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Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?

Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?

Alex Kulak2
#1Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 7:43pm

I saw a comment someone made about how difficult it will be to social distance in dressing rooms, especially in shows with big ensembles. I've been in shows with even a small chorus, and we're often packed by the dozen into a small dressing room like sardines, huddling around each other to get a look in the mirror. On top of that, the more people in a show, the higher weekly operating costs are. It makes me wonder if this might bring the end to the singing and dancing ensembles commonly associated with musicals.

Many modern musicals, like Dear Evan Hansen and Next to Normal, are written without an ensemble. Even some shows that traditionally have an ensemble, like Sweeney Todd, are performed without, such as in the 2005 revival.

Personally, I find that I enjoy musicals with smaller casts more. It creates a sense of intimacy and robustness that contrasts with the bombastic nature of singing and dancing. However, I really enjoy shows with dancing ensembles, like Something Rotten or Hamilton. That large a group of people can do things you can't do with 6 or 8 people.

I can't help but think that with Broadway having to tighten it's belt, both in terms of money and space, that the Chorus is on it's way out. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad to see it go.

#2Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 8:04pm

I really wish people would stop overreacting.

itsjustmejonhotmailcom Profile Photo
#3Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 8:43pm

Broadway won't open with social distancing restrictions. In the audience and on the other side of the proscenium. And you can have a  show with a cast of 4 with a weekly nut of $600k and a show with a cast of 24 with a nut of $400k. In case that wasn't clear, the answer is "no."

#4Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 8:46pm

The NFL is resuming this fall, which will include 53 players lined up next to each other literally throwing each other to the ground.  My point is, yes, social distancing is still in place in the world, but that doesn't mean that there are never going to be times where people are within 6 feet of each other, and that will include Broadway choruses dancing together.  Perhaps temporarily, but no, this won't be the end of the chorus for all time.

#5Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 8:57pm

itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Broadway won't open with social distancing restrictions. In the audience and on the other side of the proscenium. Andyou can have a show with a cast of 4 with a weekly nut of $600k and a show with a cast of 24 with a nut of $400k. In case thatwasn't clear, the answer is "no.""

I’m curious why you think it won’t? The IATSE guidelines report specifically have social distancing measures in place for backstage and FOH positions. And it also outlines contingencies/work arounds for some of the areas where distancing is not possible, like wardrobe/HMU

Updated On: 7/22/20 at 08:57 PM

EDSOSLO858 Profile Photo
#6Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 9:07pm

Most likely, and COVID could also probably be the death of multi-act (or multi-"part"Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus? shows. Anything to prevent more long lines and crowded areas both on and offstage. In the years to come, we should be accustomed to intimate, diverse, and rather short Broadway productions. Plays will especially thrive for years to come.


Oh look, a bibu!

TheatreFan4 Profile Photo
#7Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 9:32pm

Sampatches said: 
I’m curious why you think it won’t? TheIATSE guidelines report specifically have social distancing measures in place for backstage and FOH positions. And it also outlines contingencies/work arounds forsome of the areas where distancing is not possible, like wardrobe/HMU"

MAYBE small shows could come back, but without the big shows with the high weekly costs their foot traffic is even smaller than usual. Add on general fear of returning to theatre for tourists. These are guidelines and a best case scenario, but THE plan that will continue to be in flux. Broadway simply cannot be open running at best half capacity because the money is not there. Unless tourists are there (which they won't be considering the current rotating list of 31 states that require a 14 day quarantine upon arrival to New York) they'd never even reach the hypothetical 50% capacity. These guidelines scream like their Union members demanded a plan regardless of the practicality of Broadway opening.

As for the death of the chorus? That is foolish.Unless we're all going to never be close to anyone again it's a joke to think Broadway actors will never be in close proximity again. This is an illness one that will be brought under control in time either by its natural course (resulting in a lot of death) or our very much delayed response with lack of federal responsibility to it.

HogansHero Profile Photo
#8Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 9:37pm

between those who think Broadway is reopening after the first of the year, and those who act like it will never reopen, sane and reasonable people are few and far between in this precinct. 

1. There will be no Broadway with social distancing.

2. At some point, probably a year or so from now, Covid-19 will be in our rear view mirror.

It's not rocket science; if you pay a little attention to the world you've been living in, you'd know a lot more. Try it some time.

MichelleCraig Profile Photo
#9Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/22/20 at 11:22pm

Exactly, Hogan...

stoptheworld38 Profile Photo
#10Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/23/20 at 12:35am

I’m a choral singer (not Broadway chorus, just regular community choirs). COVID is not going to end group singing (either Broadway or choir) forever. It’s true that people singing together in close proximity has higher risks than other activities and will probably be one of the last things to return. But it will return eventually.

you found your heart but left a part of you behind <3

#11Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/23/20 at 1:44am

Whatever happens it will be quite a while before we see Broadway back to normal.  Because it's NYC.

I agree that this thing will eventually find a vaccine, but if not immediately, at least in the interim a treatment that will allow the country to return to some sense of normalcy....even if it's not what it was before in totality.

With Broadway being in NY, and more specifically NYC, this will be monitored with even more precision, because it has to be.  The way the state and city handled the virus at its onset became an international focal point for what not to do.   They've seemingly corrected it and things have improved.   Still a ways to go considering the nature of what Broadway theater is though.

itsjustmejonhotmailcom Profile Photo
#12Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/23/20 at 1:49am

Sampatches said: "itsjustmejonhotmailcom said: "Broadway won't open with social distancing restrictions. In the audience and on the other side of the proscenium. Andyou can have a show with a cast of 4 with a weekly nut of $600k and a show with a cast of 24 with a nut of $400k. In case thatwasn't clear, the answer is "no.""

I’m curious why you think it won’t? TheIATSE guidelines report specifically have social distancing measures in place for backstage and FOH positions. And it also outlines contingencies/work arounds forsome of the areas where distancing is not possible, like wardrobe/HMU

Because the economics don't work. Most shows can't survive selling to 50% capacity (and to do 6 feet of distancing would be more like 15% capacity.) The unions aren't going to allow their members to work for less. And the public isn't going to pay double or more for tickets.

#13Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/24/20 at 1:31pm

I think jukebox musicals help sustain the need for a chorus/larger cast. There are exceptions but particularly for shows built around the catalog of a solo performer, I think a level of spectacle is usually required. Or at least deemed necessary by the creative team.

Mr. Wormwood Profile Photo
Mr. Wormwood
#14Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/25/20 at 12:35am

In response to the subject of the thread:



#15Will COVID End The Broadway Chorus?
Posted: 7/25/20 at 3:49pm

The chorus wont disappear for ever but I don’t think that it is realistic to say that Broadway won’t reopen until it is able to operate at 100% pre Pandemic capacity. That is neither in the good of the theatre community or required There will probably be a certain degree of deintensity carried out at first and temporarily suspending the chorus would be an easy way to reduce the number of bodies in the space without hurting the central storyline or cutting revenue.
