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Your BEST theater experience ....

Your BEST theater experience ....

#0Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 8:53pm

Well, you knew SOMEONE had to post this one!


#1re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 8:56pm

And I'll be the first to reply.

NICHOLAS NICKLEBY comes immediately to mind.

The list is very long however, no kidding.

Yours for better Broadway!

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#2re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:03pm

Hands down, Thoroughly Modern Millie with Sutton. She is the end all of performers, don't even TRY to tell me there's anyone better, because there isn't. Haha. Les Miz was great too, along with the recent Chess concert.

Hello Gorgeous
#3re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:08pm

My BEST theatre experience was when I saw AGYG with Bernadette because that's when I realized that my dream is to be on Broadway LOL. Another one was TMM with Sutton, she was fantastic! I also loved GYPSY (again, with Bernadette); Rose's Turn gave me chills and almost made me cry!

~*Christa*~ "Don't ya wanna be the life of the party?" Idina Menzel, THE WILD PARTY

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#4re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:09pm

I did cry, isn't that sad? Yes, it is.

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:09pm

Oh, this is SUCH a hard one.
Performing wise, I'd have to say performing in Godspell. We actually closed this afternoon-hehe. The cast was just insanely talented and the songs and choreography were just superb and I loved every minute of every show and rehearsal.
Viewing Wise, I's have to say Hairspray. It was pretty recent. But it's just a phenomenal show and the energy was just over the top. the cast was incredible and after I left I was just jumping and dancing and singing and it was just an amazing experience all together.

#6re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:12pm

TWHM (all 34 times)
Elizabeth Ashley in CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF
James Earl Jones and Chrisopher Plummer in OTHELLO
Robert Preston and Bernadette Peters in MACK AND MABEL
Angela Lansbury in GYPSY
Gwen Verdon in SWEET CHARITY
Nathan Lane in FORUM
Richard Kiley in LA MANCHA
Both productions of NOISES OFF
Michael Cumpsty in COPENHAGEN
Cherry Jones in THE HEIRESS
Angela Lansbury in DEAR WORLD
Julie Harris in BELLE OF AMHURST
The original FOLLIES
Both productions of SHE LOVES ME

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#7re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:29pm

My best Theatre Experience is without a doubt the 2003 Revival of "Gypsy" with Bernadette Peters! It was incredible! I cried when I first heard Bernadette's voice, it gave me the chills! I still am shaking from it! And that was 3 months!!!!!

Hello Gorgeous
#8re: re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:34pm

No that's not sad at all!!! I cried at Bernadette's last show of AGYG before she even made her entrance onto the stage!! How's that?

~*Christa*~ "Don't ya wanna be the life of the party?" Idina Menzel, THE WILD PARTY

#9re: re: re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:38pm

I hope she doesn't renew her contract for Gypsy becuase of the physical demands of the show! She is being very well taken care of by some of the best vocal coaches in the US but still, it takes a lot out of you, and we wouldn't want it to damage her voice in any way shape or form!:re: re: re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience .... sorry....a little off subject Updated On: 9/28/03 at 09:38 PM

#10re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 9:50pm

I could list many extremely memorable moments...but I think one sticks out above the rest. Two words: Sondheim Celebration.

Concert in NY included.

#11re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 10:16pm

"She is being very well taken care of by some of the best vocal coaches in the US"

One of whom is my insanely talented vocal coach here at Fordham. You know they're a genius when you're able to look at each of your individual vertebrae in a new light.

#12 Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 10:25pm

Seeing Ragtime the night after it was nominated for all the TONYS--

talk about complete and total electricity.

And seeing Linda Eder in Concert her final night over Christmas 2001 and singing "IF I HAD MY WAY" and during the song she broke down and cried. The whole place clapped for ten minutes it seems like.

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#13re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 10:41pm

Mamma Mia was a great time!
I saw the first preview for the Annie Get Your Gun revival (2/2/99). It was the day after my birthday, and it was the show that really got me obsessed with Broadway. I had always enjoyed an occassional Broadway show, but that got me hooked.
I was at the first preview as well as opening night for the current revival of Gypsy, and that is quite an experience to witness the changes in the production.

The Women was an awesome play.
I saw both Elaine Stritch and Bea Arthur in their one woman shows
and seeing "The Fantastiks" was just being a part of history.

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~

#14re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 11:25pm

Roxane Carrasco and Tracy Shayne in Chicago as Velma and Roxie. Just because they're two of my best friends starring opposite each other in my favorite show... it was incredible, and yes I *did* get a little teary! re: re:  Your BEST theater experience ....

