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Who's going to ENRON tonight??

supersam1026 Profile Photo
#1Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 4:39pm

Wish I could be there, cant wait to see NLB again!! Whoever goes, please let us know how it is!!

frogs_fan85 Profile Photo
#2Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 4:41pm

I went to the final dress last night and thoroughly enjoyed the show. Best wishes to all involved.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#2Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 4:47pm

I'll be there tonight.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#3Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 5:13pm

I was at the final dress as well. Just a hunch, and (obviously) not certain by any means -- and obviously, it was a dress rehearsal, so I'm sure lots of little tweaks will be made -- but I think this is very feasibly the Tony winner for Best Play. Absolutely loved it.
Updated On: 4/8/10 at 05:13 PM

aasjb4ever Profile Photo
#4Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 5:26pm

Im glad people like it
im very excited to see it...hopefully soon

#5Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 6:10pm

cant wait to see it tomorrow! if anyone is going tonight via TDF please let us know where the seats are

Drunk Chita Rivera Profile Photo
Drunk Chita Rivera
#6Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 6:31pm

And if anyone can ask about rush that would be greatly appreciated.

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#7Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 6:52pm

Seeing it tonight via tdf. My tickets were mailed to me. Mezz Row C 7, 9, 11.

#8Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/8/10 at 8:40pm

TDF for tomorrow. Seat is Row P of the center orchestra.

April Saul
#9Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:00am

Chita--I stopped by the box office tonight and asked about rush. The woman I spoke to said they hadn't made any decisions about rush--student or otherwise--and wouldn't until the show actually opened AFTER previews, although that didn't sound right to me. Didn't seem to be any use arguing with her, she was acting quite sure.

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#10Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:17am

I didn't go tonight (I was at LA CAGE), but I heard a couple of disconcerting/unsettling things second-hand from a friend who was there tonight.

Apparently, someone vomited and collapsed in the theater RIGHT before the show was about to start, and two other people in their group vomited as well subsequently. An ambulance was then called for the person who collapsed, the show started 25-30 minutes late, and supposedly, 3-4 other people then vomited themselves midway through act 1. I heard the audience seemed very uneasy/shaken up, and was largely unresponsive to the show.

Would love to hear from someone who was there what happened, and I'm especially curious how/if this supposed atmosphere affected attendees' opinions of the material.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#11Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:20am

One of my friends absolutely hated it. Told me it was "painful" and "dreadful."

I'm going Sunday, and was quite excited about it.

Scottsacto Profile Photo
#12Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:24am

OMG!! Now I am dying to hear from someone what happened there tonight? I wonder if all the people that fell ill were from the same Group or Ate at the Same Restaurant beforehand?

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#13Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:36am

Not sure what exactly happened tonight, but right after the announcement was made to turn off cell phones, someone yelled out "is there a doctor in the house." This guy ran downstairs from the mezz to help the sick person. I didn't look downstairs to see what happened (frankly, I was just mad that we were going to be delayed), but the show ended up starting around 8:20. Maybe someone who was sitting in the orchestra knows more as to what exactly happened...if so, feel free to report.

**Spoilers included in the paragraph below**
I hated the show by the way. Velociraptors, a light saber dance number, marin mazzie in a red jumpsuit riding a "motorcycle," a New Year's 2000 millenial party, 9/11 recreated, a prostitute saying to norbert's character "i hope your dick falls off," random musical interludes...too much visual and no substance. this is just my opinion though (my two friends also disliked it), but you should all go see it and make your own decisions.
Updated On: 4/9/10 at 02:36 AM

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#14Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:50am

Wait, let me get this right. There was a ripple of vomiting before and during the show? Was it hot in the theatre? I get vomiting after seeing someone doing so, but there were more in the first act? Are there strobe lights? I'm fascinated now.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

MiracleElixir Profile Photo
#15Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 2:58am

"One of my friends absolutely hated it. Told me it was "painful" and "dreadful." "

Not terribly surprising. If anything, this show is going to be divisive.

Me? I found it incredibly exciting theatre -- audacious, fascinating, and most of all, super-entertaining. The script/story itself is wildly interesting on its own terms, but it's the directorial decisions (or "gimmicks," as I worry some haters will dismiss them) that really transcend it into something special.

On paper, the surreal directorial flourishes could have just been window dressing (i.e. empty style masking lack of substance), but personally, I found them to be really well-thought out literalized-metaphors integrated in really creative ways that informed the material.

Absolutely not for everyone, but just might be my favorite play of the season (though I'm waffling between this and TIME STANDS STILL). Even though it'll annoy/viscerally off-put some people, I think word-of-mouth/reviews are going to be largely very positive. Updated On: 4/9/10 at 02:58 AM

#16Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 6:23am

I hope all of the people who became ill are all fine now. That must have been horrible/scary to witness if you were in the orchestra.

