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characters you hate to love or love to hate

characters you hate to love or love to hate

The Stars R Aligned
#0characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/22/06 at 6:59pm

i really hate that i do love Glen from The Wedding Singer
i cant help it
grr i dont want to love him but i do!!!

any1 else feel the same way about a character?

"Let me see some smiles... Not that phony 'sell-smile.' I want to see that 'I-love-to-dance-smile.'"-Larry, A Chorus Line My bumper sticker in 2100-DISCO STILL CONFUSES ME!!!! Oh by the way, Mr. Green called, he said "Get a CLUE!" Megan-And what about that wierd purple thing on happy meals Me-Grimmace or whatever the heck his name is. Megan-Yeah Me-What is he supposed to be anyways? Megan- I dont know I always thought he was Ronald McDonald's big stupid purple pet or the Hamburgler's hairball

#1re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/22/06 at 7:01pm

Beast in Buaty and the BAest!

#2re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/22/06 at 10:58pm

I love to hate Tracy in Hairspray.

#3re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/22/06 at 10:59pm

Haha, we shouldn't love Glen and Linda, but they're definitely my two favorites. Linda, especially, is this season's guilty pleasure.

Also, I love to hate Nessarose. God, I hate her so much. Hah.

#4re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/22/06 at 11:13pm

I hate Nessarose too.

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
#5re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/22/06 at 11:29pm

Thenardier is one of those characters thats supposed to be hateful, but of course steals the show.

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

HumATune Profile Photo
#6re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 9:27am

Cosette. OMGLOLZ111 Eponine is so kewl!

I’m kidding.


For me at least, a lot of times it depends on the actor’s interpretation of a role, and not the actual character. I’ve seen Eponines that made me want to yell “shut up!”, a couple that I was indifferent to, and a few that I really enjoyed. It all depends really.

I can think of one character I do hate. Simon Stride in Jekyll and Hyde. He sucks.

#7re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 9:46am

Amen to that HumATune. With a name like Simon Stride, how can he not be absolutely creepy.

JLY's Jersey Gal Profile Photo
JLY's Jersey Gal
#8re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 10:26am

The Wizard

"Awww! Boo!"

#9re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 9:09pm

Characters I love to hate:

The Thenardiers in Les Mis
The Engineer in "Miss Saigon"

HumeATune, I am curious to know what Eponines you have seen and who you liked, were indifferent to, and who you hated.

HumATune Profile Photo
#10re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 11:06pm

Sure, Colle.

All the Eponines I saw were on the tour.

Sutton Foster: She played Eponine very aggressively. Normally, I don’t think I’d like this interpretation. But Sutton added a vulnerability to Eponine that made it work.

Ma-Anne Dionisio: I loved her voice. Okay maybe a fifteen year old wouldn’t have such a rich alto, but it’s the vocal type I prefer for Eponine. Besides, she was tomboyish, vulnerable, cute—without being overly cutesy.


Early Diana Kaarina: and by early I mean shortly after she was promoted to full-time Eponine. She played the role very sweet, but there was this kind of playfulness to her that worked.

Nicole Riding (u/s): At least she was an understudy when I saw her (I know she played the role full-time later on). She needed work on the role, but there was a lot of potential. Her Eponine put on a tough exterior because she had to, (and I really liked her spunk in Plumet Attack) but there was a sadness to her.

Stella Lee (u/s): From what I remember, there was just a good mixture of toughness and playfulness.


Jessica-Snow Wilson: Okay she acted and sang very well, but I just didn’t care for her “little girl” interpretation. Also, while she has a great voice, it’s too childlike for Eponine, IMO. But at least she didn’t overdo the cuteness. It worked for her. I’d like to her in another role someday (and I bet I’d like her as Olive in Spelling Bee). She gets put in the “indifferent” category because from an objective standpoint, she’s a fine Eponine.

Melissa Lyons: Just eh. I appreciate the fact that she could hit all the notes well. At lot of Eponines struggle either with the belting in OMO or the low F’s in ALFOR, but she nailed them all. I guess she was trying to go for a tragic girl trying to keep a stiff upper lip, but she was just so bland.


Later Diana Kaarina: And by this I mean before she left the tour. Something happened to her Eponine. What used to be a cute spunky Eponine turned into a sugary-sweet cloying nightmare. It’s like she was playing it the way those annoying Eponine fangirls would want, or how they would play it themselves in the School Edition. I remember that once I was actually rolling my eyes during OMO. Still, I think she does have talent.