Btw.... Thoroughly Modern Millie with Sutton. She is the end all of performers, don't even TRY to tell me there's anyone better, because there isn't.

That's marginally cocky, don't ya think? I mean, that really IS just your opinion... I adore many performers, but I never say they're the be all end all and there's nobody better -- even amongst some of my best friends re: re:  Your BEST theater experience ....

"You're every gay man's wet dream!" ~ MA

If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...

#15re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 11:46pm

Definitely Rocky Horror. For those of you who didnt get to see the show, the cast used to come into the audience for a verse of Time Warp but they generally stayed in the first few rows to be where they needed to be when the verse ended. Matthew Morrison, then a very cute Phantom, came all the way to the back of the theatre during Time Warp to the wheelchair section where I was sitting, got on his knees and sang to me. I ran my fingers through his hair. :)


Madame X Profile Photo
Madame X
#16re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/28/03 at 11:47pm

If I had to chose JUST ONE it would be seeing Sutton in Millie - for the sole reason because she got me interested in Bway in more than just a casual 1x or 2x a year thing.

If I get more than one - Avenue Q. I stayed away from all the spoilers before I saw it and when I finally saw it - it absolutely blew my mind. I just love being surprised about how good something is (much like TMM above). Knew nothing about the shows and LOVED them.

Also - saw Les Miz (my first show) when I was 11 - possibly the original cast? (early in the production though). The lovely ladies decided to pick on me (I was in the 1st row 2nd from the end) while they were singing (reaching out and such)...not sure what kind of look I had on my face but it had to be interesting re: re: re:  Your BEST theater experience .... - and looking back, probably fun for the actresses too :)

"Some of us have it worse, you know, Dana. Some of us are dating lesbian men. Okay? C'mon."

#17re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 12:08am

This is actually very difficult for me to answer, but I'd have to say the 3rd time I saw Cabaret. It's pretty much the time that hooked me to the show and NY forever. The cast was damn near perfect...the Emcee and Sally were Matt McGrath and Kate Shindle. Everything about that night was sheer perfection, including getting served underage. That theatre never carded me till after I turned 21. Too great re: Your BEST theater experience ....

BwayLover Profile Photo
#18re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 3:23am

It's really hard to choose.. I'll make a short list like Dolly (if I'm allowed re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....)

Julie Harris and Charles Durning in THE GIN GAME
Fiona Shaw in MEDEA
Vanessa Redgrave and the whole cast of LONG DAY'S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT
The first time I saw CHICAGO (it was actually in London, with Uta Lemper)
Every time I saw MAMMA MIA with Louise Pitre

"Years from now, when you talk about this - And you will - Be kind. "

MasterLcZ Profile Photo
#19re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 8:22am

Reba in ANNIE GET YOUR GUN. I don't think I will ever see so perfect a blend of performer and role. I felt as if I was seeing one of the legendary performances on a par with Merman and Martin.

"Christ, Bette Davis?!?!"

lensman55 Profile Photo
#20re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 9:22am

"Day In Hollywood, Night In The Ukraine"

"Now and then life hits you on the back of the head with a sock full of wet porridge. How you handle that is up to you." - Tim Rice

onceadancer2 Profile Photo
#21re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 10:03am

I once wrote about this before, so here goes again:

Shirley Booth in My Sister Eileen (fall on your tushy funny!!!)
Shirley Booth in Goodbye, My Fancy
The Abbey Theatre in Juno and The Paycock
Laurette Taylor in Glass Menagerie
Marlon Brando in Streetcar Named Desire
Vivienne Segal in Connecticut Yankee
Carol Channing in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Nanette Fabray in High Button Shoes
Fredric March and Florence Eldridge - Long Day's Journey
Gwen Verdon - Redhead
Rosemary Harris and Michael Redgrave - Uncle Vanya

Probably more!!!


Every movement has a meaning--but what the hell does it mean!

#22re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 10:15am

I also loved seeing Claudette Colbert and Rex Harrison doing Aren't We all? in LONDON>

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#23re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 10:43am

ANGELS IN AMERICA. Hands down. End of story.


#24re: re: re: re: re: Your BEST theater experience ....
Posted: 9/29/03 at 11:11am

Frank Langella when he took over in Amadeus. I had front row center and when he came downstage in the wheelchair it so took me by surprise I stood straight up. I thought he was coming right into my lap. Great performance as Salieri. But he is always so good.
