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When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACTLY as Original or Rethought?

When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACTLY as Original or Rethought?

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#0When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACTLY as Original or Rethought?
Posted: 10/10/04 at 6:52pm

I think Classic Musicals are Classic for a reason. Too many times, changes are made to make a production "better" while all they are doing is diluting the mix.

If material entertained in the 1940s or 1950s, why can't same material entertain today?

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#1re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACTLY as Original or Rethought?
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:21pm

It depends. There have been some great re-workings of classics. Indeed, not just re-thinking, but improvements have been made on some; for instance, "Carousel" and "Cabaret".

mominator Profile Photo
#2re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:24pm

I have a question for you Mary Ethel... Why do you keep posting these stupid questions?

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#3re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:25pm

Hi Nystate... :)

Just curious--how do you think CAROUSEL was improved? :)

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

#4re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:33pm

I don't think Mary Ethel's questions are stupid (and I love you dearly Mominator :) At least they're provocative and about something other than Brooklyn, Wicked, etc..... IMO, these are opportunities to discuss Broadway history, which we don't do nearly enough on this board.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

Glebb Profile Photo
#5re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:34pm

My feelings are similar to Nystate. I had only seen the film of CAROUSEL and never really cared for it. The National Theatre production was mesmerizing, from the moment I sat in my seat. I also liked the Sir Kenneth MacMilan choreography better than DeMille's.

Again I did not see original CABARET, but the Roundabout production was among my favorite shows ever. Same with NINE and I had seen that original.

Maybe it has a lot to do with our being less innocent than we were when these shows originated?

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#6re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:37pm

Hey Glebb, :)

Your point about society today versus "innocence" is well taken. I will have to give that some serious thought. :)

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

Glebb Profile Photo
#7re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:40pm

"If I got that message through on time I'm telling you, those two kids would be alive today!"

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#8re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:44pm

So Glebb, :)

When are you "goin' back"? :)

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

Glebb Profile Photo
#9re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 7:45pm

To where I can be me?

" ...the happiness in the tune convinces me that I'm not afraid."

#10re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 8:28pm

I'll be honest, to today's audiences, classic musicals are boring. Broadway is different now than it was 50 years ago. Today, everything is about lights and costumes and special effects. If you produced a carbon-copy of the original CAROUSEL (for example), the show would not have a good audience with the younger generations. However, if you modernize it, while still keeping it the same, it could be a hit. However, you cannot over-modernize the show, just look at the new Fiddler. Keep the show the same, but make it more "accessible" to the younger crowd.

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#11re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 8:51pm


Are you an attorney? :)

In my opinion, you argued BOTH sides of that question brilliantly!!!

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

Taryn Profile Photo
#12re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 8:53pm

Where's the interest in creating a carbon copy of a past production? I think the beauty of revivals is that they can become rethought and given a different spin. And sometimes it can work beautifully, like with Cabaret.

dry2olives Profile Photo
#14re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 10:20pm

If the authors are still alive then no changes can be made without their approval. If the authors approve, then go for it.

However, if the authors are in musical theatre heaven, I think the script should be frozen as they wrote it. Interpret the script all you like, but do not change the authors' words and music.

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#15re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/10/04 at 11:57pm

Well, certain classic musicals can't work with today's sensibilites. For example, there's a reason why we haven't seen Finian's Rainbow in a LONG time. And other musicals do get dated, despite having great songs.

The images that resonated in the original productions may not resonate with today's audiences. New directors, choreographers, and other creative aspects put their own touches to make certain elements relevant once more. For many audience members, rethought revivals are the first productions of these musicals that they've ever seen. Even aside from the movie productions of many. As already mentioned, the NT/LCT production of "Carousel" was MUCH preferred over the movie version of it.

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#16re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:00am

Excellent point, Kiss...

The BROADWAY production of FINIAN'S RAINBOW opened in 1947.

The FILM version was released in 1968; and many critics were uncomfortable with the "civil rights" issues raised by the film.

