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irritating voices

#200re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 2:54pm

"the woman that plays the Jewish mom on the CAROLINE OR CHANGE recording. EW!!! Her tone deaf voice drives me up the wall."

Her voice is supposed to be atonal. I've read from excerpts by the author of COC that each character has a specific voice that fits that character's traits and personalities and vision. In the case of the mother, she is so out of tune to life, out of tune with her stepson, out of tune of how ignorant she is, etc. She is a shrill, passionless woman with no understanding of everything and everyone around her so she sings throughout the show with a shrill, atonal voice.
Caroline's daughter, Emmie, has a voice full of hope and promise; you can surely hear that in her golden, beautiful voice. Caroline's voice is always full of cynicism, anger, and a lack of any hope whatsoever for change. Most of the reviews for the show praised the mother's performance as being perfect for the show, but also said she would probably not become a musical diva anytime soon.

VivLaVieBoheme Profile Photo
#201re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 3:17pm

Ok I dont' know if anyone is going to hate me for this, by Ann Harada (Christmas Eve in AQ). I like her and all but listening to her sing just kinda...irks me, I guess. I'm more of an actress than a singer, cause I really can't sing, but I just didn't like her that much.

~~**I've had a knack from way back of breaking the rules once I learned the games**~~ ~~**Badger badger badger badger badger...MUSHROOM!!!**~~

EponineThenardier Profile Photo
#202re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 3:47pm

Jessica Snow-Wilson

#203re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 8:34pm

You people are crazy if you think Idina Menzel's voice is bad or even for that matter irritating. Idina Menzel must have one of the best voices on Broadway. I really see nothing wrong with it. Maybe in her Rent days her voice wasnt at its best but I have to say now she has grown so much and her voice is phenomenal. I mean come on, she won a Tony!

And as for Kristin Chenoweth, her voice can be irritating (which I disagree) but maybe to you people but Glinda is suppose to be irritating at times. And listen to Kristin's CD if you think she has a bad/irritating voice. Her operettic voice is fantastic!

You are all too critical to me.

#204re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 9:48pm

Updated On: 7/26/04 at 09:48 PM

#205re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:25pm

"You obviously know nothing about the singing voice and how things are supossed to work/sound when singing correctly. Like I said before, Menzel is mediocrity at its best. The Tony's mean nothing - it's all political. Wake up and smell the coffee. "

I don't mean to sound rude at all, but maybe you could claify what makes you so fit to pass judgement. Since we "know nothing" and you "know everything," maybe you could enlighten me.

#206re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:26pm

"Maybe in her Rent days her voice wasnt at its best"

I'd rather have her Rent voice than her Wicked one.

#207re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:38pm

"I don't mean to sound rude at all, but maybe you could clarify what makes you so fit to pass judgement. Since we "know nothing" and you "know everything," maybe you could enlighten me"

I don't mean to sound rude at all, but maybe you shouldn't take my opinion (not my "judgement") so seriously since I wasn't responding to you in the first place. And as for who I am...a professional musical theatre singer/actress who also has 3+ yrs. under her belt working at a major talent agency. So I believe I am very knowledgeable about BOTH sides of the business (unlike the majority of performers). And by the way, I never said I "know everything" and you "know nothing" as I wasn't responding to your post in the first place. Lighten up, this is a message board not the Presidential elections :).

#208re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 10:51pm

Didn't mean to attack or be rude, just kind of responding to what I was reading! Sorry.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#209re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:01pm

broadwaygurl83, that is a bit of a ridiculous statement...Idina's voice is not for everyone. She has a very harsh tone...I personally love her voice more than almost any voice on Broadway...but she's just not for everyone.

But to those of you who attack her talent, I think you are also being a bit silly. She may not be your cup of tea, but she can sing quite well. I really don't know why, but live she just sounds so much better...she sounds less tense and her voice is smoother and less harsh live. To say she is mediocrity at her best is makes me think you have not seen her at her best...she's not your cup of tea...but she hits the notes and nails it more often than not.

sweetiedarlinmia Profile Photo
#210re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:21pm

Vanessa Williams when she's singing anything but Pop/R&B. I recently saw her Evening at Pops special and kicked myself having such a morbid curiosity and not turning the channel. I was very unimpressed with her attempts at Harold Arlen and "Carmen".

venticelli Profile Photo
#211re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:22pm

yes, yes - Michael Crawford (Davis Gaines puts him to shame with Phantom material) and the favorite - Christy Carlson Romano! Oh yes, I'll echo the question put forth by many a fellow poster - when does she leave??? this has gone on far enough!!

"What could a computer do with a lifetime supply of chocolate? I am now telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of chocolate!"

