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Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?

Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#0Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:18pm

Of all the shows you know, which character do you relate to the most? It can only be one character. It can be someone of the opposite sex, too obviously. You may be like this person, or you may have been in a situation that this character has been in. Which character is this for you? Try to narrow it down to one. And broadwayguy- follow the rules!
The character I identify with the most is probably Nick Piazza from Fame, played by Gavin Creel. Nick is very serious minded, devoted, kind, talented, and he reaches for the stars. While very serious minded, he does have a funny side with his friends, and can be romantic. He's also very handsome-haha! Well, that is my musical theater alter-ego. Who is yours? Updated On: 7/27/03 at 07:18 PM

#1re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:24pm

I totally identify with Tracy Turnblad. I was such an outast in High School and such mean things said and done to me.

Not to mention Eponine... having a huge crush on some one and seeing them hook up with someone that you know. It sucked! Updated On: 7/27/03 at 07:24 PM

#2re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:26pm

For me it's Jamie in L5Y. I always make "concious deliberate mistakes".

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#3re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:31pm

I think that everyone at one point or another has experienced being an Eponine, a Tracy, or sometimes even a Jamie. Those are kind of universal things. Having someone you like hook up with someone else, being ridiculed, and being pressured and suffocated by a loved one.

#4re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:32pm

Billy, but in my case is was a best friend and was a VERY VERY complicated situation. Same with the ridiculed thing.

BillyLawlor Profile Photo
#5re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:35pm

Well, some cases are more complicated than others, but in general- those things have happened to most of us. re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?

#6re: re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:38pm

I know. i PMed you the story. I still hate reflecting on it.

Copeman knows it since I told him about it before.

Phantom05 Profile Photo
#7re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to t
Posted: 7/27/03 at 7:56pm

Actually, I can relate to Alfred in Dance of the Vampires! I can understand what it is like to lose a special girl to some other creepy guy. Ahhhhhhhh love triangles, THEY SUCK!!!!

See Ya!

Michael (Phantom05)

------- "We Drink Your Blood And Then We Eat Your Soul, Nothings Gonna Stop Us Let The Bad Times Roll" -------"Past The Point Of No Return, No Backward Glances, Abandon Thought And Let The Dream Begin"
Updated On: 7/27/03 at 07:56 PM

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#8re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to t
Posted: 7/27/03 at 8:15pm

I guess I probably relate most to Maria from Sound of Music and Baker's Wife from Into the Woods. Maria because she's young and going out into the world by herself, and though she's naive about a lot of things, she's able to pick herself up when she's confronted with a difficult situation. That and the fact that I Have Confidence is a good mantra. Baker's Wife because she's often the one who keeps her head and has to calm everyone down and decide how to resolve a situation.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

Amneris Profile Photo
#9re: re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to t
Posted: 7/27/03 at 8:32pm

Tracy Turnblad...because she wants something so bad and wont give up until she gets what she wants..she has mean things said to her left and right / is put down by others around her..untrue rumors said about her aka kathy shmink... but still won't let any of that get her down. Updated On: 7/27/03 at 08:32 PM

#10re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 8:49pm

Definitely Catherine in Proof. It's me down to every last bit. I was already crying after 10 minutes, and I was so embarrassed b/c I was in the first row. I've only seen it once's something that needs to be kept precious to me.

#11re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 9:29pm

Captain Hook in PETER PAN. He hates children as much as I do.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

#12re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/27/03 at 9:39pm

I would like to add Peter in Peter Pan -- I lived a long time among fairies, wear tights on a regular bais, come with my own batch of fairy dist (many jokes can be made there), I refuse to grow up (20, but look 13- I swear I hate it now but will love that in 15 years), and I can fly too!

#13re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/28/03 at 1:41pm

J Pierrepont Finch....I'm a clever guy who's always looking to get the easy way outta things, etc. Although Hines from The Pajama Game and/or the guy from The Man Who Came to Dinner are also similar as I tend to crack one-liners almost every chance I get.

