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Wicked Love Thread

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#0Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 8:54pm

So many people on this board do not like WICKED. This is the WICKED love thread. Shout out your love for this show everyone!!!

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#1re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 8:56pm


#2re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 8:58pm

*waits for others to arrive*

*watches can of worms*

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

Cameron26 Profile Photo
#3re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 8:59pm

Stephen Schwartz is king! The box office PROOOOVES IT!

Tap16 Profile Photo
#4re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:03pm

IT's an amazing show, with amazing lyrics, music,& actors. Its just great. i don't see why so many people hate it when people make a wicked post.

#5re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:04pm

It's not the show they hate; it's the abundance of Wicked threads and people/teenyboppers who obsess over Wicked and Idina...etc..

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#6re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:25pm

okay... if a show is good enough to rake in all the "teenyboppers and obsessive fans, threads, etc" then HELLO! Obviously it deserves all the attention. What is wrong with a show that people love so much? What is wrong about people obsessing over Broadway? What is wrong about a show that gets everyone talking non stop? I would think that such attention is exactly what everyone on the board should be WANTING! not shunning!

I mean honestly... what a shame that a show has come out that has reached a major age group, grossed amazing numbers, and attracted so many people to the world of theatre! How dare such a show ever be allowed to exist! Let's all freak out every time someone says the word WICKED as if it is some horrible plague!

c'mon folks... kinda ridiculous? I'd say so!!!

WICKED is the show that got me into the "broadway world" and has opened my eyes to a whole nother universe full of so many awesome shows! I will FOREVER be grateful for such a fantastic show!


#7re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:35pm


Let me repeat what I said

"It's not the show they hate; it's the abundance of Wicked threads and people/teenyboppers who obsess over Wicked and Idina...etc.."

Perhaps I should expand. I, for one, wouldn't mind a few Wicked threads. However, there are more Wicked threads on here than any other musical. If one feels the need to express their love for Wicked, I'm sure searching would easily bring up plenty.

Also, if I am correct, there are other boards that are purely Wicked fans.

Many of us here like Wicked; we like Wicked and other shows too.
I'm sure many people here wouldn't be so upset with Wicked fans if they expressed their love for it in a mature way without starting new threads.

Example of a bad post: OMG- lyke do u guyz luv wicked! omg- the best was idena menzalll. i cant beleve she got hurt. my god that is bad becuz she couldnt do her last show. did u guyz lite a candle for her. i totally did becuz i was hopin she was ok- ya no? i am glad she made an appeience tho becuz i got to see her. i cant beleeve she didnt sign tho. i was lyke chasin her down the street. it was pretty cool but she stopped and took pics and signed for me. i am so happy cuz i no she luvs me.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#8re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:39pm

*waits for people to bash this thread to tiny bits*

What the puck?!

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#9re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 9:40pm

I am not causing trouble, so don't worry. I just wanted to say that some of us have DESPERATELY tried to like Wicked. We love the ideas behind it, the novel behind it, and the actors involved. We just do not like it, end of story.

If you want a more complete explanation, feel free to pm me. I don't want to dump on your parade by spewing negativity.

And if it brought you to the wonder that is Broadway, the more the better. I hope you're happy re: Wicked Love Thread

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

SirLiir Profile Photo
#10re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:02pm

Wait a minute! No one mourns the Wicked!

In seriousness, for Wicked love, a really good site for Wicked is You can find a much more friendly atmosphere to discuss the show.

Updated On: 1/28/06 at 10:02 PM

#11re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:03pm

Well, I see a bit where you are coming from... but I'm not so sure my opinion has changed. Perhaps you feel superior to teenage slang... but what is it hurting you? I appreciate those who recognize Wicked as a great show and yet don't "obsess" over it... but what does it matter if there are threads posted about it by those who do? If you wish not to take part in the conversation or be annoyed by the supposed "immaturity" of it all... well, nobody monitors what your mouse clicks on but you! If you don't want to hear it, read it, or see it... then don't click on it.

I'm honestly not wanting to raise any trouble either, but afterall, we all are entitled to our opinion.

This is a broadway board and I see nothing wrong with posting threads about broadway shows... even if one gets more attention than the next.

And (call me lazy and stupid if you wish)...but who wants to sift through a million old threads anyway when you can start a perfectly fine new conversation on ur own? Its more personalized and fun that way!