#212re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:33pm

JC 14 ~ No problem! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday night :)

#213re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:38pm

Broadway Girl 107 ~ You have Idina Menzel's headshot with green eyes as your ID pic for this site. She obviously can do no wrong by you so there is no way you can objective. Enough said. Updated On: 7/25/04 at 11:38 PM

Mr. TN
#214re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/25/04 at 11:58pm

All of these responses are a matter of opinion. I know plenty of singers with perfect technique who made it nowhere and plenty of singers with imperfect technique who have gone on to the stars. But to say something for those being credited in this thread with bad technique: Most of the people on Broadway have a vocal coach/teacher or, as stated before, both. If those particular people thought their student had bad technique, they would try to change it. I certainly would let a student of mine go through life with what I thought to be bad habits. So at least someone thinks these people have good vocal points. Even if we all don't agree, it's all a matter of opinion. And as any musician will tell you, technique in itself is a matter of opinion. Each teacher has a different way. I, myself, have gone to a dozen teachers and have been told the "proper" technique a dozen different times. Once you get away from the basics, like how to make that instrument play, it is all a matter of preference. Just my opinion on the subject of technique.

As for voices that annoy me... My number one is B. Peters. Followed, of course, by Christy Ramano. The youngins watch her on the Disney Channel.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#215re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:10am

"You have Idina Menzel's headshot with green eyes as your ID pic for this site. She obviously can do no wrong by you so there is no way you can objective. Enough said."

Oh please. She's far from perfect..she's hit plenty of bad notes, and her Tony performance this year was pretty bad. So much for me thinking she can do no wrong. She has her bad performances and I'm well aware of that...but she can hit the notes. She can sing...and she's damn good at it. As I said before...she's not everyone's cup of tea...some people just aren't a fan of her contemporary style, some people find her voice too harsh.

But she can sing extremely well...and when she nails the notes, she nails them. You may not like her particular style or voice, but she can sing.

#216re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:17am

Broadway Girl 107 ~ I appreciate your honest opinion. You are absolutely hilarious! Thanks for giving me a good laugh.

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#217re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:22am

"Broadway Girl 107 ~ You have Idina Menzel's headshot with green eyes as your ID pic for this site. She obviously can do no wrong by you so there is no way you can objective. Enough said."

Sorry to join the conversation so late. I just wanted to thank you for that clear, thoughtful, intelligent post. I completely agree. Afterall, no fan of Idina could EVER admit that she does anything wrong. You have to always always ALWAYS think that she does her best. To ever say that Idina was less than her best must make you an Idina hater automatically. God forbid any Idina fan ever be sensible and admit that no one is 100% all the time...a true fan must be totally dedicated! When will people learn???

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#218re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:24am

I love NYCbabe

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#219re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:25am

Awww thanks. But seriously...Idina's feelings are hurt. You have left the wonderful world of fandom.

#220re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:29am

Bravo! Seriously, you both made me laugh so hard. Now if only you were educated about the singing voice...LOL.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#221re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:30am

NYCbabe...Well, now that RiffDiva has taught me everything about singing including the fact that Idina can't really sing...that she somehow randomly ended up on Broadway and the fact that she can belt up to a high F is some strange illusion...Idina will just have to deal with it.

RiffDiva knows all, so I'm afraid I can't be an Idina fan anymore. Being a fan of Idina's singing at all makes me a very stupid person who does not know anything about the singing voice.
Updated On: 7/26/04 at 12:30 AM

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#222re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:30am

"Bravo! Seriously, you both made me laugh so hard. Now if only you were educated about the singing voice...LOL."

Ow...I guess 6 years of voice lessons, musical theatre shows, state choirs, and training at IAC isn't enough. I bow to you. Updated On: 7/26/04 at 12:30 AM

#223re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:37am

I just read the NINE....PAGES.... of bashing, ripping, tearing down, putting down, and slamming of EVERY Broadway performer from the last 50 years, and.....*note to self*....

1. NEVER sing on Broadway
2. NEVER sing on ANY recording of ANYTHING, ANYWHERE


If I EVER, God forbid, have one off-night, or JUST ONCE, not quite hit the high note, or don't ALWAYS sing perfectly ALL THE TIME, in EVERY SITUATION, I will be shredded by ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO CAN DO IT SOOOOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN I CAN.....hence, the reason the ones criticizing me are themselves, Broadway Stars, and much more critically acclaimed than ALL the other performers out there....Right? That is the way it is, Right??

So, geemanee, is there ANY performer that ANY of you DO like???

#224re: irritating voices
Posted: 7/26/04 at 12:37am

Gee, I can't stop crying from all of your sarcasam. You've honestly ruined my night. Boo, hoo, hoo. Guess I'll have to apologize for only expressing my opinion out here. re: irritating voices I'm going to cry myself to sleep now...goodnight!
