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Who is REALLY affected by the strike? Oh, those POOR tourists!- Page 6

Who is REALLY affected by the strike? Oh, those POOR tourists!

dented146 Profile Photo
#125re: Who is REALLY affected by the strike? Oh, those POOR tourists!
Posted: 11/11/07 at 9:41pm

I'm viewing this from the other coast. It's clear that if Local One prevails it would be good for all union members. I understand that the other stagehands have different contracts. But if Local One can't even get support from their fellow colleagues how do they expect other unions to react favorably?

Tkt2Ride Profile Photo
#126re: Who is REALLY affected by the strike? Oh, those POOR tourists!
Posted: 11/11/07 at 10:52pm

I'm a tourist and I am not offended because I know I am not one of those people. Though I also know with Tours (which I avoid like the plague but did it once for a friends sake), you are at the mercy of the guide if you don't know your surroundings. It is just difficult living in a big City that depends largely on tourism, et. all. So I take it as just blowing off some steam.

I also agree, at least in San Francisco, we have as much trouble from the locals as we do the tourist. I have heard people actually say they have the right to litter because it gives someone else a job! Stupid and ridiculous. Those who do that kind of work can't keep up with the ones who dump the trash out of their car windows or leave their garbage in the street gutters.

It is a shame that these tourist didn't read the newspapers. Once I knew that Local One's contract was expired, I knew we were living on borrowed time. Anyone here who bought a ticket, knowing a contract had not been reached, were gambling with their money. I only take their complaining as sour grapes.

Greekfan, I bet I can find a few Greeks who don't like tourists. Foreigners can be just as disrespectful or unrealistic as everyone else. That comment is also generalizing. I would like to say most tourist at least try to be nice though not everyone is or sometimes should be. Sometimes people's attitudes aren't that great or they take advantage of tourist in general. It does go both ways.

Mr. Roxy, I am technically a tourist too. I will come back to New York again. I believe workers have the right to strike. Where else can I go to see so many great shows in one location? This is entertainment. I care about people's ability to feed their families and I also believe that good Companies share the wealth. I also expect to get paid for my work. When I go to see a show, I want to go in knowing I am paying for everyone benefit.

Say whatever you want but I bet, when all the issues are out, most people completely understand why this strike was called and why it is so important, in America, to organize and expect to share the same rights and priviledges given to those who ask for the work to be done. Lot's of Union workers in this Country. Even more who know why we have the great benefits that we do. Because Union's are willing to fight for them. I appreciate all of their work.

I feel terrible for those affected by this work and I will send a check in to support the Union Strike fund. I rather right now support the workers than whine about missing a show. At least then I know my money is going where I feel most of it belongs. In the pockets of those who keep me entertained.


I read too that we have been paying into the Producer's strike fund with our ticket purchases. How disgusting. We really should get that money back. Or else I want to see the League cut a check to each of the Unions, making sure they got their share of the money since the strike is affecting both sides of the table not just them.
