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Why do so many people hate......- Page 3

Why do so many people hate......

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#50re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:11pm

Jealous of SA's 8 Tony Awards, duh. re: Why do so many people hate...... (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#51re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:11pm

Ah, of course.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Liverpool Profile Photo
#52re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:11pm

you're retarded, just liek the show you worship

uhkthxbye2 Profile Photo
#53re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:12pm

I LOVED the show (chalk it up to my horny, hormonal adolescence), but I have many of the same gripes (the blah blahs and Bill T. Jones winning choreography). Yes, lighting was brilliant, singing was great, all that stuff.

But another gripe I had was the way Sater treated some of the elements of Wedekind's play. Or it could be the way Mayer directed it. There were some things that completely didn't get through to me until my best friend told me - e.g. Ilse was SEDUCING Moritz in the Don't Do Sadness scene. Also, from what I've heard (I have the play but haven't read it yet, so if I'm wrong, someone please correct me), the Hanschen-Ernst scene was supposed to convey the idea that THEY were the only ones who got the love thing right, whereas Sater's book just made it one big joke. ::shrug::

Gangway, world, get off of my runway.
- Mama Rose, Gypsy

A bird cage I plan to hang,
I'll get to that someday...
A bird cage for a bird who flew away
Around the world.
- Edie, Grey Gardens

#54re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:14pm

Not getting what you want generates anger, hence feelings of hate. Jealousy comes to mind.

Yeeeeah, right. Obviously.

*rolls eyes*

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

#55re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:18pm

I think someone besides Sater should have handled the book/lyrics. Most of the more reasonable criticisms seem to stem from his work in the thing.

I've heard that Sheik's lyrics to his own music are really good. I wonder why he didn't do the lyrics to SA himself??

#56re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:20pm

Didn't you know that whenever you dislike something, it's because you're jealous? For instance, I don't think that Emmy Rossum's a talentless hack who can't sing or act worth a damn, I'm jealous because I don't have her amazing voice or deer-in-headlights gaze. Duh.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Liverpool Profile Photo
#57re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:21pm

OMG the staging is the biggest load of crap ive seen, the director should be beaten in a dark alley

#58re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:21pm

Spork- OF COURSE! That's right! Thanks for clearing that up for me.

(though I do happen to like Emmy re: Why do so many people hate...... )

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife
Updated On: 7/17/07 at 03:21 PM

gman07 Profile Photo
#59re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:53pm

"you're retarded, just liek the show you worship"

Wow such contempt, I don't think you are retarded, a little immature maybe.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#60re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 3:56pm

You can't ask someone why they don't like something. If they don't like it, they don't like it. Saying some people are "jealous" of the show is ridiculous.

Liverpool Profile Photo
#61re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 4:05pm

thus being as retarded as the show he/she/it worships.

The show is terrible. The songs are ok, and in fact, some are quite nice. but the book, the design, and ESPECIALLY the direction are a cluster **** and insulting to anyone with an attention span longer than 14 seconds.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#62re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 4:11pm

As noted, the book is a pretty lousy adaptation of the original play. The music is monotonous after a while. The choreography is, at most points, excreable. There are zero production values.

And for this, the producers are charging over a hundred bucks for tickets.

Sorry, guys, but IMHO SPRING AWAKENING was, at best, off-Broadway fare. I've seen far better (and more coherent) productions out of Cafe LaMama twenty years ago. And I think it's safe to predict that two decades from now, SA will be seen as much of a blip on the Broadway radar as HAIR was.

#63re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 4:20pm

I thought Hair is generally considered a beloved semi-classic with a great score?

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#64re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 4:30pm

HAIR *is* a beloved classic, but it didnt have that much of an affect on Broadway in the long run. We saw a brief spate of "rock musicals", but that turned out to be a fad more than anything else, just like the jukebox musicals of today. SA wont have even that much influence.

BobbyErikValjean Profile Photo
#65re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 4:42pm

"SA wont have even that much influence."

Don't be so sure, the teenage years is the greatest time to impact someone. You never know who SA (or any other Broadway show for that matter) will inspire.

Liverpool Profile Photo
#66re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 4:50pm

if it does influence peopel god help us all, cause its **** and will only lead to more ****

chris d
#67re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 5:39pm

it's a love it or hate it show, and I guess that counts for something. I didn't love it, and I certainly didn't hate it. Despite the fact that it's based on an earlier play, it has to be one of the most original "new" shows to hit B'way in a very long time. I'm guessing that's why it won so many Tony's. Other shows were good, but generally stuck to the musical comedy formula. personally, my only gripe with it was its length: it could have been at least a half hour longer, giving the ensemble more time to be explored.

