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Worst "Musical" expierences- Page 3

Worst "Musical" expierences

#50re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 3:22pm

Touring Company of Saturday Night Fever last spring (what a disappointment), so it obviously hasn't improved!

"Take Care! When I am thwarted I am very terrible!"

#51re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 3:28pm

MARLOW a 1981 clunker that should have never been produced on Broadway! Also a realy bad traveling dinner theater production of MACK and MABLE a friend of mine played Lottie in. She was alright did what ever she could with the whole thing....but the show.... Oh my...It was recorded piano on a cassette and a FULL cast of about 12...JUST DREADFUL!

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#52re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 3:53pm

I caught a few minutes of a public television-aired elementary school production of "Guys and Dolls," in which the kids were singing along with the revival cast album. Owww...

LittleFish8386 Profile Photo
#53re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 4:29pm


There really isn't much to say except why on earth did it win the Tony?

#54re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 5:20pm

hmmm... A middle school production of Annie... Their Annie had black straigh hair! get a wig for god's sake!

and also my rival highschool's production of "Oklahoma" My opionion of it is a little bias since I hate the show, but their leads couldn't sing for anything, and it went so slow, that I basically fell alseep.

-If you don't like your fate, change it. You are your own master.- Aida

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
#55re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 7:37pm

Summer 1987. A cabaret put on by the cast of a summerstock theatre. Girl singing the part of Christine in the POTO number. In a nutshell: not a pretty sound (and I didn't even know that some of the notes she screeched existed!!!).

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

#56re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/24/04 at 9:49pm

I would have to say the worst musical experience I have had was a production of Once Upon a Mattress that I was in... If I were in the audience I would have left at intermission, it was that bad. I was playing the Minstrel and the director didn't know the show and it turned into a huge cast running around the stage with out a clue. The show was entirely miscast (alto Lady Larkin, Dauntless who didn't understand that the role was supposed to be meek) What also made the production even worse was the director cut anything that could be considered suggestive (this thoroughly pissed me off because a year earlier I did a production where the director went for every sexual undertone they could find). Yeah, it was bad. Updated On: 8/25/04 at 09:49 PM

zannafan Profile Photo
#57re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/25/04 at 9:42am

My worst experience was seeing a (terrible) high school production of Footloose the musical.

Don't get me wrong, there were a few people who could actually sing, but the kid playing Ren had obviously never done anything with theater, music, or being in front of people. His voice was not good, although that role requires at least some vocal talent.

The thing that takes the cake is that for the last number, they sang along to the cast recording. My mom leaned over to me and said "wow, they sound good" to which I replied "that's not even them, they're singing along to the cd". I would have admired them more if they sang and sucked as opposed to trying to sing over the cd.

Needless to say, it was painful sitting through that show.

A ripple on the edge can be a tidal wave; no matter what the size. Anything can be, depending how you see when you're looking at the world with brand new eyes. ---Prodigal

#58re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/25/04 at 10:19am

Barbarella in Vienna. I'm really tolerant and alway try to find something good in everything. But that was.... really not good!

GovernorSlaton Profile Photo
#59re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/25/04 at 10:33am

I was in a production of The Wizard of Oz at my camp last year. It is a Jewish camp named Camp Deeny Riback. Our director decided to make the show Jewish.
I was playing a narrator named Red, but I had a blue costume.
Dorothy sang "Somwhere at Camp Deeny Riback" with lyrics like "swimming and hiking and basketball too...".
The Tin Man's oiling was audience participation time. Two bratty kids got up and took a half an hour to get off the stage.
The Wizard was a Jewish Man.
He used numerous yiddish words, such as "mensch" and "mitzvah".
He gave the lion courage by making him drink borscht.
I didn't do the play this year. Updated On: 8/25/04 at 10:33 AM

#60re: Worst 'Musical' expierences
Posted: 8/26/04 at 4:03am

Let's see:

First - a local production of "Annie". I think I was 8 at the time and boy was I rooting for Hannigan to succeed.

Cats - on Broadway. Only time I've ever fallen asleep at a Broadway performance. Was elbowed awake towards the end of the first act by the person next to me. I was starting to snore.

Several high school productions: Music Man w. an orchestra from hell. Cinderella - a bore when stretched to over two hours. Anything Goes - the kids were so friggin scared and didn't understand any of the lyrics or references in the show.

Most recently, I saw a production of "Lucky Stiff" at my college. Somewhere between the first readthrough and the final performance the director entirely lost the meaning of being funny. The production was lifeless, dull, and the funniest farce this side of Hamlet and King Lear. I never walk out of a performance, but boy was I tempted. Didn't get good till the eleven o'clock number...

That's all for now...

