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Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast - Page 3

Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast

#50re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 2:24pm

WishingOnlyWounds: Not every soprano can belt. Some lucky ones can, but not all of them. Listening to that clip from Ella Enchanted, Anne Hathaway has support issues, which would impact her belting. I'm not even sure that she can belt--in that clip, she's more yelling than anything.

Yes, she'd be okay by Hollywood standards, but I still think that Brittany Murphy would be better.

Edit: Another thought--what about Rashida Jones? She has an excellent voice.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!
Updated On: 3/16/09 at 02:24 PM

Shannon Bo Dannon Profile Photo
Shannon Bo Dannon
#51re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 3:04pm

Emily Blunt as Nessarose.

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#52re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 3:14pm

I think the perfect Wizard Morrible combo would be Jack Nicholson and his ex Angelica Houston.

James Marsden would be a dreamy Fyero but didnt he say he wont ever do another movie musical?

In any case, I am more concerned with HOW it is done than WHO does it. I think Baz could do something great. But I always thought an aproach similar to 300 with that muted colour palate would be interesting, everything in ox is bland and gray except for the emerald city and Elphaba. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre
Updated On: 3/16/09 at 03:14 PM

provocation Profile Photo
#53re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 6:03pm

Natalie Weiss as Elphaba.
James Marsden as Fiyero.

I'd die happy!

I know, right?

childcatcher2 Profile Photo
#54re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 7:22pm

Madonna as morrible !!!

esparza 333
#55re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 7:44pm

What about Emily Blunt as Elphaba. She is a brilliant actress, and she can sing. She is so compelling on screen and she would really command the screen. Amy Adams would be a stunning choice for Glinda. She has that cheerful optimistic glow to her and I am sure she could sing it. I know people will fight me on this but Glinda is a multilayered role. Amy Adams can be utterly hilarious in a comedy scene and fierce and powerful in a dramatic scene. Her Glinda along with Blunt's Elphaba would be knockout casting.

Current Avatar:The sensational Aaron Tveit in the soon to be hit production of Catch Me If You Can.

#56re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/16/09 at 9:01pm

Someone mentioned Beyonce as Elphaba, and I kind of really life that idea. I don't know why, but I do...

Amy Adams - Glinda
Beyonce - Elphaba
Aaron Tveit - Fiyero
Natalie Portman/Emily Blunt - Nessarose
Patti or Divine Miss M or Julie Andrews - Madama Morrible
Robin Williams - The Wizard

#57re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 9:14am

I agree, nothing wrong with the OBC. Mamma Mia was horrible, I love the story and songs but the casting was unforgivable. Why cant stage actors work on film? If you are casting a musical doesnt it stand to reason that singers (that can act) instead of actors (that can carry a tune) be cast in the musical. I loved Rent the movie but was sort of unhappy with the direction and things that were left out, not the casts fault. How about a screen director and broadway director getting together to make a movie. A show like Wicked needs strong singers and I wouldnt be upset with the OBC. Aida hopefully will be next. I hope these shows dont get butchered like Mamma MIa.

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#58re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 9:40am

Remember, we're not talking about her singing Defying Gravity eight times a week, she needs to get it right once in a studio.

Very very good point.

Not every soprano can belt. Some lucky ones can, but not all of them. Listening to that clip from Ella Enchanted, Anne Hathaway has support issues, which would impact her belting.

Also a good point, but that didn't stop Amanda Bynes from being cast as Penny in Hairspray.

#59re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 12:13pm

I know, but I think that we should be encouraging the casting of people who can sing the part. Even if we know it may happen, we shouldn't lower our standards from the getgo just because Hollywood is terrible at casting singers.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

madbrian Profile Photo
#60re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 12:44pm

Hmmm...recently, Hollywood seems to be much better at casting musicals. Chicago, Dreamgirls, and Hairspray were all much better received than The Producers and Rent, which both used much of their OBCs. These are movies, and they need screen actors, and they need MOVIE STARS to sell tickets.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

#61re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 12:49pm

They need screen actors, but there are screen actors who can sing the part just fine. Hairspray was a commercial success, but IMO the singing was pretty terrible.

I think with Wicked you could get away with lesser-known people. It recently came to my city, an area not really full of theatre lovers, and sold out right away, even with jacked up prices.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#62re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 12:49pm

I have absolutely no problem with Hollywood putting movie stars in their musical film long as they can sing.

madbrian Profile Photo
#63re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 1:15pm

"Hairspray was a commercial success, but IMO the singing was pretty terrible."