Dina Morish_ita (u/s). Yes, I see why she was demoted. Shrill voice, weird phrasing, and no interpretation to speak of. I like the tone of her voice but she wasn’t using it in a way that was pleasant. ***This board will not let me type her name properly, so I had to put the underscore in it.***

(Dies laughing)


Too much info?
Updated On: 9/23/06 at 11:06 PM

#11re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 11:43pm

I hate to love Johanna in Sweeney Todd.

I love to hate Annie from the eponymous musical.

overthemoon419 Profile Photo
#12re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/23/06 at 11:44pm

I loooooooove to hate Javert. Even though I can see his point of view, I can't help but feel for Valjean. And yet, I adore Javert, even though he's so mean and cruel and sneaky.

"It's not for sissies, contrary to popular belief." - Tommy Tune, on musical theatre.

My avatar: Yummy, no?

#13re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 11:13am

I have seen two Eponines that you have seen, HumATune, and I basically agree with you on both of them. I loved Ma-Anne voice and I thought she blended being though and sad well. I had mixed feelings about Melissa Lyons, there were times I liked her voice(during AHFOL)and time I thought her voice was strange(her first few lines in "the Robbery"). Also, I do give Melissa credit for making an effort to act though when she needed to, I do like strong protrayals.

#14re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 11:31am

I absolutely hate Amy in Little Women. Not just the musical but any version. She's such a cry baby and always gets her way and burns Jo's story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#15re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 11:41am

i hate to love glen and linda from the wedding singer. theyre too amazing to hate, lol

Marguerite Chauvelin
#16re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 3:06pm

I add Count Fosco from Woman in White and Chauvelin in Scarlet Pimpernel. I both love to hate them and hate to love them, I'm conflicted.

If Percy Blakeney were in Les Mis....

Percy: Sink me! If it isn't Javvurt!
Javert: Zsah-vair, it's pronounced Zsah-vair.
Pecry: But it's spelled J-A-V-E-R-T Javvurt.
Javert: Repeat after me Zsah...Zsah....
Percy: Oh! Zsa-Zsa! Like the Gabor sister! Well I personally have always prefered Eva.
Javert: (Looks for gun)

bare_nakedlady Profile Photo
#17re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 4:01pm

I hate June in GYPSY! Everytime she comes on I just wanna punch her. I can't help it. re: characters you hate to love or love to hate

"It's like children's theatre for 40-year old gay people!" - XANADU THE MUSICAL
Updated On: 9/25/06 at 04:01 PM

The Stars R Aligned
#18re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 6:10pm

i also hate the fact that i looove The Wizard
he is so charming and i looove David Garrison....AGH!!!

i also hate to love Paridice in Brooklyn

"Let me see some smiles... Not that phony 'sell-smile.' I want to see that 'I-love-to-dance-smile.'"-Larry, A Chorus Line My bumper sticker in 2100-DISCO STILL CONFUSES ME!!!! Oh by the way, Mr. Green called, he said "Get a CLUE!" Megan-And what about that wierd purple thing on happy meals Me-Grimmace or whatever the heck his name is. Megan-Yeah Me-What is he supposed to be anyways? Megan- I dont know I always thought he was Ronald McDonald's big stupid purple pet or the Hamburgler's hairball

#19re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 8:43pm

I love to hate:

Paradice (Brooklyn)
Roy Cohn (Angels in America)
Madame Morrible and the Wizard (Wicked)
Armand (Lestat)

I hate to love (and I mean this in the best way):

Sweeney Todd (do I have to say it)
Mister (The Color Purple)

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#20re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 9:09pm

Jud (Oklahoma!)

Roy Cohn (Angels in America)

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

DebbieDowner2 Profile Photo
#21re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/24/06 at 9:27pm

Mr Applegate

You too can be a famous singer with no French accent and wear a Twister game board in just 15 days!! Ask me how!!

catstagestud Profile Photo
#22re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/25/06 at 4:04am

I hate to love Jaime from Last 5 Years. If someone was ever cheating on me they'd be out on their *** in a few seconds. But there's something about that character that makes you sympathize for them.



ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#23re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/25/06 at 5:48am

I hate to love Ms Andrews from Mary Poppins
Velma from Chicago
Trekkie Monster from Avenue Q
Glinda from Wicked
Morrible from Wicked

I love to hate Phantom from POTO
Raoul from POTO
Christine from POTO
Nessa from Wicked
the whole Chitty Chitty Bang Bang London show

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#24re: characters you hate to love or love to hate
Posted: 9/25/06 at 6:48am

Chauvelin from Scarlet Pimpernel. When he sings "Where's the Girl?" He is amazing, even if he is trying to destroy everything Percy wants, including Margurite, peace, justice in the world...

"Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good." -Terrence Mann
