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Your best and worst from this Broadway Season

Your best and worst from this Broadway Season

saveusmike Profile Photo
#1Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 4:07am

Pretty soon Broadway will look completly diffrent with so many shows closing and more taking there place.

From this past year what have been your favorite and least favorite shows that opened up..


Next to Normal- I was so pleasently suprised with this show with the exception of not seeing Aaron Tveit (yet).

Shrek the Musical- Not riveting theater or very deep; but a simple story that is cute and entertaning

Blithe Spirit- I only went for Angela but boy I enjoyed the production so much; I didnt get Angelas Signature but I did not leave dissapointed

9 to 5- Like Shrek, Nothing groundbreaking, just entertaining and fun to watch.

God of Carnage- The 4 stars made this play and I was so happy to see a broadway play that isint a revival or based on something written a hundred years ago. I feel like we dont see many original plays anymore.

Waiting for Godot: I absolutly love the story and I have seen much better more entertaing productions than this one. I was bored the entire time and wanted it to end. I enjoyed Nathan Lane but to me it was Nathan Lane acting like Nathan Lane trying to act like Estagon.

Billy Elliot- I have no idea what everyone else sees in this show and (stealing from larry david) it upsets me because Im missing what everyone else finds so amazing, I just wish I got it. The plot was mediocre that tried to be deeper than it actually is, the songs were OK except for a handful. I just didnt enjoy it that much at all.

Hair- Hair fans dont hate me. I honestly just didnt like the revival that much. I never really got into it as much as the auidence did it was good for what I paid for the tickets but I know if I payed full price Orch tickets, I would chew myself up over it.

Rock of ages- My friend loved it, I much prefered Toxic Avenger which we saw at the 2 pm show. I cant say I didnt like it because I did, and occasionally I found myself singing along but I just never got into it like everyone else did and felt akward with everyone singing around me and I just had no urge too and I usually enjoy that stuff. Like I said its good for what I paid and im glad I did see it, but I wouldnt be rushing to the theater to see it again.

"Everything in life, is only for now" -Avenue Q

fgreene1938 Profile Photo
#2re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 5:06am

I can't say I agree with all of your choices but I do appreciate your enthusiasm. By the way, "Hair" was an overrated ordeal for me as well. Don't feel you have to apologize for your opinion. But I was quite impressed with BE's choreography, despite other shortcomings with that show. N2N didn't quite work for me, but so many people enjoy that show that I can't say I'm right in my assessment. My big joy of this season is (gasp) "West Side Story", which I was dubious about and ending up loving. I saw Matt, Josefina and Karen (which is apparently a rare occasion) and I thought the whole production was impressive.

The other show that impressed me was "Mary Stuart", where Janet McTeer and Harriet Walter did some of the best work of their careers.

Thanks for the thread.

BroadwayBound062 Profile Photo
#2re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 5:43am

Next to Normal
Billy Elliot
Guys and Dolls (I know people hated it but I enjoyed myself throughly)

9 to 5 (Garbage imo)
West Side Story (With the exception of Karen and Josefina) I thought this was actually better on CD. Weird?

Genius lasts longer than beauty.

Elke Profile Photo
#3re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 7:00am

Next To Normal
The Story Of My Life

The Philantropist

madbrian Profile Photo
#4re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 7:45am

Best: women in plays. Remarkable performances everywhere you turned. You could make an impressive list of performances from those NOT nominated for a Tony.

Worst: 9 To 5. Not a bad 'worst', as worsts go, but I found it disappointing. Janney is a terrific actress and comedienne, but she isn't a singer. I don't think they accomodated for her shortcomings at all.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#5re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 7:50am

Best- Hair, BY FAR.

Worst- Of what I saw, Exit The King, I don't know what the hell people saw in this production. I wanted to sleep so badly, I was SO bored.

#6re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 7:59am

you put rock of ages in your "worst" category but this is your review

"I cant say I didnt like it because I did, and occasionally I found myself singing along"

so maybe you need a really really worst category. Cause if you "liked it" doesn't that mean that is not one of your "worst" shows?

why i even talk to 16 yr olds who just joined this site I will never know.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#7re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 8:03am

It is okay for someone to not like Rock of Ages, massofmen.

Not everyone does.


Next to Normal and Hair


Billy Elliot (I just think it is so overrated, and when I revisited it 2 weeks ago...none of the actors were trying)

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

singtopher Profile Photo
#8re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 8:05am

Next to Normal
Billy Elliott
Exit the King
Norman Conquests

WSS was my only disappointment

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

#9re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 8:24am

thats not the point of my post CS, reading is a wonderful thing isn't it.
it really hurts you that the show is doing so well doesn't it.
I kinda love that.