#14re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/28/03 at 2:02pm

Cathy - The Last Five Years. We both get screwed over in the Romance department and have emotional issues


Baker - Into the Woods I always need my wife-ly figure to make my decisions for me and tell me what to do. I would be helpless without my fag hags, yes Farin I am talking about you.

#15re: re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you relate to the most?
Posted: 7/28/03 at 2:06pm

Fag Hags are the best. I think I need a new one though. I wonder if Marissa Winokur is available... she has to be the best hag a fag ever had.

Copeman63 Profile Photo
#16re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you
Posted: 7/28/03 at 2:22pm

I'm relating a lot to Amneris right now... My boyfriend keeps making decisions to keep us apart and I feel like I've had my blinders on the whole time and now it kinda just hit me in the face. I'm waiting to walk out from behind a wall and have a crowd of people gasp at me, haha. I'd also relate to Millie, I'm from Colorado and my entire family (Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles) live in the same zip code. I not only moved out of the zip code, but I moved to NYC not knowing anyone. I had more than Millie's suitcase though, I had a 15 foot truck that I had to unload by myself at midnight!

If Lincoln were alive today, do you think he'd be pleased with his tunnel?

#18re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you
Posted: 7/28/03 at 3:25pm

Sometimes Mark in Rent. I feel like the center of attention but I watch everyone fall and suffer cause I'm hiding out.

#19re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway Character do you
Posted: 7/28/03 at 4:10pm

Yeah I forgot Amneris!

Add her to my list. "I Know the Truth" and "See Im Smiling" would be my TV Theme Songs if there was a show about me. I also love shopping so when I stroll through AE or Abercrombie sometimes I hum MSS to myself.

Im also alot like Cliff in Cabaret b/c I lead a very sheltered life. 2 weeks ago I saw my first gay couple holding hands for god sakes. NY does things to you

scooter38432 Profile Photo
#20Which Musical Theater/Broadway
Posted: 7/28/03 at 4:13pm

Let's see...

Do I pick Fosca, Sweeney Todd, Mrs. Lovett, or The Witch?

: )

My true answer would be Leo Blum in THE PRODUCERS.

Itty Bitty Geisha? Toyland? Gypsy Pasadoble? Just a few popular favorites...

sabrelady Profile Photo
#21re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway
Posted: 7/28/03 at 7:54pm

Sadly the one I always ID'd with was Sheila from Chorus Line. Not cos of the family situation tho that wasn't GREAT but the voluptuary who distances herself emotionally and when she does "expose" her vunerability, gets exactly what she always feared. Disposed of. Not good enough. But on a happier note "Everything Is Beautiful At the Ballet...."

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#22re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway
Posted: 7/28/03 at 9:24pm

A couple characters actually:

Tracy: I am definately an outcast in school- people think I' shall I say this....strange- because I don't listen to pop and rap and everything- because I'm obsessed with Broadway and theatre and such (yea...I get made fun sucks lol)

Eponine: I like one of my best friends from camp- he hooked up with another one of my friends this sucked....

Hmmm....I guess thats it. hehe

luluhed Profile Photo
#23re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway
Posted: 7/28/03 at 11:36pm

Hedwig Schmidt

(without the surgery!) Updated On: 7/28/03 at 11:36 PM

TheaterBaby Profile Photo
#24re: re: re: re: Which Musical Theater/Broadway
Posted: 7/28/03 at 11:50pm

In some ways I feel like Charity Hope Valentine. Not that I'm a prostitute; but I always have that fear of being stuck doing something I hate for the rest of my life when I know there are better things out there.

Of course I can relate to Tracy (I think most of us can). I was not the most popular in HS, not the thinnest, not the prettiest....but I could dance. LOL

"It's the little things; the details, that distinguish the Barbra Streisands from the Rosalyn Kinds."~Gilmore Girls~
