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What show do you regret seeing the most?- Page 3

What show do you regret seeing the most?

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#50re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:26pm

CHICAGO and SPRING AWAKENING when Kyle joined the cast.

Scripps2 Profile Photo
#51re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:36pm

Thank you for your response Commasplice - I see where you're coming from now.

uncageg Profile Photo
#52re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:43pm

I don't know if it is so much "regret" but I would have to say "Hot Feet". I am a HUGE Earth, Wind & Fire fan. I have seen the original group in concert several times and own all of their music. So I had to see the show. I was already afriad going in knowing who wrote and choreographed the show. But I went. And I have to say, it was the worst show I have seen on Broadway. What a hot mess.

Just give the world Love.

Ftworthguy Profile Photo
#53re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 1:52pm

Most shows I don't regret seeing. Even if I didn't enjoy it, I'm usually glad I saw it and appreciated SOMETHING about it. However, I HATED "Dancing at Lugnasa" -- I remember thinking, "It won the Tony, it HAS to get better!" BLAH!

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#54re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 4:08pm

Les Mis was just too long. I regretted that one. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#55re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 5:20pm

The Crucible. I didn't see much of it though since I slept through almost the whole thing.

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!

mlsheehan Profile Photo
#56re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 5:34pm

On Broadway - Miss Saigon. Many in the audience actually laughed at the critical moment, and I thought, "Thank God! Now, I can leave this hell hole." It was a painful and quite horrible performance.

Touring - Fame: The Musical. It was, without a doubt, the worst professional production I've ever witnessed in over 30 years of theater going.

crc03772 Profile Photo
#57re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 6:32pm

Hands down...Altar Boyz...that has to be the most atrocious thing i've EVER seen and i've seen some pretty crappy shows, but that show made me regret even going to the theatre that nigh, even to the point that I didn't want to go with my friend to the stagedoor after...NEVER again...

kazacalo Profile Photo
#58re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 7:34pm

Caroline or Change and Movin Out(& I love Billy Joel and like dance)

April Saul
#59re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 7:45pm

Mary Poppins...boring!
November....just not funny!
Festen....a real bomb!
A Chorus Line...current production, I paid top dollar but should have just kept my memories of the original, which I saw as a teenager with Donna McKechnie!
Top tedious, even after I studied for it!
Some Americans Abroad...Second Stage should do better than this!

winston89 Profile Photo
#60re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 9:15pm

I honestly don't regret seeing anything on Broadway. Sure, there are things that I don't like but I do regret seeing them. I like being able to say that I saw particular shows just for the sake of being able to say that I saw them.

I would have to say that my only regret in the theatre is walking out of the revival of Company at intermission because I was very sick and it was a stupid move of me to try to leave the house that day. And never getting around to go seeing it before it closes.

I regret being in the mezz for Sweeney Tood the day after I found out I needed glasses and wasn't able to see a thing. Got a major headache just trying to look at the actors and the stage. Never got around to going back before it closed.

However I do not regreat seeing shows like I said before.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

haddaddy3 Profile Photo
#61re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 9:19pm

The Producers and Legally Blonde

You look absolutely terrific, honestly.

musicaltheatrefan3 Profile Photo
#62re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 9:38pm

Nothing that I've seen on Broadway that I regret EVER seeing, but I didn't really need to see "Footloose" and "Grease" both twice.

#63re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 9:45pm

I regret being in the mezz for Sweeney Tood the day after I found out I needed glasses and wasn't able to see a thing.


Guess you don't have your glasses on now either. re: What show do you regret seeing the most?

Don't believe everything that you hear! Only the peeps involved know the truth!
Updated On: 9/3/08 at 09:45 PM

little_sally Profile Photo
#64re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/3/08 at 9:53pm

Well, I didn't need to see Dirty Rotten Scoundrels a second time.

But other than that, every show I've seen I've seen because I had a desire to do so. There were some bad ones (i.e. Threepenny Opera revival, Les Liasions Dangerouses revival, The Woman in White, et al) but I don't regret seeing them.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#65re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 12:31am

Baz Luhrmann's LA BOHEME.
What a waste of 3 hours and a hundred bucks.

Loved Cyndi Lauper but THREEPENNY OPERA robbed me, too.

Foolish boy.

murron Profile Photo
#66re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 3:51am

Altar Boyz. I didn't think sitting in a theatre could be that painful. My brain must have died in the second minute of the show though..

#67re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 8:59am

I didn't care for "By Jeeves" and "Grease", but I never regret seeing any show because my personal motto is: "A Bad Day on Broadway is better than a Good Day at Home!"

Weez Profile Photo
#68re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 9:49am

See, you'd think a bad day in the West End is better than a good day at home, and I am the sort of person to treat each experience as having some value, even if the value is just "well, I'm glad I'll never see anything that bad again!". But 'Absurd Person Singular' was just so terrible that I had to rethink my whole "regret nothing with regards to seeing shows" outlook. So in that regard, I suppose it did have a little value there...

#69re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 10:02am

The Lion King tour. I wanted to leave at intermission, but I was with people.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Taryn Profile Photo
#70re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 10:19am

With Phylicia Rashad and Terrence Howard? I thought this was wonderful! It was like watching a class on acting it was so well done!

I almost don't know how to respond to that, I found it so horrible. IMO, it was completely misdirected to be some sort of comedy. The only bearable aspect I found was Anika Noni Rose. Trust me, I was thoroughly horrified that such a great cast had been directed so badly when they should have been able to make such an amazing production.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#71re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 12:37pm

I regret seeing the recent Oklahoma revival, but mainly for the reason that I was given the choice of seeing that or the original cast of Thoroughly Modern Millie.

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

#72re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 1:06pm

Little Mermaid....i loved the movie so much when I was a kid, and I still do, but the show was just painful.

And Spamalot, to an extent. I was so excited to see it, heard so many great things, and waited nearly 2 years after opening, so I guess I was little too over-hyped. When I finally saw it, I was extremely underwhelmed.

Pocketsquared Fanadu Profile Photo
Pocketsquared Fanadu
#73re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 1:19pm

'Thou Shalt Not'
'Sweet Smell of Success'
'Bells are Ringing' (Faith Prince basically was channeling Lucille Ball, but in 'The Lucy Show', not 'I Love Lucy')

The last vampire is the mother of all vampires and that is the vampire of despair. It'll wake you up at 4am to say things like: Who do you think you are kidding? You look like a fool! No matter how hard you try, you'll never be good enough! Why is it that if some dude walked up to me on the subway platform and said these things, I'd think he was a mentally ill as-h-le, but if the vampire inside my head says it,It's the voice of reason! DIE VAMPIRE, DIE--[SUSAN in tos]

#74re: What show do you regret seeing the most?
Posted: 9/4/08 at 6:49pm

As others have said, I think "regret" might be too strong of a word...but I do recall doing some spring cleaning a while ago and finding a Playbill for "Aspects of Love", and my first thought was "My God, I paid money to see that?"