After Eight
#10re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 8:25am

Best: Dividing the Estate

Worst: The Story of My Life
Becky Shaw
Three Changes
The American Plan
The Philanthropist

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#11re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 8:25am

No...I really don't mind the show as much as I used to

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

#12re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 8:45am


Lemme ask you something and this is you just follow public opinion?

At first you hated it seemingly because everyone else did (wait did you even see it when you first bad mouthed it over and over again saying that it was the worst show ever created by man?)but now that conventional wisdom has swayed, you seem to like it..thats interesting to me.

What caused the change of heart? You saw it 3 times and realized it was good and that you were "wrong" before? or because the vast majority of people love the show? Seems like it's one or the other.

So which is it...are you a sheep or were you just...wrong?

jonmbway4652 Profile Photo
#13re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 9:20am

I completely disagree with your choices... My best of the season were, without a doubt, Billy Elliot and Hair. Out of every Broadway show I have seen these were by far the best. I was extremely disappointed in Shrek,

TimesSquareRegular Profile Photo
#14re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 9:24am



2016 These Paper Bullets (1/02) Our Mother's Brief Affair (1/06), Dragon Boat Racing (1/08), Howard - reading (1/28), Shear Madness (2/10), Fun Home (2/17), Women Without Men (2/18), Trip Of Love (2/21), The First Gentleman -reading (2/22), Southern Comfort (2/23), The Robber Bridegroom (2/24), She Loves Me (3/11), Shuffle Along (4/12), Shear Madness (4/14), Dear Evan Hansen (4/16), American Psycho (4/23), Tuck Everlasting (5/10), Indian Summer (5/15), Peer Gynt (5/18), Broadway's Rising Stars (7/11), Trip of Love (7/27), CATS (7/31), The Layover (8/17), An Act Of God (8/31), The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (8/24), Heisenberg (10/12), Fiddler On The Roof (11/02), Othello (11/23), Dear Evan Hansen (11/26), Les Liaisons Dangereuses (12/21) 2017 In Transit (2/01), Groundhog Day (4/04), Ring Twice For Miranda (4/07), Church And State (4/10), The Lucky One (4/19), Ernest Shackleton Loves Me (5/16), Building The Wall (5/19), Indecent (6/01), Six Degrees of Separation (6/09), Marvin's Room (6/28), A Doll's House Pt 2 (7/25) Curvy Widow (8/01)

#15re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 9:25am

Wow, is it possible to NOT turn a thread into an argument for once and just answer the question posed?

Hair - the casting is just superb, the energy amazing.

Rock of Ages - though I don't like Constantine, the songs bring me back to my childhood. That, and Mitchell Jarvis is amazing.

West Side Story - I don't know what the casting directors were thinking. Josefina can sing, but not act. Matt Cavanaugh - I never wanted anyone to shut up more in my life. The bright spot in the show is Karen Olivo.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

backwoodsbarbie Profile Photo
#16re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 9:27am

Next to Normal

Rock of Ages
Blithe Spirit

Billy Elliot
West Side Story

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#17re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 9:37am

I actually haven't seen that many shows from this season. I've just been trying to see what I can, when I can.

Best: Shrek-It was cute, and I haven't seen much else to compare.

Worst-West Side Story-I didn't dislike it, but there were things that could have made it better.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

saveusmike Profile Photo
#18re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:01am

Alright massofmen I will do what backwoodsbarbie did and put Rock of Ages into my "indiffrent" catergory.

I mean the show was OK but, compared to other shows I really found myself enjoying, it was not. It didnt do much for me and I cant say I HATED it but for the ticket price I paid, and the product I saw it was decent at best, a way too pass 2 hours. Would I see it again, Most likely not. Thats what I was trying to express since I didnt make a "Like a little category".

And im not 16, Boy do I wish I could be sixteen again.

"Everything in life, is only for now" -Avenue Q

#19re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:21am

I don't know if I have a best but 'The Philanthropist' was the worst. "Impressionism' was close.

'Take me out tonight where's there's music and there's people and they're young and alive.'

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#20re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:23am

Best- Exit the King

Worst- Tie between Hedda Gabler and The Philanthropist (Great job this year Roundabout)

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#21re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:52am

I do not follow the vast majority. Notice how my worst pick was Billy Elliot??

The show has GROWN on me. Is that okay? Is it allowed to grow on me? Oh, guess not.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

ColorTheHours048 Profile Photo
#22re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:55am


Worst: BILLY ELLIOT (saw it in London, not B'way) or THE PHILANTHROPIST

EDIT: Adding EXIT THE KING to my best. Updated On: 8/17/09 at 10:55 AM

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#23re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 10:57am

Next to Normal

Exit the King(Too long, too boring except for Geoffrey Rush's performance. It was the only thing that kept me awake.)

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#24re: Your best and worst from this Broadway Season
Posted: 8/17/09 at 11:54am

In no particular order...



Updated On: 8/17/09 at 11:54 AM