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

kissmycookie Profile Photo
#17re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:05am

The book for the recent revival of Flower Drum Song was significantly updated by David Henry Hwang. I wasn't sure how I liked the revision of Mei Li fleeing persecution from the Communists, but it made the show more relevant in some aspects.

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#18re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 12:11am

Well, I thought the 1958 FLOWER DRUM SONG was just fine and NEEDED NO TAMPERING. Revival also gave songs to different characters to sing and trashed old/new generation theme--which was a BIG part of the original story.

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

#19re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 1:59pm

Well certain shows would simply lose the point if they were changed too much. For example MY FAIR LADY. I don't think it would work at all were it set to present-day London. So with some shows you can change sets and costumes, but giving it the same 'twist' as Sam Mendes gave CABARET or Walter Bobbie did to CHICAGO...

But then why bother doing it at all if you're going to copy the original production all the way? There has been some fantastic revivals in the recent past honoring the original productions but finding their own way, like THE KING AND I and Harold Prince's SHOW BOAT. I don't know how much of The King And I was different from the original G.Lawrence production, but Show Boat was very differed from the original production (and previous revivals) because it had some of the numbers deleted ("Hey, Feller!") and some lost treasures added ("Misery's comin' around") and the concept of some numbers changed ("Why do I love you?" from Magnolia/Ravenal duet --> Parthy's ballad to her newborn granddaughter).

I think revivals should give the audience something new.

wildparty20 Profile Photo
#20re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 3:22pm

I think that there can be things done to a production to make it new and exciting for audiences without really "changing" the show. For example... I loved what they did with the recent revival of KISS ME KATE. The orchestrations were updated as well as the vocal arrangements. Just doing that I think made the show much more accessable to a modern audience. They didn't touch the script (to my knowledge). The choreography and set design was done in a modern way and integrated into the show beautifully.

On the other hand, other shows that have been really overhauled, like ANNIE GET YOUR GUN, I don't think would have had a modern revival life if they hadn't been changed or "updated." I mean AGYG had things in it that are pretty offensive to today's audiences. If you have the blessing of original creators or their estates, I think it is acceptable to update these shows in script or organization. I would rather see a newer version that the general public can get excited about and have these wonderful songs still in our collective consciousness than have the show and songs disappear for all eternity. To do this though, I think you need a team that is incredibly respectful to the original work and is willing to keep the integrity of that work and not create a show that is absolutely nothing like the original (which is what I think has happened with many revivals of ANYTHING GOES, let's say). I hate it when songs by the same composers but from another show are inserted into a show.

That's all I have to say about that. Anyone else agree or disagree?

From the evil she done Lord Set her free, Set her free, Set me free Don't let my sorrow Make evil of me

#21re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 3:26pm

Just an observation - I think reading through this thread gives answer enough to the validity of the question.

Mary_Ethel Profile Photo
#22re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 3:35pm


I agree about SHOW BOAT 1000% percent. Prince took THE ULTIMATE CLASSIC and WITHOUT SACRIFICING ONE BIT OF INTEGRITY, made it as new and exciting for theater-goers today as it was in 1927.

By the way, have you ever read Miles Kruger's wonderful SHOW BOAT book?

"I say YOU'RE the CUTEST one. No, I say YOU'RE the CUTEST One. And we go on like that from dawn to three."

dry2olives Profile Photo
#23re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 4:53pm

Why should a show from 1947 or 1927 or whenever be revised so that it's relevant today? We have shows from today that are written to be relative today. A work of art is a product of its time. Audiences should be able to see an old musical in the context of when it was created.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#24re: When a Classic Musical is Revived, Do You Think It Should Be Done EXACT
Posted: 10/11/04 at 4:57pm

I don't think there's a clear cut answer: there are examples of both trains of thought working splendidly. In the end, art is about taking risks, not all of which will work. Interpreting an already existing work has to take those same risks.
