cringe-inducingly fake and drawn out and ridiculous looking.

Rudy2 Profile Photo
#4re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 11:10pm

I'm almost afraid to see this on Saturday now. Oh well.


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Bettyboy72 Profile Photo
#5re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 11:14pm

My friend saw it in Chicago and she loved it. She was very moved by it.

"The sexual energy between the mother and son really concerns me!"-random woman behind me at Next to Normal "I want to meet him after and bang him!"-random woman who exposed her breasts at Rock of Ages, referring to James Carpinello

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#6re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 11:32pm

I was there tonight and to me the best duo on 45th street isn't Daniel and's Michael McKean and Jon Michael Hill in Superior Donuts. Their chemistry was just fantastic, and Jon Michael Jill is a STAR in the making. It is definitely not August: Osage County, as the drama was not as effective as the humour, but it was an enjoyable little show. And even though act two is uneven, the final moments between Michael and Jon really got me.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#7re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/17/09 at 11:51pm

I have to agree with Taboo on this one-- Just got back, and LOVED it !!! I do agree with Wicked that the fight scene DEFINITELY needs work (was too long, and VERY cheesy !!!), but as a whole, I had a great time. Thought the banter was excellent, and some great performances. Hill was amazing !

Nothing can be "August:OC", but thought it was excellent, especially for a 2nd preview.

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#8re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 12:35am

Another thought: is it just because the theater's small that we were able to very clearly hear the stage-doorers at A STEADY RAIN screaming bloody murder? Cause I remember the same exact thing happening when AUGUST was there and ALL MY SONS was across the street.

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#9re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 12:57am

Letts was very wary of DONUTS being his second venture on Broadway. He has acknowledged many times that AUGUST was pure luck and that he's not a Broadway writer. Lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. The producers thought they would profit off of his newest work on the coattails of his previous masterpiece.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#10re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 5:21am

Well, it does seem that there ARE people that are enjoying it, so there is still hope. I'll be there on Saturday matinee, followed by A Steady Rain in the evening.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#11re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 6:58am

How long is it?

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#12re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 7:07am

Was on the street by 10:25 PM last night---

winston89 Profile Photo
#13re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 7:47am

I think that if people go in there realizing that they aren't seeing August, then they might end up having a good time. Now, keep in mind that I have yet to see the play. However, it is pretty high up on my list of things to see that are coming out this season. But, I understand that I am not going to be seeing another August up on the stage of the music box.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#14re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 8:07am

I agree, Winston--- It really doesnt "TRY" be be "A:OC"- (if that meakes sense)

I compare it somewhat with Wilson's works--- written as a cycle, his works are inevitably going to be compared to eachother. Sort of like comparing movie sequels.

Hard to compare "A:OC" and "Superior Donuts"- I went with an open mind, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#15re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 8:10am

Only read the play (won't see it till next week), but it's very good. Hardly a "fall from grace," unless you only are familiar with Letts via AUGUST and are expecting an identical play.

He's written drastically different plays each time out, and oftentimes they don't even seem as if they were coming from the same playwright. SUPERIOR is a much smaller, low-key, more lighthearted thing than August, and "fall from grace" is just a ridiculous (and frankly, grammatically non-applicable) phrase to be using.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#16re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 9:22am

I'm a little surprised by some of the disappointment with Superior Donuts on the board. It's subtler and gentler than August, and that works really well for the plot.

The main similarity it has with August is that Letts created rich characters that help define the American Character. I disagree that this should be running off-Broadway in a small house. I thought it fit nicely in the Music Box and will hopefully be able to find an audience there.

Jon Michael Hill is the clear break out star, but everyone is turning a strong performance (minus the fight scene!). If you're looking for an original play to see this fall, this would be the one to see.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#17re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 9:37am

<< Jon Michael Hill is the clear break out star, but everyone is turning a strong performance (minus the fight scene!). If you're looking for an original play to see this fall, this would be the one to see. >>

Totally agree--- Jane Alderman as "Lady" was SO good !!

#18re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 12:39pm

I saw the invited dress on Tuesday night and I mostly enjoyed it. There is some great humor in the show. It's not as riveting as August, but much of the writing was solid. The actors all played off each incredibly well.
I loved Michael McKean when he was interacting with others but his monologues completely took me out of the story. I'm not sure if it was the writing or the directing but I would lose interest when he was in his lone spotlight. Also, the fight scene in Act 2 went on for way too long.
I laughed a lot watching the show and had a good time. I'd recommend it. I think some of the kinks (awkward pacing/off lighting-sound effects) will get fixed during previews.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#19re: rOcKS @ 'Superior Donuts'
Posted: 9/18/09 at 1:29pm

<< I loved Michael McKean when he was interacting with others but his monologues completely took me out of the story. I'm not sure if it was the writing or the directing but I would lose interest when he was in his lone spotlight. Also, the fight scene in Act 2 went on for way too long.
I laughed a lot watching the show and had a good time. I'd recommend it. I think some of the kinks (awkward pacing/off lighting-sound effects) will get fixed during previews.>>

Excellent points !!! The monologues seemed to come out of leftfield, and really did slow down the pace... and the fight scene...OY !! That being said.. still LOVED it... Want to go back very badly ! I think both the "fight scene" and the monologues will be tweaked before the show officially opens.
