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Who will replace Ben Platt- Page 5

Who will replace Ben Platt

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#100Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 11:10am

It is really not that common for Broadway shows to move to another Broadway house, I don't know why folks on this thread suggest it so frequently. We see maybe 1 move per season, if at all. This show works where it does because it needs intimacy. Music Box gives it that. It doesn't have much of a set so move itself won't be all that expensive, but it won't get a venue as perfect as the one they have now.

I doubt Ben's going to stay for much longer after his contract, maybe see it through the winter but that'll probably be about it. He's been Evan Hansen for a really long time, and it's a physically and mentally draining show. He talks about everything he's had to do to stay Ben Platt in real life during his TheaterTalk appearance.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

dianamorales Profile Photo
#101Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 11:46am

Tiann Nerng Chong said: "Austin P. McKenzie.



I don't know if hes my first choice, but I'd love to see this.

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#102Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 12:34pm

I know the logistics would be a nightmare, but I think it would be very fitting with the theme of the show if they held a contest on YouTube or even Snapchat to pick the next Evan. Or they could find the next Justin beiber on YouTube. Honestly Jack Johnson wouldn't be a horrible choice.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#103Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 1:21pm

Zachary Sayle

Updated On: 4/18/17 at 01:21 PM

shanphelia Profile Photo
#104Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 3:19pm

A few weeks ago I saw the concert of the musical in development "It's Kind of a Funny Story" at 54 Below. The show deals with some of the same overall themes of adolescent isolation and mental health, and Colton Ryan played the lead and really touched me, even in a concert version.  

I left thinking "wow, he could probably be a replacement for Ben Platt in DEH."  I looked him up after the show and only *then* learned he was Ben's understudy/standby. :)  So I personally think he should indeed take the role after Ben leaves!

Updated On: 4/18/17 at 03:19 PM

#105Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 3:36pm

This is too funny-- I saw The Lighting Thief last week and I immediately turned to my friend at intermission and went on and on about how Chris McCarrell would be a perfect Evan. He is EXTREMELY well trained and definitely has the range. Also, Percy and Evan run parallel in the sense Percy has ADHD. He played it very similar to Ben's Evan. Both are fantastic performers and I hope to see Ben again before his contract is up in November! 

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#106Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 4:27pm

I'd like to go against the grain here and see if there's anyone out there that agrees with me. First of all, I've seen Platt in the role twice and he is truly extraordinary. There's no doubt that he should win the Tony as his is a once in a decade performance. I know that there's some talk now of Andy Karl pulling an upset, in part because of his excellent performance and it part due to a sympathy vote. But this is Platt's year. 

Here is where I'll diverge from conventional wisdom, and suggest that DEH is a show that can and will stand very much on its own. My theory is that it does not need Platt to continue to sell out week after week. The show resonates on several emotional levels across many age demographics, and that, in addition to Platt's performance is what makes it special, along with a score that grows on me every time I listen to the cast album. 

This is not to say that they won't need someone who can carry out the role, which as so many others have pointed out is incredibly demanding vocally and emotionally. They will. I just don't think that Ben is the only actor capable of playing Evan and generating the same emotional response. 

I'm truly interested in your thoughts and in knowing if I'm all by myself on this. 

CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

#107Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 4:44pm

Assuming for the sake of argument, that it wins Best Musical, I think it will have a decent life post-Platt, but I truly believe that without him, it's Broadway run will be fairly limited (as much as I love it), at least in terms of the huge dollars it currently brings in.  Of course, it's going to be around regionally for a long time.  They may not be successful, but I really do think the producers are going to throw a lot of money at him to convince him to stay past November.  Of course, given his current profile, he may be busy fielding movie and tv offers, and the producers may not be able to overcome that kind of possible exposure together with what must be some fatigue in the role.  Still, if I were one of the producers, I would be trying to figure out how much it would take.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#108Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 4:44pm

Nope RaisedOnMusicals, you are not alone (see what I did there?). Show's material - book, songs, the story itself - are all very strong and I agree that the show can stand on its own. It is heavily dependant on whoever is playing the lead character, and Ben happens to be the current lead who's executing what has been given to him very well. The entire point of this thread is to come up with ideas on who else we think can do the role justice.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#109Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 5:05pm

I see the strong material point and raise you, what happened when Ripley left "Next to Normal"?  Also, strong, relevant material, but the show only survived through one replacement. They also had the Pulitzer Prize, which DEH does not.

Updated On: 4/18/17 at 05:05 PM

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#110Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 5:15pm

DEH is more relatable and has a more uplifting message than Next To Normal. Honestly, I haven't seen a good production of Next To Normal and only know it through a cropped bootleg + cast album, so I might not be the best person to discuss it in detail. DEH also has a fairly strong following amongst 15-25 year olds, which often helps a show survive longer. Pasek & Paul also happen to be Oscar winners at this point, I'm sure the ad campaigns post-Platt will help.

But I guess it's all guesswork until we know what happens. Market might crash and watching shows might get too expensive.

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

RaisedOnMusicals Profile Photo
#111Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 5:24pm

Valentina3 said: "Nope RaisedOnMusicals, you are not alone (see what I did there?). Show's material - book, songs, the story itself - are all very strong and I agree that the show can stand on its own. It is heavily dependant on whoever is playing the lead character, and Ben happens to be the current lead who's executing what has been given to him very well. The entire point of this thread is to come up with ideas on who else we think can do the role justice.


Yep, my name "in lights".  ?? it  ????


CZJ at opening night party for A Little Night Music, Dec 13, 2009.

Phillytheatreguy10 Profile Photo
#112Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 5:25pm

I would argue Next to Normal was pretty big with the 15-25 year old crowd, who may have just thought they got the message of "Next to Normal"- so I'll give you DEH seems the more relatable show.  However, 15-25 year olds couldn't keep "Newsies" running.  I do think it will have success post Platt and is a shoo-in for the Tony, but I don't see it generating the post OBC success as Hamilton.  

#113Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 9:32pm

First off I agree with those who say that DEH will survive long after Platt's departure.  The show is phenom similar to HAMILTON, which survived Lin'-Manuel's loss. 

Second, I think Platt will most likely extend after November.  He will have a Tony and will be able to demand a LOT more money which will be an incentive for him to stay (and the Tony will be an incentive to the producers to meet his price).  

I think Andrew Keenan-Bolger would have made an awesome Evan...about 10 years ago. 

I also think that DEH will last long enough for Joshua Colley to play the part and I will be first to buy a ticket when he does; that kid is jaw-droppingly talented.

As to who might be able to step in after Ben leaves who would be age-right and has the talent; JOHNNY RABE.

Chicken_Flavor Profile Photo
#114Who will replace Ben Platt
Posted: 4/18/17 at 9:36pm

trpguyy said: "Charlie Franklin"

Yo i'd kill for Charlie Franklin