Lavieboheme3090 Profile Photo
#68re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 5:46pm

I thought it was a let down, here is what I thought.

There are links to other people who were let down as well.

#69re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 6:34pm

i really enjoyed spring awakening myself. i think if it gives the teenage crowd a reason to get excited about broadway- all the better.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#70re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 7:07pm

Most people on this board hate Spring Awakening because it's a show that has a rather intense teen fanbase, and obviously what we're supposed to do is hate anything that gains such a fanbase.

It's really just a case of a particular show that many were not crazy about getting a lot more attention than they think it deserved, and board members getting angry at this. Yes, seriously.

Personally, I wasn't crazy about the show; I like the idea of taking an old story an telling it with modern music, but I just don't think it was developed well-enough to be a really meaningful theatrical experience. I see no reason to hate the show itself, though.

Jellylorum Profile Photo
#71re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 8:18pm

I didn't like Spring Awakening that much. It's not horrendous, it was just ok. Mediocre. It's not living up to any of the hype it's getting.

My main problem is with the book - it was disorganized and jumped around so much that it didn't allow the characters to develop depth. I didn't care for any of the characters except Moritz. The music wasn't that outstanding either. I liked the music in the first act, but it started to get monotonous in the second act.

There are a few things I loved about Spring Awakening, though. Wright was terrific. His part was small, but he certainly made the most out of it. And I find myself listening to some of the songs a lot on my iPod. The lighting was also pretty good, and fits perfectly with the mood of the show.

Most people aren't hating SA because of the fangirls, its popularity, or the fact that it won 8 Tonys. And they didn't just suddenly start to hate it either - the people who disliked it have always disliked it. It's just that early on in its run, a lot of the people who loved it raved about it a lot, and the people who disliked it either got overshadowed were too shy to express their opinions.

"It's a goddamn beautiful day, shut up!"
Updated On: 7/17/07 at 08:18 PM

#72re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 9:22pm

Spring Awakening is my favorite show of all time, but *ducks under rock* don't kill me for it. I actually want to defend Bill T. Jones for his choreography. I think Mary Poppins should have gotten the Tony for it, but I mean, look at the Bitch of Living. The jumping all over, the foot stomping, and the "language" during Totally F*CKed? It wasn't Michael Mayer or the kids who did that, and I think that's insanely awesome for it.

I really adore (although I kind of it extraordinarily weird) how each song is internal. They really express that well, which is great, and the music is fantastic. The set design, however, completely sucks. There's a bench that comes from the stage, and however genius that may be, not much else happens with that set.

The kids have to be geniuses to have to deal with the shallow characters that are given to them.

I've read the original play (like, 10 times, may I add) and I don't think that the show really grasps what Frank Wedekind wrote way back when. Hanschen and Ernst don't have that same relationship that was written in the play. The fact that Steven Sater makes Hanschen say "Me, I'm like a ****cat" seems to make me think that they took that entire scene as a joke. All the characters aren't are real as they are in the play. Wendla, for example, is not the 17 year old virgin they made her to be in the show. She's an innocent 14 year old girl who knows nothing about the world and wants to know. She wants to be beaten because she's never felt it. She wants to know about sex because she's still told it's the stork, or whatever the 1890 version of the stork was. Moritz is more grade-obsessed, and I don't think they have this in the musical, but in the play he sneaks into the lounge (for the teachers) to check and see if he passed or not, which he did, and that's why it comes as such a surprise and hurts him so much when it turns out that he failed. And Ilse... I'm not even going to start on Ilse.

Some of the show is very weak, I admit, but again, the performers in the show are amazing to be able to transition from 1891 to 2007 and then back to 1891, and that's one of the reasons it's so popular.

You have a classic script, then add wonderful modern music, and you have something intreguing that people have never seen before, which is a possibility as to why the show is so popular, and why it isn't with another group of people. It's like a mix and match puzzle, which is daring, and some people believe that it fully succeeded and some think that this mix and match doesn't match at all.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#73re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 9:25pm

but I mean, look at the Bitch of Living. The jumping all over, the foot stomping, and the "language" during Totally F*CKed?

Maybe it's just me, but I don't find that to be anything special. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#74re: Why do so many people hate......
Posted: 7/17/07 at 9:29pm

I don't think it isn't very special, but the fact that someone had enough guts to use it as choreography in a broadway show and make it flow so effortlessly is what I find great. And I'm defending the language, because holy crap, it's insane.
