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performing on a raked stage

ChenoInTraining Profile Photo
#0performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 4:41pm

I jsut recently learned what a raked stage was and the thought of having to dance and sing on such a thing hardly seems easy. Ive searched for this info and have yet to coem up with it. How do others do it?

It's good to see me isnt it!

#1re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 4:42pm

It's not that difficult. After a little rehearsal you become quite used to it.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

pab Profile Photo
#2re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 4:49pm

It's not like it's that high a climb. Many years ago (many many) all theatres used to be built with raked stages as a matter of course. The reason why heading to the back of the stage is called going upstage and heading to the front is called going downstage is because you had to walk up to get to the back and down to get to the front. I directed an opera on a raked stage and it worked out really well.

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

Broadwayluva Profile Photo
#3re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 5:25pm

I'm sure many people probably get used to it after some time, but i know that that was one of the reasons why Carolle Shelleyleft Wicked, because it was having some affect on her back or something.

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#4re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 5:49pm

Yeah, same with Louise Pitre and Mamma Mia!, that was one of her reasons to leave.

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

jv92 Profile Photo
#5re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 6:00pm

I've heard the term, "raked stage", but could someone explain it to me?

#6re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 6:02pm

The stage is slanted upwards.

jv92 Profile Photo
#7re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 6:03pm

Oh thanks. Now I know what you mean.

perfectlypink3 Profile Photo
#8re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 8:48pm

I did a couple of shows last year on a raked stage, and at one point i had to kneel down facing sideways toward the audaince... that was a little difficult for i usually felt like i was going to topple over. But as far as just walking on the stage i got 100% used to it.

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Marlene Profile Photo
#9re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:06pm

The stage at Gershwin is raked? I never noticed that.

I had the opportunity to rehearse on one during class. It's a new experience.
Updated On: 12/30/05 at 10:06 PM

Tag Profile Photo
#10re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:23pm

Doesn't Equity stipulate that rehearsals on a raked stage need to be shorter then a regular rehearsal or something like that? Because they are so difficult to work on physically...

nolatheatre Profile Photo
#11re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:31pm

It was hell for me

#12re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:37pm

Miss Saigon had a 6 foot rake ..i THINK that was the steepest one ever and i don't think they are allowed to have it the severe any more. it caused a lot of back pain for many people no matter how good of shape they were in. its really bad for your back and knees 8 shows a week for almost 3 and a half years! its MUCH worse for those DANCING in heels on it! a LITTLE easier on the people who didn't have to dance on it. but not much!

#13re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:47pm

at first- it is extremely odd. You always feel as if you are going to fall straight into the audience. It absolutely takes some getting used to. Mainly just a lot of practice on one helps you out, and you should feel comfortable with it, no problem. That's odd that some people get back problems from it, but I can totally see how.

Dancing on one must be a pain though, I can barely imagine.

#14re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:55pm

what's a raked stage?

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#15re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 10:58pm

its just a little bit above---i'd be scared to death performing on one of those

starryeyes2 Profile Photo
#16re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 11:10pm

dancing on a raked stage is the same as doing anything else....just takes some rehearsal too feel comfortable. It's not the scare factor that puts you off, it's the fact that different muscles ache at the end of it because you've had to compensate for the slope. You don't really realise til you finish.

broadwaybelter Profile Photo
#17re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 11:17pm

well yea but also the different levels could impose a fear factor, like someone mentioned the Miss Saigon one being a 6ft rake

#18re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 11:33pm

for miss saigon they made you do your dance audition at the Broadway Theater on that rake and it truly felt like you were going to fall RIGHT INTO the orchestra pit! it was STEEP! plus there are tracks in the stage as try not tripping in the tracks AND not falling into the pit! i felt bad for the guys doing acrobatic stuff in that show!
i saw one engineer fall right into the pit during rehearsals for american dream! it was SCARY but when he was ok, it was HYSTERICAL!!! he never did that again! hahaha
in case it wasn't answered a rake is when the back of the stage is lifted at the back of the stage causing it to slant down towards the audience.

singingwendy Profile Photo
#19re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 11:41pm

In high school, we built a raked stage for our performance of Jesus Christ Superstar. It took getting used to, but it wasn't that uncomfortable. Biggest problem was stepping down off the stage once you got to the wings. Especially when you are walking backward off the stage. One of the girls actually fell off the stage at the last performance and broke her foot.

allamarane Profile Photo
#20re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/30/05 at 11:42pm

I guess it depends on what show and how much of a rake. I didn't have any issues doing Arcadia on a rake, but tapping in 42nd Street was a whole other story!

"I know what the sunlight can be"

chinkie azn jai Profile Photo
chinkie azn jai
#21re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/31/05 at 12:11am

Woah, a 6 foot rake for miss saigon?! How many degrees is that?

"Chicago is it's own incredible theater town right there smack down in the middle of the heartland. What a great city! I can see why Oprah likes to live there!" - Dee Hoty :-D

#22re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/31/05 at 12:22am

its a lot of damn degrees! i don't know..someone who is good at math might be able to figure it out. it was quite steep and jarring on the lower back. i have worked on lesser rakes with no problems.

#23re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/31/05 at 12:23am

What is a "raked stage"?

From the subject line, I thought it was a stage of a disease or a drug addiction.

YayJudyYayJudy Profile Photo
#24re: performing on a raked stage
Posted: 12/31/05 at 12:27am

there is a pretty steep one in Fiddler as well... which rises and falls quickly too

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