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Worst Theatre Audience of my life (Joke Post check my latest post on the 3r

Worst Theatre Audience of my life (Joke Post check my latest post on the 3r

Multimatt Profile Photo
#1Worst Theatre Audience of my life (Joke Post check my latest post on the 3r
Posted: 2/24/17 at 2:36am

I'm going to try my best not to sound ungrateful here. I loved The Great Comet Of 1812. It was amazing. It's a very very very good show! My problem with it was the staff and the crowd. Idk why but the crowd (mostly filled with Elderly and rude people) was horrible. The guy two rows ahead of me talked during the show about 5 times and then proceeded to yell at the person in front of me Twice during the show. The lady next to me stepped on my playbill as she went to the bathroom and she noticed that she did and didn't say anything (Lucky I have two). Then I realized if I wanted to make it out of this theatre fast I had to leave during the curtain call which I did but as I was trying to get out Of my aisle this lady yelled at me and said "I can't walk" (Even though I saw her walking in at the beginning). In the end the show was fantastic but it was ruined by annoying rude crowd members. Also the staff wasn't very good at directing anyone and they themselves were rude. The show was amazing but it would have been fantastic if it wasn't for the crowd!

Updated On: 3/1/17 at 02:36 AM

A Director
#2Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 2:55am

*Update* I audio record all my shows and I listened to my audio recording and you can hear the two couples fighting loud and clear...

So, you audio record all of your shows?  This is illegal!  I  hope you are caught and get in big trouble!



#3Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 3:11am

Your entire post became irrelevant when you admitted to BREAKING THE LAW and OPENLY DISRESPECTING THE CAST, CREW AND ALL INVOLVED by recording the show.



#4Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 3:14am

Multimatt said: "I'm going to try my best not to sound ungrateful here. I loved The Great Comet Of 1812. It was amazing. It's a very very very good show! My problem with it was the staff and the crowd. Idk why but the crowd (mostly filled with Elderly and rude people) was horrible. The guy two rows ahead of me talked during the show about 5 times and then proceeded to yell at the person in front of me Twice during the show. The lady next to me stepped on my playbill as she went to the bathroom and she noticed that she did and didn't say anything (Lucky I have two). Then I realized if I wanted to make it out of this theatre fast I had to leave during the curtain call which I did but as I was trying to get out Of my aisle this lady yelled at me and said "I can't walk" (Even though I saw her walking in at the beginning). In the end the show was fantastic but it was ruined by annoying rude crowd members. Also the staff wasn't very good at directing anyone and they themselves were rude. The show was amazing but it would have been fantastic if it wasn't for the crowd!


Why did you have to get out of the theater fast?  Doesn't that make you part of the rudeness?

Dame Edna knew how to deal with those who tried to make a mad dash up the aisle so they wouldn't have to applaud her show -- the music stopped, the house lights went black, a spotlight focussed on one of those impatient people now exposed to all as they tried to make a quick getaway up the aisle, and Dame Edna would say, "Oh, too bad, possum.  You were going to win the car."  Huge laugh from the audience, and I bet that person never tried to sneak out like that again.

I'm sorry that you don't recognize trying to run out during the curtain call is bad manners, too.  So many people work hard to put on a show -- I'm sorry there was so much rudeness around you, but none of that was from the actors, or the dressers, or the light crew, or the sound crew, or anyone else working in the show, and I hope next time you will let them bask in the applause they deserve and get to hear once a day (twice on Wednesdays and Saturdays) when it's a job well done.  


NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#5Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 7:38am

You lost me at leaving during curtain call - especially since it sounds like you weren't on the aisle. The people in your row have the right to watch the curtain call, an important and respected part of the experience, without you stepping all over and in front of them. And as others have said, it's extemely rude to not acknowledge the performers. 

Oh, and then your illegal recording. Nope. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

NJ_BroadwayGirl Profile Photo
#6Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 7:38am

You lost me at leaving during curtain call - especially since it sounds like you weren't on the aisle. The people in your row have the right to watch the curtain call, an important and respected part of the experience, without you stepping all over and in front of them. And as others have said, it's extemely rude to not acknowledge the performers. 

Oh, and then your illegal recording. Nope. 

I like a good rhyme more than a good time

#7Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 8:31am

I can't decide if the original comment here was real or just a bad joke? Complaining about rudeness by being rude? Don't get it. 

newintown Profile Photo
#8Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 8:52am

Another item from the original post not yet addressed - you left your Playbill on the floor, and then complained that someone stepped on it?

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#9Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 8:54am

And you were upset because someone stepped on your Playbill? Why was it on the floor? I'd retitle your post "Worst Audience Member Ever".

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

#10Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 8:58am

Playbills are free. There are usually stacks of them on each aisle. If someone stepped on your playbill (which you left on the floor), you could always grab another one, completely free. This isn't London where programs cost money.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#11Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 9:19am

For the love of God, don't ever record any shows you go to in the future. Audio, visual, whatever. Biggest no-no in the book, dude. 

