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Wicked Love Thread

Popular Profile Photo
#25re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:33pm

Aww, thanks P.

Patronus Profile Photo
#26re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:37pm

No problem, Pop! I just hope you get a ticket to TL5Y on Monday in order to see FutureElphaba go on. re: Wicked Love Thread

BTW, I would like to say that I think having a "Wicked Love Thread" is a fantastic idea and I really hope that it catches on and there are less new threads starting that say the same thing.

wickedfreak, maybe you could edit the first post in this thread to contain links to, previous BWW threads with topics of interest like "Best Elphaba", "Best Glinda" etc and with other "fan" information as to help promote this as the primary place to discuss Wicked on BWW!

It seems as if that would be the best for both sides of this discussion.
Updated On: 1/28/06 at 10:37 PM

#27re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:41pm

agree about it becoming too obsessive.. and that their ARE too many posts about it. but.. it IS popUlar. (heh.)


that's a LOT of fandom.


#28re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:42pm


I actually appreciated his link greatly and plan to contribute to both that board as well as BBW and I believe that I, as well as every person on here, is entitled to do likewise... if they choose to do so.

but ANYWAY.... seeing as how I remember the words "Wicked LOVE" in this thread's title....


What is it that draws you into the show so much? And what's your favorite part of the production?

I personally love the show for mainly one reason: its POWERFUL. I love the score and get chills just thinking about how awesome the big huge songs and notes are. I love the cleverly crafted story and appreciate the great emotion and depth as well as the down right hilariousness of it all (i think i just invented a word.) Top it off with over the top costumes and fantastic sets and you have, in my opinion, one of the most powerful productions out there!

As for favorite parts: I LOOOOVE the set during "As Long as Youre Mine." It is so mysterious and dark... and yet like an enchanting illustration from some fairytale novel. I loved it! And also, (of course) I was just blown away by "Defying Gravity." Seeing that live HAS to be one of the defining moments of my life this far! lol.. okay.. so maybe thats going a bit far... :) ...but then again, maybe not! Plus... I cried during POPULAR. It is SOOO funny!

Wicked Love

SirLiir Profile Photo
#29re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 12:25am

I like Wicked because it really has brought tons of young people into theatre with its message. I fully recognize that it is a flawed show (true fans really need to understand this) but I do not think that the show ever claims to be masterpiece theater. It's an enjoyable 2 and a half hours of escapism with a catchy score. I, like many others, are a bit dismayed how far some people take this show but we shouldnt overlook its very powerful impact.

To answer your question, what really drew me to Wicked was its music. I am a sucker for Dancing Through Life. Just a feel good song and a great beat. The whole scene with the ballroom afterwards also has a nice moment of acceptance and repose.

Piazzaslight Profile Photo
#30re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 8:59am

The music and the sets are basically what drew me into the show. I love, and always have loved, "Defying Gravity." It's a song about freedom, and doing what you WANT to do, not what others tell you to do.

Wicked love to the third power!

P. S. I already started saving up to see it again! re: Wicked Love Thread

MARGARET: "Clara, stop that. That's illegal." - The Light in the Piazza

"I'm not in Bambi and I'm not blonde!" - Idina Menzel

#31re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 9:19am

Wicked is love. At least for me. Guys, seriouly, if you don't like Wicked, or you're sick of Wicked threads, don't read them, adn don't bash the people writing them! The person who wrote it wil get the hint, and stop doing it. And besides, if someone wrote a "OMG, I loooove Wicked!" about like, Piazza or Rent, would you bash them? Something is telling me you wouldn't.
Sorry for the rant, but this has gotten totally out of control.

Anyway, on to Wicked. I agree with SirLiir, it's a show that brought on fans who actually get and can somehow relate with the message. The music is fun and inspirational, and the acting is pretty much out of this world (depending of course on who's doing the acting) So love to Wicked, and here's to it staying on Broadway for many years to come! :)

#32re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 9:38am

The story has really drawn me into the Wicked. I began to really love the character of Elphaba after reading the book, and although the musical is not the sort of vehicle that can develop a character as much as that, they really do it well. Most of the actors have really presented her as a character that I feel that if I knew them I would really like them, and I begin to admire them. The friendship is another huge part of it for me, especially the way they both acknowledge the other one's strengths, and are envious of them, yet they still love each other( aww I know, cheesy statement.)

My favorite part is the last half of the second act, from As Long as You're Mine until the finale. I loveeeeeeeeeee the staging of ALAYM, and the part afterwards, with the wand/broom fight makes me laugh everytime. For Good is forever making me bawl, and as much as I like the book, I am a sucker for the happy ending.

All in all, I just love Wicked, and most everything about it, from the characters to the music to the actors to sets to the blocking to the costumes etc...I could go on for years!