#12re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:06pm

Showing non-teenybopper Wicked love. Muah <3
Runs and hides...

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#13re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:09pm

non wicked loving people are not allowed on this thread!!

Kevo711 Profile Photo
#14re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:10pm

Ok now I'm not afraid to admit that I love Wicked... But the excessive posting of threads on various topics of Wicked get annoying. (This will NEVER work but what ever) If all Wicked fans have something to say, why not just post it on this thread. People won't mind if theres just one continuous thread about Wicked, its just all the new threads people make when they could include their questions/comments somewhere else.

#15re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:11pm

3> Wicked.

3> it.

wickedfreak Profile Photo
#16re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:14pm

If you dont like all the wicked threads, then dont read them! it is a very simple solution.

#17re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:18pm

Amen Kevo!!!!

Mad4music- You're right,nobody monitors my mouse clicks, however, it's quite annoying to see yet another new Wicked thread.

As you said: "And (call me lazy and stupid if you wish)...but who wants to sift through a million old threads anyway when you can start a perfectly fine new conversation on ur own? Its more personalized and fun that way!"

First of all, there is no way you would have to sift through a bunch of threads to find Wicked ones. Wicked threads are the easiest to find. When I have something to say that won't fit a specific thread, I put it in one that best fits. If everyone posted a new thread for a semi-different topic, there would be a lot more threads.

SirLiir kindly gave you a site for Wicked fans. Is there a reason you won't post over there for your love of Wicked and then come join us at BWW when you want to contribute to a different subject?

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#18re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:19pm

this was my first broadway show, of course i'm gonna love it. And I REALLY don't care if people don't like it.


Patronus Profile Photo
#19re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:22pm

If you dont like all the wicked threads, then dont read them! it is a very simple solution.

It is a very simple solution providing that the people who post Wicked threads take a minute to search whether or not that topic has been posted before.

Often times I see Wicked threads being posted and a similar topic is still on the main page.

I agree with you on the "if you aren't interested, don't read it thing" - however, sometimes there aren't many alternatives to read anything else and that is a problem

Too much of anything is a bad thing.

Look, I don't care for the musical Wicked. As Kitzarina stated brilliantly - I've tried. I like the concept, I like a lot of the actors and actresses who have performed in the show, hell I even enjoy several songs from the show - but I find the show to have too many flaws to "love".

I don't mean to say that other people shouldn't love it. If you love the show more power to you. I think it's great for people to have something they are passionate about.

However, the door swings both ways. There are rules on the site. A simple search wouldn't be the end of the world.

I have no problem with the intelligent Wicked posts. The problem is that a vast majority of these posts are the typical, "OMG I Love __________" or "Who is the best ______________" posts that have been done countless times. There is no reason that these topics can't be bumped up rather than starting new ones.

If it's a fresh and well thought out post on the show then I am all for it.

Updated On: 1/28/06 at 10:22 PM

#20re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:23pm

Why I am posting this again, I will never know but:

It's not the show they hate; it's the abundance of Wicked threads and people/teenyboppers who obsess over Wicked and Idina...etc..

People enjoy Wicked (including me)...but we enjoy other shows too and don't like seeing a new Wicked thread so often.

To express your love for Wicked, go to the site that was posted. People there will take you post more politely.

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

SirLiir Profile Photo
#21re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:24pm

That was how I started. I really was into Wicked but since all people talked about on UL was Wicked, I found this site to discuss other non-Wicked stuff. You probably have a lot more fun with Wicked over there then here.

Popular Profile Photo
#22re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:26pm

Oh hush Patronus, you know you love the show and my posts! re: Wicked Love Thread

Patronus Profile Photo
#23re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:29pm

The show? No.

You? Of Course!

Your posts? Typically, Yes.

Why? Because your Wicked posts are typically news related. They offer information and updates that are relevant. If it's something I am interested in, I read it. If not, I don't. You are always very clear and articulate in your subject lines though which allows me to make the decision a lot more easily. re: Wicked Love Thread

Besides Pop, you're the exception to the rule!

SirLiir Profile Photo
#24re: Wicked Love Thread
Posted: 1/28/06 at 10:32pm

I like to know why people create these "Who is the best _insert Wicked role here____". There is just too much subjectivity, plain and simple. They usually end up into bashing threads anyway. Yet people keep doing it!
