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christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?

christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?

#0christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 1:44pm

thanks for your relies...

DBillyP Profile Photo
#1re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 5:20pm

I can't comment on a particular production, but if it is done well A Christmas Carol offers a universal story of redemption that is good for people of any age.

"I am open, and I am willing, For to be hopeless would seem so strange. It dishonors those who go before us, So lift me up to the light of change." Holly Near

#2re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:15pm

If your talking about the one at Madison Aquare Garden, they stopped doing it last year.

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#3re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 8:20pm

I agree with DBillyP. If it is a good production, it is a great fantastical show that brings cheer to the heart by the end.

I myself very much favor the television incarnation of A Christmas Carol: The Musical (the one based off the Madison Square Garden production that Broadway_Boy is referring to) re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?

Q: What is the most weirdest or funniest thing a fan has asked you? Joe Flanigan, Stargate Atlantis: When a fan asked me for help with his grammar. I'm available.

#4re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:03pm

Ahhhh, MSG Xmas Carol... *reminisces* I was in it in '02 - I was one of the angels in the window (I was 11). That was a pretty amazing show. Okay, sorry, just had to take a moment. re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?

#5re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 9:50pm

I agree that it is one of those shows that, when done well is fabulous, but when done badly is AWEFUL. It really all depends. It is not, however, one of my favorite shows.

#6re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 10:26pm

It all depends on the production. I've seen some pretty dismal adaptaions of the material and they would put even the most literate adult to sleep--let alone a 16 yr old boy. Is the boy interested in the arts to begin with, or is he more of a rough-and-tumble soccer dude? That might determine how much he likes the play.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

softershade Profile Photo
#7re: christmas carol is it good I have a 16 yo boy would he like it?
Posted: 12/1/05 at 10:34pm

as dollypop said it depends on the production. it can either be done very well or very badly. a community theatre down here in florida (cocoa village playhouse) has a production of it right now and after seeing it last weekend i thought it was done very well.
my friend brought her 15 year old brother with us when we saw it and he seemed to enjoy it.
