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What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??- Page 4

What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??

N2N Nate. Profile Photo
N2N Nate.
#75What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/25/13 at 9:25pm

Not sure if you guys saw this but:

So Lauren Bacall me, anything goes! *wink*

forgetmenotnyc Profile Photo
#76What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/28/13 at 12:55am

I don't think that this revival had a very stylish period feel. "N.Y.C." didn't seem like that much of a love letter to the city that it could/should have been? Scenically, the original had that cool swinging girl neon sign. What vintage clever things did this revival uncover & share with us like that? The treadmills from the original prod. were handled very well & thus were greatly missed in my humble opinion. Those pillars in Warbucks mansion needed to be curved a little - their flatness seemed really un-inventive ugly. Not up to proper high standards. Faith Prince made a much better Miss Hannigan than Katie Finneran. Warlow & Thorell were top notch. I found the orphans or Grace Farrell (no marcelled wig?) charmless & once again not steeped with period sensibility. The whole recent revival just kinda came off as potential not fully tapped.
Updated On: 10/28/13 at 12:55 AM

Patash Profile Photo
#77What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/28/13 at 8:57am

I said this a few months ago and got raked over the coals, but once you've seen Annie by a decent community or regional theatre with many 15 or 20 orphans, this version (albeit maybe the same as the original) just doesn't cut it with 5 orphans. Hannigan doing Little Girls when the place literally is "crawling" with the little creatures is so much more effective than just a couple of them. And 15 orphans doing Hard Knock Life is just so much bigger and more fun than 5 or 6 of them, even if the 15 are not quite so talented.

Besides, the current revival just didn't have any really cohesive "style" to it, as many have said.

I loved the laundry show curtain, but it just seemed to go downhill from there.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#78What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/28/13 at 11:13am

What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??

I enjoyed this revival but I only had the movies to compare it to. I had the OBCR on 33 when I was little as well as the Annie movie doll but had never truly experienced the cut songs until this revival. That's what made it magical for me. I've seen it twice and both times I missed Lilla. I liked Halley (Hailey?) well enough and thought Warlow was great. I found Faith Prince to be a better Hannigan than Jane Lynch I think I prefer Kirsten Wyatt as Lily. I liked both Brynn O'Malley and Jenni Barber and don;r prefer one over the other.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

#79What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/29/13 at 1:49pm

From all the broadwayguy/dramamamma drama here, it seems maybe Broadway message board would do well to add a feature that is used on the TCM (Turner Classic Movie) message board. Anyone can push an "ignore member" symbol and voila! you no longer see any of thst individual's posts. That would sure cut down on all the nastiness that seems so prevalent here. Respectful differences of opinion are one thing, but the personal attacks that go on here so often seem so unnecessary.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#80What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/29/13 at 3:34pm

This site does have an ignore feature. It's been a hot topic of discussion for the last couple of months.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#81What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/29/13 at 5:19pm

OH! My bad. I got scolded previously for not researching threads before making some comments - guess I did it again....

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#82What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/29/13 at 6:24pm

THat and you are referring to a conversation that happened back in June -- which was before the ability to ignore was available. (And a feature I now use quite a bit.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#83What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/30/13 at 8:57am

Well in my defense, this board does not make the ignore function obvious or easy. On the TCM board the words "ignore member" are right there on every single post. I also have to admit as one who only looks in here occasionlly, tht once i start looking at a thread, as in this one on "annie"' i honestly flip through the posts fairly quickly and don't, and in this case didn't, even notice the dates of the posts. Lesson learned. But Dramamamma - if this bwayguy really is 17 as someone here posits, he's a teenager and as you work with kids that age for a living - you KNOW how contentious they can be. LOL . I'm suprised you bothered arguing with him at all.

#84What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/30/13 at 9:44am

PS. Admittedly beating a dead horse - as I thought about it for a minute - "ignore member" isn't exactly a topic it would have occurred to me to research before threading, something I wanted to be more careful about - having been criticized not long ago for not doing. OK - sorry - done with the topic.

OperaBwayLover Profile Photo
#85What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/30/13 at 7:05pm

Too bad this couldn't have been a legit thread like the interesting "What Was Wrong with the West Side Story Revival?" thread. I was interested in hearing everyone's opinions about the show and a friendly debate.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#86What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/30/13 at 11:43pm

Nothing other than it has been revived to death.

The kid in Anniie Warbucks may have been the best to ever play the role.

Poster Emeritus

allofmylife Profile Photo
#87What was wrong with the new Annie Revival??
Posted: 10/31/13 at 4:14am

It lost me with the cheesy orchestrations. The original show (and I saw it just after it opened) was SOOOO good. That band was smokin' and the arrangements sounded utterly 1930s. THIS version sounds like Vegas flash and way too systhesizered.
