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Which show would you pick

Playbill Profile Photo
#0Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:33pm

Out of the following, which show do you suggest I see next (and why)??

Little Shop of Horrors
Sly Fox
Avenue Q
The Boy From Oz

I'm leaning towards LSOH.

Thanks for your input!

HunterFosterIsMyGod Profile Photo
#1re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:35pm

Avenue Q. LSOH is good, but...Avenue Q is...FANTASTIC!

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#2re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:37pm

I only saw OZ & LSOH & liked both

I saw Sly Fox but back in the 70's with George C Scott & remember nothing as it over 30 years ago

Poster Emeritus

JoizeyActor Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:39pm

Little Shop, because it might not be around much longer and it's a really great show with a lot of talent.

Also, Avenue Q is excellent, and that will probably be around for a little longer than Little Shop, so at least you can probably see that on another occasion. Plus, you will probably get better seats with Little Shop!

#4re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:44pm

I second JoizyActor

BroadwayBound06 Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:46pm

BARE because it closes soon.

mominator Profile Photo
#6re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:47pm

Depends on what you want.
LSOH Was fun and the plant was awesome. Douglas Sills was a scream as the dentist.

Slyfox was good Peter Scolari and Bronson Pinchot stole the show.
Assassins was incredible theater and has a limited run at 54
Ave Q Have not seen this one yet (seeing it on the 21st) but the word is it is great and tons of fun! The OBC is wonderful.
BFO: well it is Hugh!! again I haven't seen it but that is on the list for July. Hugh just carries this show and has a ball doing it.

If you want GREAT theater that will leave you questioning I'd say ASSASSINS.
For a fun show LSOH!
Hope this helps!!
Let us know which one you pick!

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Elphie Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:48pm

I havent seen the show but if you really are a Sondheim fan, go see Assassins because it is only a limited engagement. I recommend personally LSOH- absolutly loved it and of course Avenue Q- which is the funniest show to ever step on Broadway. I saw Sly Fox and thought of it as good, but I felt I could see the same production at a community theatre and enjoy it just the same. There was nothing fabulous about it. And I heard to not see Boy from Oz if you have no clue about Peter Allen. Hope I helped!

"They hear drums. We hear music."

#8re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:49pm

Assassins, for a really intelligent musical with a great score.
Boy From Oz, for great performers making gold from hay. :)
Avenue Q, if you just wanna have fun.

It's worth remembering that Assassins is a limited run, and will end before BFO or Avenue Q.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#9re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 9:55pm

Out of your list, I've only seen Oz, which is really Hugh Jackman's show. Definitely worth seeing if you're willing to spring to get good seats and esp so you have bragging rights of seeing a Tony award winner (that's how confident I am of him winning). Otherwise, it seems like Little Shop has a good chance of getting better seats (for cheaper too - there are people all over Times Square handing out flyers for 1/2 price tickets). And I've only heard great things about Avenue Q.

Enjoy whatever you see, and make sure to post a review here! :)

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orchajaws Profile Photo
#10re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 10:30pm

See Avenue Q - it's brilliant. Funny, sweet, poignant...just overall a great night at the theatre.
"Boy From Oz"...or, excuse me "Hugh Jackman in Concert" is also good. But, go for Avenue Q.

Playbill Profile Photo
#11re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 10:31pm

Thanks, everyone, for your advice. I've decided on LSOH for tomorrow night! It's been quite a few months since I've seen a show (the last one was Wicked), so I'm really excited. Is there a long wait at the stagedoor after the show?

NYUstud Profile Photo
#12re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 10:47pm

AVenue Q and Assassins

"So much of me is made of what I learned from you. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart."-Wicked

Corine2 Profile Photo
#13re: re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 11:07pm

I have seen every show on your list except for Boy From Oz and Sly Fox.
Avenue Q would be my choice followed by Assassins.
Then The Normal Heart
Wonderful Town then Little Shop.
All of these shows are incredible you must also see Caroline Or Change I saw it twice at the Public Theater and I love it.
But Avenue Q is my favorite Musical this season actually it is perhaps my favorite musical ever. I also love Millie but have not seen it since Sutton left.
I saw Little Shop last week for my second time it is a lot of fun. Hunter and the doo wop girls and the Plant stole the show and I love Kerry Butler's voice even though she is meant to play elegant characters. Updated On: 5/4/04 at 11:07 PM

bwaybabe85 Profile Photo
#14re: re: re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 11:10pm

You'll probably have to wait long for Hunter and Doug, but the rest of the cast come out pretty quickly.

on1ystarinthesky Profile Photo
#15re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Which show would you pick
Posted: 5/4/04 at 11:39pm

bwaybabe is right. Kerry, the Urchin girls, and Rob come out rather quickly. Hunter and Doug will be a mighty long wait. Both times I went, Hunter was either the last one out or didn't come out at all.

It's a great show, though. You'll love it.

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