#12Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 9:20am

Gosh I sure hope your illegal audio recording wasn't also tarnished by the sounds of candy wrappers opening.  I mean, that's where I would draw the line.  

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#13Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 9:26am

That awkward moment when half of the people bitching about him illegal recording either has listened to or has illegal recording themselves.

#14Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 9:32am

If that's the worst theatre audience you've ever experienced, you got off lucky. 

#15Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 9:45am

I went to Comet last month, stayed through to the end of curtain call, and managed to leave the theatre fast enough to get to the front of the barrier at stage door. I don't know why you felt like you needed to rush out of the theatre, but if I can do it after curtain, then so can you 


And, ethics of the audio recording aside (that's not a can of worms I want to open right now), I think we can all at least agree that if you're going to take audio, you should at the very least show some respect to the actors you've just secretly recorded and give them the applause they've earned.

Wee Thomas2 Profile Photo
Wee Thomas2
#17Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 10:24am

Don't feed the troll, folks.  Post is 100% BS

Liza's Headband
#18Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 10:26am

Yep ^^^^

adam.peterson44 Profile Photo
#19Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 4:55pm

Leaving your playbill on the floor can cause sometime to slip and fall, leading to potentially serious injury, especially if the person is disabled already and has poor balance or difficulty recovering from a slip without falling.  That is a dangerous act against your fellow theatre-goers, and it is you who should be embarrassed about your dangerous rudeness.  Not to mention, the width of aisle that people have to step through is only about playbill-sized anyway, so if your playbill was there blocking that part of the floor, the person didn't necessarily have any other option but to step on it (not everyone has good enough balance to make an elongated step over it).

#20Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 5:23pm

adam.peterson44 said: "Leaving your playbill on the floor can cause sometime to slip and fall, leading to potentially serious injury, especially if the person is disabled already and has poor balance or difficulty recovering from a slip without falling.  That is a dangerous act against your fellow theatre-goers, and it is you who should be embarrassed about your dangerous rudeness.  Not to mention, the width of aisle that people have to step through is only about playbill-sized anyway, so if your playbill was there blocking that part of the floor, the person didn't necessarily have any other option but to step on it (not everyone has good enough balance to make an elongated step over it)."


Jeez --- do you people not recognize TROLL BAIT!  Let me give you a hint:

TROLL BAIT (definition courtesy of Urban Dictionary) - A person who attracts trolls and responds to them unknowingly to their scheme; one who falls prey to the phenomenon of trolling in a,forum, or internet chat room; a person that trolls find a method of attack and targets especially naive, overly deceptible, gullible people.
Now --- please unclutch those pearls and continue on with your day.

SweetLips Profile Photo
#21Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 5:32pm

What you need to do OP is to book out the theatre and have it entirely to yourself.

You do realise that other people do exist and they do not think, or react, EXACTLY as you, or as you would wish them to.

You obviously live life in a bubble and there is a word for your anger? that therapy would help.

It's interesting to read all these sensible responses which I am sure OP you would also have read but strange that you vented[?] at things so trivial but you don't have the courage to respond-- very strange.

Jane2 Profile Photo
#22Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 5:32pm

Idk why but the crowd (mostly filled with Elderly and rude people) was horrible.

How would you know the crowd was mostly rude and elderly people? You must have had altercations with most of the crowd.


Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#23Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/24/17 at 5:45pm

The OP contains so many obviously inserted button-pushers, this can't be anything but some poor sucker desperate for responses. Fake!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#24Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/25/17 at 5:39am

Combine that with a newly joined member that only revisited to delete his recording info.   


(And if it happened, HE was the one that got yelled at.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

mc1227 Profile Photo
#27Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/25/17 at 8:33am

My biggest pet peeve at theatre has always been people leaving at curtain call.  I will go as far as to not let someone by who is leaving my aisle.  I feel very strongly that the actors who have worked so hard to entertain you deserve that moment and it's an opportunity for the audience to show their appreciation.

that being said, I had a unique experience at a play last night where the woman next to me and I chatted pre-play about the background of the playwright, actors, etc and immediately after the lights went down, her head went down and she was fast asleep and except for a moment or two where she appeared to open her eyes, she slept the entire time!  Luckily no snoring and I almost wanted to elbow her but since she wasn't disturbing anyone, so I let her sleep...I suppose if you go to enough shows, you'll see everything.  

The only review of a show that matters is your own.

South Fl Marc Profile Photo
South Fl Marc
#28Worst Theatre Audience of my life
Posted: 2/25/17 at 1:19pm

mc1227 said: "My biggest pet peeve at theatre has always been people leaving at curtain call.  I will go as far as to not let someone by who is leaving my aisle."

What a truly dumb and stupid thing to do. You have no idea why they might have to leave before the curtain call. I know one instance when I had to do it because the cancer drugs I was taking  had shortened my times needing to go to the bathroom and a particularly long second act had tested that. As much as I hated to do it I had to run as soon as the show ended. There a great many other legitimate excuses for people to do the same. For you to block their way because you know better is rude and ignorant.


Updated On: 2/25/17 at 01:19 PM
