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la lotto WICKED

#0la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 3:42pm

so whats the lotto been like this week?? still crazy and insane?

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#1re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:00pm

I was just there last was it crowded! I would estimate well OVER 100 people were trying to get lotto tickets. While the names were being called, I looked over and saw Stephanie Block!! She was trying to get some tickets for her neighbor. What a wonderful and humble lady! I noticed she was wearing green nail polish, so I summoned up my courage to approach her. We had a nice conversation and she was kind enough to take a picture with my daughter.

I actually arrived at 4:00 (!!!) to get in the cancellation line for the 8:00 PM show. My daughter and I didn't find out until 7:58 that we got the last 2 tickets for the night! When we arrived at 4:00 we were #10 and #11 in line. I felt bad for all the folks that arrived after 4:00. My reccommendation would be to arrive at 3:30 if you want great cancellation seats (we got 3rd row-center stage). The ticket price was outrageous....but worth every penny-Stephanie and Kendra were awesome (and I saw Idina and Shoshana in New York!).

If you want Kendra's autograph, get to the stage door quick...she likes to get out quickly. Every cast member we met was so very kind. What an awesome night at the theater!

Popular Profile Photo
#2re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:03pm

Thanks for the updates.... I've only tried the weekends so far so it's good to hear how the middle of the week is going.

Yep- she was there 2 Saturdays ago as well and won! Makes you almost want to root for her to win hearing that she's trying to get her neighbors in, what a sweetie.

TheatreDiva612 Profile Photo
#3re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:04pm

i went last night...there were so many people there.....needless to say we didn't win. lol. i'm sad i missed stephanie...oh well.

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#4re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:10pm

I actually have 2nd row tickets for next Thursday evening, but when I found out Stephanie was doing the matinee and I would not see her, I headed for LA early. I saw Stephanie in TBFO and was looking forward to her in the Wicked tour.

Thanks, Popular, for your advice on arriving early. Had the traffic gods not been so kind, I would have missed out on a wonderful night. I would have tried the lotto more often, but hiring a babysitter, and driving for 2 hours to risk such great odds is more costly than I can afford.

Popular Profile Photo
#5re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:13pm

So you got in for the matinee by doing the lotto? That's AWESOME! What did you end up doing with your evening tickets?

#6re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:15pm

Wow, the lotteries sound you think the SF lottery will be as bad? (for the opening night, for example?)

"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#7re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:20pm

No, Stephanie is in the matinee next Thursday, but I have evening seats (July 21st). I didn't want to miss seeing her, so I went last night since I knew she'd be performing. Sorry for the confusion.

I did like your tip to everyone to try next Thursday's lotto since they usually don't have a 2:00 show on Thursdays. Unfortunately, my husband would kill me if I spend one more dime on this show, so I won't be able to try that 2:00 lottery.

Anakela Profile Photo
#8re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:23pm

DG2- if your daughter was by any chance the young lady sharing her Milano cookies with the folks around her in the lotto line (?) then I totally remember you guys from last night- she's a sweetie, I am glad to hear that you guys got in!!

And thanks for the cancellation line info, my friend and I might be trying that this weekend if the lotto doesn't happen.

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#9re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:26pm

Yep...that was us! We had a great time chatting with the people around us...another wonderful tip by Popular. re: la lotto WICKED
Did you get a cookie?

Anakela Profile Photo
#10re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:32pm

No, no cookie- I was offered one though :) -but we did have a great line conversation too... the woman next to me asked your daughter if she was working or still in school, which cracked us all up. And I love a kid whose favorite song is also "The Wizard and I," instead of one of the more popular (heh) ones.

Have a great time next Thursday!

#11re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:34pm

hey popular

are weekends (fridays nights) crazy... i havent tried in a couple of weeks

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#12re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:41pm

Ana, were you the lady with the book? My daughter is guessing it is you. My 13 year old told me about the work comment, and I thought that was funny!

Now that I've done this lotto/cancellation line thing, I realize that she didn't need to wait in the lotto line. There was plenty of time to walk up near the end to get our name in. I do want to warn everyone, they did close out the line a couple minutes before 6:00. That was when I saw Stephanie's friend get upset (in a humorous sort of way) because he ran up at the last minute to try to get his name in. She looked at her watch and said it was too early.

Popular Profile Photo
#13re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 5:41pm

I've only tried saturday and sunday matinees and sunday evening once. The first few weeks were ok (60 at the most) but last time I went it was over 100 just like everyone is saying.

Just try your luck, you never know!