Perhaps with respect to Brittany Snow and/or Amanda Bynes, but I thought the rest of the cast sang well. And Penny & Amber had less singing in the movie than on stage.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

blondebaby589 Profile Photo
#64re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 1:20pm

Perhaps with respect to Brittany Snow and/or Amanda Bynes, but I thought the rest of the cast sang well. And Penny & Amber had less singing in the movie than on stage.

I did not enjoy Michelle Pfieffer's performance either to be perfectly honest. But besides that I thought the singing was very well done.

Amaranth9 Profile Photo
#65re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 2:58pm

"I know, but I think that we should be encouraging the casting of people who can sing the part. Even if we know it may happen, we shouldn't lower our standards from the getgo just because Hollywood is terrible at casting singers."

"I think with Wicked you could get away with lesser-known people."

SporkGoddess, you and some others have said the essence of what I've been thinking but so much more concisely. Thanks! I need to practice that. =)

#66re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 3:31pm

I'm glad you agree! If you've noticed, I've been trying to suggest film actresses who I think can sing rather than "omg just cast Mandy Gonzalez or something" re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

jennamajig Profile Photo
#67re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 4:34pm

This is where I have conflicting voices in my head. I studies film and television in college and did lots of theater on the side as well. What works onstage often just doesn't work on film. This goes for actors and story lines alike.

I think there are so many talented theater actors out there. But I always think of it this way: on screen there is no distance between the actor and the audience. Ages should appropriate for the material and the acting style one would use to hit the back of the balcony in the biggest of theaters isn't going to work on screen. Some theater actors can make the adjustment rather well and some...well, it just doesn't work. This is why, for me, the Producers films just lost its charm on screen. (Odd since both Lane and Broderick have done other films with no issues, but alas).

Of course, since there are so many talented folks out there, there is no reason we can't find gifted screen actors that can also sing well. The screen test, I think, is even more crucial in a movie musical.

That being said, Wicked sells itself in name alone. You want names? Okay, throw a couple in for Morrible, the Wizard, maybe even Fiyero, but give two extremely talented unknown actresses a chance with Elphaba and G(a)linda.

On another note: Does Amy Adams even have the range to sing the soprano notes in "No One Mourns the Wicked?" I'm only familiar with her singing in Enchanted, I must admit.

#68re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 4:37pm

I doubt it, to be honest. Especially if they keep the E6.

But, yeah, I'd have to hear her.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

jennamajig Profile Photo
#69re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 4:56pm

I doubt it, to be honest. Especially if they keep the E6.

But, yeah, I'd have to hear her.

I would love them to keep the E6...I strongly dislike changing/lowering scores to suit an actress when you can probably find an equally talented actress out there who can sing it as written.

And I love Adams, I do. She was perfect for Enchanted. But by the time this project happens, voice part aside, I think she may just read as too old.

EVIE Profile Photo
#70re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 4:56pm

Rashida Jones? Really? Karen can sing? I love her that much more now!

#71re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 4:59pm

Yeah! She used to sing with Sharon Leale and Loretta Devine on Boston Public a lot. I was trying to find a clip on YouTube for everyone, but the episode was taken down.

She's done a lot of backup work, and you can hear one of her songs on her fansite.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#72re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/17/09 at 9:50pm

Kristen Bell is a fine choice for Galinda!

kristinchenofan570 Profile Photo
#73re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/21/09 at 3:41pm

I just hope they dont screw it up like some movie musicals... but we shall see...

Remember when drama was only on the stage?

#74re: Wicked the Movie- Who should be in the cast
Posted: 3/21/09 at 4:48pm

I wouldn't worry too much about who can hit what notes. Or Anne Hathaway not having enough support. I'm sure they will be coached and will be able to hit the notes they need to. Remember they only need to hit the notes once ... in the recording booth ... not eight nights a week. Like Rosario Dawson. They made her sound good in Out Tonight. No way she can sing that flawlessly any time of the day, though.

I'd say Anne Hathaway and Amy Adams are some pretty good bets because they can sing, and they are very VERY in right now. However, by the time this movie actually goes into pre-produciton, there could be any number of other actresses that could be the next big thing.

And James Marsden will likely be too old by the time the flick came out. I'd say look around the Shia LeBeouf, Camilla Belle, Jamie Bell, Zac Efron generation of things. I think a current young twenty-something will be filling the roles.
