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david ayers

wickedfanatic34 Profile Photo
#0david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 7:48pm

ok so i was reading reviews and thinking back to when i saw him in wicked and was wondering how did he get the part because he doesn't have the best voice.? Also is he doing anything else on broadway right now?

myManCape Profile Photo
#1re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 7:49pm

No, and his acting skills were horrible.

"Have they come yet?"

#2re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 7:51pm

I wondered the same thing. He had to get through the cast directors and then through Joe Mantello, correct? Did Schwartz see him too? He was horrible. I think he just got picked because of his looks, which is horrible because he couldn't sing the score at all.

wickedfanatic34 Profile Photo
#3re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 7:54pm

i agree with the looks thing

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#4re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 7:55pm

He sounded pretty bad to me when I saw a press video of him.

Flahooley Profile Photo
#5re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 8:06pm

Relative to the other roles.. it is a pretty thankless one.. but, lord, Ayers is a HOTTIE!!! A little eye candle once and while doesn't hurt.
Updated On: 7/30/06 at 08:06 PM

#6re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 8:11pm

I saw him on Broadway and I was not impressed. And I am pretty easily impressed. I don't like to dislike people. But he was... bad. But gotta love the looks!

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

adamgreer Profile Photo
#7re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 8:54pm

He was clearly cast for his looks- he couldn't sing, dance, or act. Easily the worst Fiyero the Broadway company has had.

faithanytwo Profile Photo
#8re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 8:58pm

probably any company, not just the broadway one... he kept hitting all the same wrong notes each time.

#9re: david ayers
Posted: 7/30/06 at 11:42pm

Yes, David Ayers was atrocious as Fiyero. I was seriously disappointed in his performance.

#10re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 12:29am

I just don't understand how it got past all the people to get casted. Especially as the replacement to Norber Leo Butz ( I know Taye Diggs and Joe Mac were replacements, but David Ayers was the first "official - long term" replacement for Butz.) I wonder if he'll ever get more work on Broadway.

JamesMacon Profile Photo
#11re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 12:50am

Yes, David Ayers was a little disappointing, but most people enjoyed looking at him. Thats show biz...I guess...

greeneyed_one Profile Photo
#12re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 1:17am

Isn't he the one with the biggest picture in the Grimmerie (sp?)?. I remember flipping through it at the bookstore and wondering why Norbert didn't have the largest pic seeing as the book highlighted the rest of the OBC over their replacements.

Does anyone know why they chose to highlight him over Norbert?
Updated On: 7/31/06 at 01:17 AM

GClef2 Profile Photo
#13re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 1:27am

A story about him said that he was first interested in singing opera.


"The only way we live beyond our lives is to connect and carve ourselves into the souls of those we love." -Little Fish

C is for Company
#14re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 1:37am

I liked him the most of the 3 different Fiyero's I've seen. Shut up :p

#15re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:01am

Are you deaf?

SirLiir Profile Photo
#16re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:02am

I agree with C. Sorry. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And no, I am not deaf. I never had a problem with him.

#17re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:05am

So you enjoyed the off pitch singing? (and everyone can have an opinion, I agree)

#18re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:07am

I never really enjoyed his performance that much. I'd like to see him in something else though to get a fair opinion on his talent.

C is for Company
#19re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:17am

No Rentboy, but he is one of the only to actually fit the role. I love Norbert in L5Y and Scoundrels, but he was just too dull for me and looked old for the role.
Derrick is wonderful, but his style just doesn't impress me much, but his acting is great.
David seemed right in the role and I had no problems with him. He was lively onstage and I had no complaints with him like most others seem to have here.
And no I am not deaf, I don't always agree with what you think but I respect that at least.

#20re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:20am

I agree he looked the part, but I wish more emphasis was put on the actor's talent rather than the look. There are so many other capable actors out there, why did the go with the one who couldn't sing the score, and it's not a difficult score for Fieyro as it is? I'm just stumped by it. But I do agree with you that he was one of the only ones to fit the part.

#21re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:22am

A few things--

the Fiyero in the big picture in the Grimmerie is Joey McIntyre.

and wasn't Joey in the show for like 6 months? That's long term...he took over. Taye was only in for a few weeks as an understudy. Joey was full time.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

C is for Company
#22re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:24am

Yup, I have only seen the 3 I previously mentioned, but from what my friend has told me whom I trust a lot, Joey was a very good singer, but actingwise he was the worst.

#23re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:26am

I thought Joey did what he could with the part. He certainly wasn't bad. I don't think there have been any Fiyeros that have been incredibly bad. While David was my least favorite, it could have been worse. Joey wasn't the best vocally, in my opinion. It's hard to say who has been the best actor since this is one of the many poorly written parts in Wicked.

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

greeneyed_one Profile Photo
#24re: david ayers
Posted: 7/31/06 at 2:30am

>>the Fiyero in the big picture in the Grimmerie is Joey McIntyre.<<

Thanks! That's what I get for being to cheap to actually buy the book. I just read it for free while i'm in line at the bookstore.