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

SirLiir Profile Photo
#33re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 1:10pm

This is why I strongly recommend Patronus makes a great point. Too many Wicked threads create a lot of unnecessary enmity toward the show and fans and honestly, there are tons of the topics you probably want to discuss over over at What I enjoy most about that site is that there is no bashing of any actors and actresses who appear in the show...unlike here. Just a better Wicked environment.

Dancinqueen123 Profile Photo
#34re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 2:00pm

Since I love Wicked and this is the Wicked love thread, I want to express my love. I think the lyrics and music of the show were well written. Stephen Schwartz is amazing! I also liked that through the storyline they tied in little mysteries that we can link to the Wizard of Oz movie that we knew growing up. I love this musical. I've seen it twice and I'm planning on seeing it again. "Defy Gravity, all the cool kids are doing it"

<--Sometimes it's easier to get out of a jam than into one

#35re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 2:07pm

To prevent another Wicked thread.... does anyone know if the current cast comes out to the stage door for matinees?

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

ElphabaRose Profile Photo
#36re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 3:33pm

I don't know about everyone, but Megan Hilty usually does. Ben Vereen has been known to come out, sign, and then go back inside. I know he did that in the summer, but I don't know how often he does that now.

Whatever happened to class?

#37re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 4:04pm

Thanks ElphabaRose!! I have never been to a Saturday Matinee for Wicked before, and I didn't want to end up waiting at the stage door in the cold for no one to come!!!

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

penECheery Profile Photo
#38re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/29/06 at 5:25pm

people/teenyboppers who obsess over Wicked and Idina...etc..

Proving someone with mild dyslexia shouldn't skim posts. That one became "obsess over Wicked in India." A tour in India!? My eyes almost fell out.

Anyway, I don't have a problem with the teenyboppers (if they don't use webspeak, excessive capitalization or punctuation, or the word "enthuse" while ranting about their obsession and) if it might get them interested in the rest of the theatre world. Interest has to come from somewhere, after all.

#39re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/30/06 at 2:44pm

I am 18 yeras old (almost 19 yay!) and I saw Wicked last may when we went on a school trip. I'll be honest...I had no interest in seeing it because I previously Hated the wizard of OZ. I tried to copnvince my teacher that if we were gonna go to NY we may as well see something else..... thankfully he ignored my constant complaining and we went to go see it. By the time Elphaba sang the Wizard and I I had completely forgotten how much I did not want to see it, and all those years of despising the Wizard of Oz. I'm pretty sure I was moved to tears when Boq lost his heart. I was always a big musical fan.....but didn't really know anything about I am literly obsessed with broadway and all broadway related things........ Wicked is partly credited for it.I think that I would have been obsessed with any play that we would go see, but Seeing Wicked was by far the best day of my life (sounds sad?? maybe a bit.....but I've always wanted to go to NY, and I went with like 55 of my was awsome). I miss it so much.

My Strongest Suit Profile Photo
My Strongest Suit
#40re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/30/06 at 2:59pm

Wicked is a magical show that even non-broadway people love. I don't understand how you could not like it. But anyways, I saw it with Eden when it was in San Francisco and I'm driving down with my mom and aunt to see in it San Diego this summer. I love Wicked I don't care who knows it!!! :) Elphaba Rules!


#41re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/1/06 at 4:33pm

I love Wicked hands down... I really want to see it. I found out that it was origanally scheduled for my group to see that show (The original cast and everything) when we went to NY and I found that out like this year and was so bummed that would have been so awesome... I really like wicked... i bought the grimmire... it's a great book...

*Theres only us, theres only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss- no other road no other way, NO DAY BUT TODAY! *

#42re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/1/06 at 4:47pm

Heck yes! I looove the grimmerie. its really good. i own it also. i also love wicked. ya wicked!

I like Charlie Brown's hands... "It's like I'm being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal Mickey Mouse."

#43re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/1/06 at 4:47pm

Heck yes! I looove the grimmerie. its really good. i own it also. i also love wicked. ya wicked!

I like Charlie Brown's hands... "It's like I'm being tied to the hood of a yellow rental truck, being packed in with fertilizer and fuel oil, pushed over a cliff by a suicidal Mickey Mouse."

sidneybruhl Profile Photo
#44re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/1/06 at 7:33pm

Very few shows have captivated me like this one has. As of the end of March, I will have seen the show six times in a year's time! It may not be "perfect," but it sure is entertaining.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#45re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/1/06 at 9:01pm

Great show. Horribly large fanbase.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

#46re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/2/06 at 2:32am

I love patronus for being so much more eliquont in his answers then I ever could be. Does that count?

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#47re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 2/2/06 at 2:35am

I'm sorry, but I only reply to "Official" love threads.

