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matilda or pippin?

#1matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 1:15pm

Would you recommend Pippin or Miatilda for a family with 2 daughters, ages 13 & 15. or anything else.... ? We enjoyed Wicked and Annie.... I am thinking Book of Mormon may not be the best with our daughters.
Thank you

StageStruckLad Profile Photo
#2matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 1:20pm

I would maybe recommend Matilda as more family-friendly. Pippin does have the circus spectacle, which is a huge amount of fun. It also has an orgy (nothing too explicit, though).

dreaming Profile Photo
#2matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 1:25pm

I think Pippin is fine for those ages. Matilda might feel too young for them. I don't know what your views are on the orgy referred to in StageStruckLad's post, but it's not offensive. The production is gorgeous.

ReggieonBway Profile Photo
#3matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 1:30pm

Depends on the kids in question. The fifteen year old might feel a bit old for Matilda, while the thirteen year old loves it. Pippin is an incredible show, but it might go over the thirteen year old's head while the fifteen year old loves it. Or they might both love either show. Know that Pippin is the more mature and audacious of the two, and Matilda's more 'pop' and kid-friendly.

Kad Profile Photo
#4matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 1:37pm

Both shows are totally fine.

Matilda isn't children's theatre, people.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

Pammylicious Profile Photo
#5matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 2:01pm

My 20 year old college son loved Matilda. It is NOT a children's show at all.

#6matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 2:18pm

You might even want to consider Kinky has a feel good message of accepting yourself... even if you are different and having others not judging you for who you are. It's a worthwhile message for early teenagers.

It depends on how open you want to be with your children. A mom of a nine year old that took her daughter to KB wrote an article that was posted here a while ago. Here is the link..

Just a thought. You do what is right for your family.

MusicalTheatreGeek2 Profile Photo
#7matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 3:07pm

Or you go to Matilda or Pippin and see top quality Musical theatre, because you go to the theatre to see the best possible production, not the best message? Anyway my choice would be Pippin. I think they are both great shows, but the current cast of Pippin is incredible and one that shouldn't be missed!

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#8matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 3:19pm

I'd say a lot of the sharp edges of Bob Fosse's 70's Pippin have been smoothed off for this revival, replaced with pure joyous spectacle. The emotions of Act II have been heightened to make the second act incredibly moving. A great choice for a family with 2 teenage girls who are just about to embark on their own quests to find themselves.

Matilda was all sharp edges and very little true emotion as far as we were concerned. If a show about 8-year-olds could be considered punk rock, then Matilda is it. If loud and angry fits your family vibe, (or if your girls feel like no-one in the adult world understands them) then Matilda might be the show for your family after all.

Kad Profile Photo
#9matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 3:45pm

... Or take them to Matilda if you want a show that encourages ingenuity, intelligence, free-thinking, and empathy as the strongest traits a child can have.

A child's punk show the musical is not.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#10matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 5:17pm

I have now seen Matilda twice (once in London and once on B'way), I was bored out of my skull.
I have seen Pippin 12 times now. It is AMAZING!!!!
Seen Kinky Boots twice, also amazing!

hak5 Profile Photo
#11matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 5:24pm

hands down, PIPPIN

Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#12matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 5:26pm

Also, Pippin will be sexy to young teenage girls (safely so) in a way that Matilda certainly will not.

alex2155 Profile Photo
#13matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 5:30pm

I haven't seen Pippin yet, but I think your girls would definitely like Matilda. It is not just for kids. My 26 year old brother really liked it! When he came to NY he actually requested to see it.

#14matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 5:38pm

I would say MATILDA is definitely a children's show; ridiculously over-the-top characters, silly story. It is nicely staged and I liked the score quite a bit. But PIPPIN is a classic and this production sounds like it is the show that should not be missed.
I really did not care for MATILDA overall.

bearhorn Profile Photo
#15matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 6:14pm

Matilda was a very good show, but Pippin was absolutely fantastic!

once a month Profile Photo
once a month
#16matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 6:47pm

Saw Pippin, Kinky Boots and Matilda....see Pippin by all means!

#17matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 6:56pm

Personally if you can, I would see them all somewhere down the road..LOL I have seen two so far - have tickets for the third. Can't wait.

Gink Profile Photo
#18matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 7:41pm

I haven't seen Matilda but brought a 14 years old boy and girl to Pippin and they LOVED it--as did I. They both want to see it again. I just asked my daughter if she thought the orgy scene was too much and she said "not at all', and I agree, not too bad. She was 12 when she saw BOM and no harm came to her other than laughing too much.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#19matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 9:16pm

I'd vote for Matilda, but either is a good choice.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#20matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 10:02pm

Since when are family-appropriate shows considered children's theatre?

Both productions are very well done. It depends on what kind show you want to see. Both are spectacles that need to be seen to be believed. Pippin features incredible circus in addition to a polished musical production, but the show itself might go over your daughters' heads. I'll throw my vote to Matilda. I think every aspect of the show is fantastic, from the acting and choreography to the design and clever lyrics. I think it would be perfect (perhaps even inspiring) for your teenage daughters.

Updated On: 5/14/13 at 10:02 PM

VotePeron Profile Photo
#21matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/14/13 at 10:12pm

I've seen Matilda twice now and am heads over heels for it. I think it is the perfect show for all audiences, including and especially families. It is great all around. I saw Pippin, and I just don't understand all the hype. I LOVED the circus aspect, Patinas performance, and the big spectacle that it was. But for some reason I have no desire to return to it after my first viewing. I think it is a great show, but for a 13 and 15 year old, definitely go with Matilda! Also, I may be alone in my opinion, but I found Pippin to be very sexual and provocative. Now I'm not saying it's "inappropriate" but I definitely think it is moreso than some people say. But to each their the end of the day, I liked, and recommend, Matilda!

Updated On: 5/14/13 at 10:12 PM

hak5 Profile Photo
#22matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/15/13 at 9:34am

I'm curious as to a few people saying that PIPPIN will go over a younger teen's head. what's NOT to understand..... everyone should relate to finding one's place in the world. Also, this production is NOT over sexual [as some have said] in fact it's rather tame for 2013.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#23matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/15/13 at 9:54am

I'd say Matilda. Pippin is very stylistic and if you don't have the taste for it, it can be interminable to get through. If you "get it", I'm sure it's incredible, but if you don't, I swear the seconds tick by like hours.

Matilda isn't perfect but it's really a lovely show and a great one for teenage girls, IMO.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

Gink Profile Photo
#24matilda or pippin?
Posted: 5/15/13 at 11:55am

hak5--agreeded. I was also puzzled about what might go over a young teens head in Pippin--in our case--nothing. My daughter had A LOT of questions about BOM but I thought they led to thoughtful discussions.