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#14re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 8:04pm

The channel 7 news at 4:00 just had a great promo for Wicked. There was GREAT video footage of the touring cast! The entertainment reporter talked about the lottery system and how that was the only way to get into the show. Expect the number of people in line to increase now!

Popular Profile Photo
#15re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 8:09pm

DAMN Channel 7!!!!!

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#16re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 8:12pm

I agree, Popular! I just wish I could get my hands on that video footage for the whole show of the touring cast!

***running for cover for fear the mods think I'm talking about the banned b-word (bootleg)....because I'm not!***

#17re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/15/05 at 9:06pm

Do theatre (esp. Broadway) productions ever have backstage VIDEOs done? Like documentary style? I know photographs are taken occasionally, but have 'official' videos ever been done, and if not can I do one? Lol.

"If you can talk, you can sing...if you can walk, you can dance." - T.K. Greene

Anakela Profile Photo
#18re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 4:19am

Yep DG2, that was me with the book, good guess from the daughter!

So, after almost a week of not winning I finally won the lotto again tonight (Saturday), and I finally got to see Jenna Leigh Green as Elphaba (Kendra was out for the Sat matinee, Stephanie for the Sat evening show for those keeping score), there was a pretty noticeable "No Good Deed" lyric mixup but other than that very enjoyable performance... And then I just wanted to share:

1- re: Friday night lotto. This week Friday night lotto was pretty light, about 60ish, and the woman at the box office says that Friday nights have been their lightest lotto crowds. I still did not win, though. :)

2- Sat evening was the night of the understudy and missing person: Elphaba, Nessarose (of course), Chistery, Witch's mother all u/s, only two Wiz-o-mania characters instead of three, only two people instead of three on the bridge in "Thank Goodness."

3- according to the guy standing next to me the name called before mine in the lotto tonight was Jenna Leigh Green's mother, which I thought was so sweet.

This was my third lotto win, but I've entered like 10 times now so I am sure Popular totally still has the better win record. But I am gaining. :)

Popular Profile Photo
#19re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 4:28am

5 for 8 at the moment :)

I'll make my speech August 1st! LOL

PramsAclams Profile Photo
#20re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 4:33am

I have something to say: I tried for weeks to win the lottery for Spelling Bee (I finally won last week but I still have bitterness)--I despise the people who put their names in for the Wicked lottery and when they don't win put their names in for the Spelling Bee lottery. At least 12 times I tried for the Spelling Bee lottery and you trashy WICKED PEOPLE (I love Wicked--I just hate YOU--so don't take offense) ruined it for me. But I hate the vacationing Mid-westerners even more. Hooray Wicked and Yippee Spelling Bee, but there need to be some reformations in the lottery process.

It's eckspecially apropos So if you really want to know Do I love you? Don't aks.

Anakela Profile Photo
#21re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 4:58am

It's ok, no offense- I am running up my entries in the L.A. Wicked lotto, and I'm not from the Midwest. :)

And based on what I've read here the next time I'm in NY I'm trying for SRO tix for Spelling Bee, instead of the lotto, so you can totally have my lotto entries!

(I will agree on one lotto reformation thought, though- there's no process to stop people from entering their names twice. Besides the nice man at the lotto table saying 'one entry per person' which, if you're gonna cheat and enter yourself more than once are you really gonna listen to the nice man?)

Popular Profile Photo
#22re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 5:02am

yeah, I'm in L.A. too. Sorry. Glad you got that off your chest though, feel better now?

defygravity2 Profile Photo
#23re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 11:40am

Prams....unfortunately with the theater entrances so close, that was bound to happen. I agree that system should be changed! I am surprised Wicked people want to see Spelling Bee..they are two very different shows. Hopefully the kids are not winning the SB lottery.

The rumor mill that I heard while waiting in the Los Angeles cancellation line was that they check all entries and if there was a duplicate entry, and your name was chosen, they would come take you out of the theater. I don't think that happens, but wouldn't it be funny if they did?!?

Ana, congratulations on the lotto win!! I will tell my daughter. Hopefully, Jenna (not Maria) will be Elphaba next Thursday night. That was a lot of substitutions for one night!

Popular, you are "da man!" I wish I lived closer to the theater, because the competitive side of me would love to try for your record!
Updated On: 7/17/05 at 11:40 AM

Popular Profile Photo
#24re: la lotto WICKED
Posted: 7/17/05 at 1:16pm

Honestly, you guys are cracking me up. It's now 10:15am and you're all making me feel like if I don't get dressed and down to the theater in 1/2 hour for the matinee I'll be letting you down or something. LOL I'm really not trying to be "the WO-man" or break any records. I've just been lucky that's all, and I just hope you're all not jinxing me for the future! LOL