I usually don't like to see plays, but I think this one will really change my mind.

TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#17Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 7:55am

MiracleElixir, I think you're spot on. I have not yet seen the show, but from what I know about it, this is definitely going to be something that some people find brilliant and some despise.

#18Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 8:02am

After i stage doored next to normal i saw them just letting out so i think its really long because i was sorta at the end of the stage door line

#19Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:32am

Anyone remember the running time? I'm there tonight.

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#20Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:36am

The vomiting was truly terrible, and I believe it all came from one group who must have eaten something bad somewhere. Aside from the woman who caused the hold up at the beginning of the show, two others projectile vomited at the back of the orchestra and a third fell in front of the accessible bathroom. It definitely affected my ability to focus on the show.

That said, I liked it, but not as much as I thought I would. Of course, it was the first preview and, from what I've heard, they are working hard to make changes, but I think I was expecting a production on the same level as Rupert Goold's last Broadway outing, Macbeth, and I'm confident that it'll get there. As MiracleElixir said, the script made a subject that would normally make my eyes glaze over extremely interesting, and I loved the dark comedy element. The performances were also fantastic; Marin Mazzie particularly surprised me with how well she did.

They are mic-ed on this show, which is not usually the case with plays. They're still working out the kinks, though--Gregory Itzin was inaudible at points.

Run time last night about 2:40.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth
Updated On: 4/9/10 at 09:36 AM

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
#21Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 9:40am

I was there last night, and count me as one of the people who didn't care for the show. I thought the actual dialogue was weak and the "book scenes" were often boring.

I do think most of the surreal moments that WAT mentioned were added to mask the deficiencies in the script. Sorry MiracleElixir, but I did feel that were gimmicks. Not trying to be a "hater," just giving my honest reaction.

My other big problem was the play never really let the actors have a chance to shine. I felt, other than Norbert, the talents of the cast were completely wasted. Marin Mazzie has almost nothing to do, especially in the second act. I expected Itzin as Ken Lay to shine, but sadly he wasn't given any scenes he could sink his teeth into.

For the record I was looking forward to this play more than almost any other show this spring. Unfortunately I can't recommend it in good faith.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

MariusPontmercy Profile Photo
#22Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:02am

Please say they've cut some of the clunky exposition in the opening scenes.

"Does no-one here understand mark-to-market? OK, I'll explain..."

"How many times have we had sex?" "Three. Four if you count the time where..."

(It's not worded exactly like that, I'm sure, but it's not much better.)

I saw the London production last month and enjoyed the central performance of Sam West, and Tom Goodman-Hill and Tim Pigott-Smith both had their moments, and I appreciated the "gimmicks" (which is what they are) because they distracted me from the dullness of the play itself. Sam West delivered the final speech brilliantly, but I couldn't even remember what he said five minutes after the show ended, let alone now. For some reason on the way home all I could think of was a line from The History Boys - (misquoting again, probably) "It's sheer competence was staggering. It's not even bad, it's just boring."

But I'm aware that nearly everyone who has seen the play completely disagrees with this, so don't let me put you off. I just couldn't see what all the fuss/hype was about. Updated On: 4/9/10 at 10:02 AM

#23Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:08am

I was there last night as well. I was seated on the aisle and the elderly woman fainted and hit her head on the arm of the chair in front of me. She was ill and what's worse she suffered a nasty gash on the back of her head. People were very good about coming to her aid and the paramedics arrived sometime after. Her niece was standing next to me and she said she was feeling ill as well. She reported that others in her party where also starting to feel ill. I definitely attribute their sickness to either their meal or the stress of the situation working against them.

The show started 15-20 min late. The first act was messy and felt long. The second act was much stronger than the first. As previously reported above the audience reaction was tepid at best. Only one woman in the orchestra stood and I believe she was a friend of one of the ensemble members as she was screaming one of their names. There was also something odd going on with the speaker in front of me - part of the time you could hear faint voices from what sounded like a radio. The audience was very fidgety as well. People were coming and going all night.

I will probably give this show another chance later on in the run. It definitely felt like a first preview. That coupled with the pre-show raucous and the uneasy feeling in the house made for the oddest night at the theatre.

I do hope that woman and her family are okay. My thoughts to them.

mybigsplash Profile Photo
#24Who's going to ENRON tonight??
Posted: 4/9/10 at 10:25am

Blew. My. Mind.

I was there last night, And apart from the show needing some tightening up, I think August Osage is lucky this didn't open that year.

Stephen: "Could you grab me a coffee?" Me: "Would you like that with all the colors of the wind?"
